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Posts posted by kofo

  1. Even if you get your 10 year green card, you might have problems later when you apply for citizenship. Read this article. http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/254908-n400-denied-based-on-prior-i-751-divorce/

    I believe that you need to re-apply again with divorce waiver.

    Good luck!

    Oh my god how scary!!

    however, this guy got his final divorce paper before he get an answer for his pending 751

    in my case i will most likely get the answer before my divorce is final

    if you have time can you please read this and let me know what do you think


  2. This is not true. It is not fraud to continue with a jointly-filed ROC. It is not true that just because divorce is filed, they must do divorce waiver. USCIS policy clearly says that jointly-filed ROC can be approved even if in the process of divorce or separation, as long as they are still married at that time and can show the marriage was originally bona fide, and both people willingly attend the interview if there is one.

    I have been trying to find where is said that for hours , an attorney told me that also, but i cant seem to find it ...

    also by any chance , do you know what if she decided not to show up for the interview , i know i can change it to wavier 751 at the time

    but that is about it right ?

    because i do not think she would attend since she is trying to steal my money and there is going to be some fights over it

  3. Very glad that things are clearer for you now! If you can- please post back with updates about your process. The more experiences that are documented the better.

    You can add on to this thread as you go or start a new one (just dont start one every time something happens lol)

    I was about to find an attorney and file new 751

    first guy advised me to not do so, he said if you want to change to 751 with waiver then you should have divorce decree with you (and it looks like its going to be good fight before i get divorce decree)

    so i met with another 2 lawyers , all 3 said its best for me to wait until i get replay from USCIS about whats next

    if approved before divorce is final, then there is nothing to worry about

    if asked for an interview then i can go alone to the interview and change it to waiver 751

    if divorce was final before any updates then i should notify them about divorce and change it to waiver

    and all 3 told me i need to think and make decision since it MIGHT give me issue when its time to get US citizenship

    so i am really so confused again.

  4. But dont you need the divorce decree to file for 751 with waiver

    as far as i know they will give 87 days to provide divorce decree and i do not think i will have it on time since it looks like its going to be a long fight.

    Also i do not think they advised me for fraud, there is nothing say about letting the USCIS know about divorce unless its final

    even though one side filed for divorce we are still working on fixing it and we might end up not getting divorce anyway

    did you get chance to look at the link ? i think it explain a lot about that but i cant be sure.

  5. Hello

    I filed for joint 751 on August 2015
    got into problems with wife and moved out in September

    tried to fix relationship , didnt work

    filed for divorce on November 2015

    now what?

    i have talked to few immigration attorneys it seems like every one have different idea

    however, 3 of them have told me i should just wait until divorce get final (which still need another 5 month or something) or i get approved for 10 years green card, or i get asked for interview where i can go in with my wife but i will go by my self and ask the officer to change it to wavier 751

    what do you guys think?

    i am not really knowing if i should let them know that we failed for divorce

    is it true that you can not file for 751 with waiver unless you have final divorce decree ?

    someone provided me with this , but my poor English did not really help me to really understand

    can someone read it and let me know

    what i got is basically if the divorce is not final yet but we are legally separated then i do not need to let them know and i cant be just denied because of that

    can some one help me understand more ?

    here is the link


    thank you

  6. Hello

    i hope everyone is having happy new year that is much better than mine

    I filed to remove condition on my green card 751 on September 2015 , did my bio on October 2015
    at the time i had happy life with my wife with small issues

    problems start to get a lot worse until i caught her cheating on me

    had so much issues and i tried HARD to save our marriage but it didnt work
    we have been married for 2 and half years but she filled for divorce and served me the papers on Dec 2015 and i have 30 days to replay

    i was reading on the internet and talked to 3 lawyers trying to find out what i need to do but every one is saying something different and confusing me

    she just filed for divorce and divorce is not final , i know for fact that it will take at least 3 - 4 month and maybe more
    what do you think i need to do ?

    should i file another 751 telling them we are getting divorce ?
    should i wait until the divorce is final ? (my wife and i are both crazy in love, we just had big issues out of hand and she did bad stuff, but who knows we might withdraw the divorce case and we might go back together, small chance but possible)
    should i just wait to see if they are going to ask for interview or not (i have had A LOT of evidence filed with my application, at least 15 different document and so many photos )
    if i am going to apply for citizen based on 5 years green card would any of this affect me ?

    do i need lawyer for any of this ? i talked to 3 , each one said something completely different and i dont know which one saying the truth and which one want my money

    i am really going through bad times, any help will be good at this point

    thank you

  7. i need to ask this ... is it important to get 2 way ticket if i am going to USA with tourist visa ??

    or its ok to get one way ticket ??

    An airline will not sell you a one-way ticket to the US without the appropriate visa (tourist visa is NOT an appropriate visa to allow this). At the very minimum, you'll have to purchase the round-trip (2-way) ticket and end up not using the return portion. :thumbs:

    i can get one way ticket using the E ticket system ...

    100% i can get the one way ...

  8. good day

    i need to ask this ... is it important to get 2 way ticket if i am going to USA with tourist visa ??

    or its ok to get one way ticket ??

    the reason is :

    i am planing to go home ... but ... i am ship captain ... and i have contract to work on the ship ... so i can get free ticket from where ever i am to the where ever the ship was ...

    so i don't want to buy ticket to go to the airport in my country so there i will take another plane to go to the ship ...

    so if i buy one way ticket i will save like 1000$ and i will leave from us using the ticket from my job ...

    so i will have the job contract with me ... if yes i can use the one way ... should o bring other papers with me ??

  9. good day

    i need to ask this ... is it important to get 2 way ticket if i am going to USA with tourist visa ??

    or its ok to get one way ticket ??

    Are you planning on returning to your home country????

    If the answer is yes, then you are going to need a flight ticket to get you home. If the answer is NO then you will need a visa to enter the US other than a tourist visa.

    man ... i wish i can understand why there is some guys such as u trying to make them self a police man and trying to protect the countries from the illegals immigrations .... any way ... yes i am planing to go home ... but ... i am ship captain ... and i have contract to work on the ship ... so i can get free ticket from where ever i am to the where ever the ship was ...

    so i don't want to buy ticket to go to the airport in my country so there i will take another plane to go to the ship ...

    so if i buy one way ticket i will save like 1000$ and i will leave from us using the ticket from my job ...

  10. ok ... the story again is ...

    i am syrian ... and the us visa is like a dream for me when i am single 23 year old syrian ... but i tryed to get it ...

    and they did give it to me .... i will take my passport from the embassy after 24 hour

    but ,... i write in the application i want to stay 1 month in usa ... i thought that would help and give me more chances to get the visa

    but i want to stay more than 1 month

    so ... i am afraid that they will give me 1 month visa :(

    so i am asking if there is such a thing or not ...

  11. well ... yes i did the interview and my passport right now are with the embassy .... they will give it to me tomorow with the visa on it .... but i cant wait to know what i will get so i can plane what i will do ....

    and i don't want to go to usa more than 1 time ... but i want to stay for maybe 5 - 6 month ... i put one month in the application because i thought that i will never get the visa and maybe if i said one month that will help me more to get it ...

  12. It sounds like the OP is wanting to run a small business while being a tourist. Come buy things , take them home, come back again. Then the right visa is a B1 not a B2.

    I can't see where you're getting this assumption from.....

    Am I missing something???

    hehehehe yeah that what i was going to say ...

    i still didnt get any good answer

    u guys think if i got that crazy visa ... is there is a chance that i will stay in us for like only 1 month as i put in the application ??

    or i cant stay more ??

  13. well ... i didn't get the visa yet so i cant know anything yet

    thats why i am afraid ... i want to know what u guys think ...

    is it going to be for duration of 2 years ... which that mean i can stay in usa for 6 month ??

    or maybe they will give me 1 month visa because i put in application that i will stay only 1 month in usa ??

    i mean if i got the Tourist Visas is it sure 100% that i can stay for 6 month in usa ?????

  14. good day all

    pleaseeeeee i need ur help in this

    about the Tourist Visas ... is there is more than 1 kind ??

    like is it all for 2 years ?? or maybe there is spacial cases for middle east people ??

    i mean like the Tourist Visas generally its a visa for 2 years ( i can use if in the next 2 years) is that right ??

    or maybe there is other Tourist Visas ??

    and how much i can stay in usa with Tourist Visa ??

    if it is 6 month as i know ... can i to go out of usa for like week or 2 and then come back to usa again with da same visa ?? or i will need new visa ??

    pleassssssssssse i need this information very soon ... if any one can help

    thank you

  15. oh my god

    oh my god

    JUST TODAY some one called me from the us embassy and told me to go to them on Monday with my passport at 9:00 AM

    is that mean that they i will get it on Monday ??

    and about the interview ... i take contracts for my job with me ... and the man asked me what i will do ... i told him that i will be the best man in my first cousin wedding ... and have invation letter from him with a scan of his passport ...

    and he asked me if i want to work in us ... i said no ... coz i am happy with my job

    i think if there is something make it more easy it was that i am ship captain and i have seaman passport ...

    i think that was the main reason ....

    everything was easy about the interview ... just take the needed papers and it will be all great ...

    i think this time ... is the best time ever to try to get the visa ....

  16. good day all

    i need you guys in something

    i just did an interview at the us embassy in Syria for visit visa

    after the interview they give me a yallow paper and they said that they will call me back

    and there is a mark on this paper on the section (administrative processing is required)

    i need to know what that mean

    do i get the visa or no ??

    what is the chances for taking the visa ??

    is it just routine security check or i its still mean that i didn't get it ??

    please i really need to know now ...

    because i would be the best man in my cousin wedding so if i cant get the visa and i cant go i need to tell him

  17. good day all

    i need you guys in something

    i just did an interview at the us embassy in Syria for visit visa

    after the interview they give me a yallow paper and they said that they will call me back

    and there is a mark on this paper on the section (administrative processing is required)

    i need to know what that mean

    do i get the visa or no ??

    what is the chances for taking the visa ??

    is it just routine security check or i its still mean that i didn't get it ??

    please i really need to know now ...

    because i would be the best man in my cousin wedding so if i cant get the visa and i cant go i need to tell him

  18. good day all

    i need you guys in something

    i just did an interview at the us embassy in Syria for visit visa

    after the interview they give me a yallow paper and they said that they will call me back

    and there is a mark on this paper on the section (administrative processing is required)

    i need to know what that mean

    do i get the visa or no ??

    what is the chances for taking the visa ??

    is it just routine security check or i its still mean that i didn't get it ??

    please i really need to know now ...

    because i would be the best man in my cousin wedding so if i cant get the visa and i cant go i need to tell him

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