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mrs. wife!

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Status Updates posted by mrs. wife!

  1. Oie tdo bem?

    Por aqiu ta tdo indo e vc? Ja acostumou a morar aqui ou ainda sente saudades do BR? Eu sinto saudade tdo dia... mas fazer o q ne? rs

    Bom, espero q esteja tdo bem e me escreve =)

  2. Q maravilha! Mantenha contato querida! Boa sorte na sua nova vida =)

  3. Welcome home!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Como foi seu POE?

  4. Ai q bom! Fico feliz q foi rapido assim! Vc nem esperou tanto, eu cheguei la as 8 e so fui entrevistada as 13:30!!! Tive ate q sair pro almoco e voltar... um horror! Mas ja passou e deu tdo certo!

    Qdo vc embarca?

    Bjao e parabens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I got the Green Card!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Moleza


      Oi!! My fiancee got her visa today, I'd like to keep in touch! I added you.

    3. Me and You Us

      Me and You Us

      Pois e, na verdade eu nao troquei, foi automatico desde que o K3 passou a nao existir, e me beneficiou, pq pelo Henry nao iriamos mudar nao,na demora completamos 2 anos e passamos pro IR1, meu GC ate 2020...porem terei que trocar por conta da mudanca de nome de casada, espero que seja tao rapido qto esse.Faz parte!!! Beijos otimo fim-de-semana pra vc.

    4. Me and You Us

      Me and You Us

      Hello!!! How is everything there? Wish you a great week!


  6. Finally got the Welcome letter!!!!!!!!!!! Actually 2 of them!



      WOW! Congratulations! :)

    2. estrellademiel
    3. Keysersoze


      It's weird USCIS sent my wife's greencard via Priority mail, there was even a confirmation number on it! How nice of them!

  7. USCIS said they mailed my GC and USPS returned it as 'undeliverable' (????). USCIS said they re-posted last Tuesday. I talked to the mail lady and she said she never returned any of my mail to USCIS. Mr. Octopus, where is my Green Card? Was it swalloed by the black hole in the galaxy?

    1. RPS


      I'm soooo sorry, what a pain in the rear!!! If it's any consolation, my husband got his passport stolen on the way to his interview. I'm back in Rome and anxiously awaiting his new passport. I'm thinking I will go with him this time :)

    2. mrs. wife!

      mrs. wife!

      Oh no!!! I'm so sorry! Was he able to have the interview or they had to cancel?

      I'm so sorry dear! Hope he receives his new passport soon so you guys can be done with this process for good =)

  8. Getting really annoyed!

    1. Keysersoze


      I got my welcome notice today

  9. Where are my documents??????? It's been a month and 5 days I POEd!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Keysersoze


      May 28. When you call request for 2nd escalation, they will help you, give them your alien registration number that is printed on your visa.

    3. mrs. wife!

      mrs. wife!

      Thank you, I'll try to figure this out. So annoying!

    4. Keysersoze


      Did you call?

  10. Hey, I'n good. How are you doing? I heard you got your interview date! About time huh?

  11. I bought Hagen Dasz midnight chocolate brownie! I don't know why but I remembered of you! It's delicious! Limited edition! Yummmm

  12. I mean, really... where is my Green Card?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mrs. wife!

      mrs. wife!

      I also made a trip to SS office to update my SS number and this was on June 11th and still nothing on the mail... hopefully next week!

    3. Keysersoze


      I applied for a SSN, and received 3 days after. I will wait one more week, if it doesn't show up then will visit the local field office : - )

    4. mrs. wife!

      mrs. wife!

      you're lucky! It seems to me that if you've never had SSN you get it in a few days, but for us that had it before and just want to update it seems to take forever! I don't know why!!

  13. Week 3 and still nothing...

  14. Eeee beleza!!! Ta a um passo do fim amiga!

    Ate onde eu sei o RJ nao marca entevista na ultima semana (eu tava com SIF na ultima semana e eles nao marcaram). Entao vc deve receber noticias la pra 1 ou 2 semana de julho.

    Entrevista provavel em Agosto e ai so alegria!!!

    Qdo sua irma casa? Bjao

  15. Hey you! How's it going?

  16. 2 1/2 weeks and still nothing in the mail! - I also went to the SSN office and nothing yet!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. yohino


      Yeah, after all the BS we went through when we filed, Snowstorms/Haiti-issue etc.. You'd think they could atleast send the Welcome Letter so you'd know eveything is ok! Hubby is going to try to get off work something next week so we can drive up to the closest SSoffice (like an hour away) and see if they can get me my number there or atleast confirm I'm in the system! Can't do nothing without a social..

    3. mrs. wife!

      mrs. wife!

      Yeah! I know what you mean! Thank God we have a SSN office 10 minutes away. Anyway, make sure you bring all the immigration papers with you. The lady didn't even wanted to see our marriage license (I just needed to update mine to married name and unrestricted since I already have a number when I was here on a J1). So she just asked if I had anything from Homeland & Security and I gave her my visa. I brought with me the whole folder I have from the time I went to the interview....

    4. Me and You Us

      Me and You Us

      Of course I´ll...You will receive an e-mail from me as soon I get my date!

      Thank you.. xoxoxox

  17. Ai amiga, q bom! Espero q vc consiga sua entrevista logo! Vai dar tdo certo, vc vai ver! Um beijao e keep in touch!

  18. Eu entendi q nao ta expirado, mas acho q foi erro do advogado de nao trocar a ordem na hora de por no formulario. E nao tinha nada q colocar adendum nenhum, eles deviam corrigir e imprimir uma folha nova e substituir a velha. Q servico de porco q fizeram, eu se fosse vc ligava la e metia a boca neles e ainda pedia um refund. q odio!

  19. Nao creio!!!!!!! you lawyer is an incompetent!!!!!!! why dont you just fire them?

    q merda! uma amiga minha recebeu a data da entrevista hj, marcaram dia 12 de julho, teve case complete dia 20 de maio! to com mto odio desse seu advg... se ele viu q 'tava expirado' devia nem encaminhar os docts ne? bando de anta!...

  20. Q????????? vim aqui ver se vc ja tava com case complete e vc teve uma RFE? Sobre o q eh? Q merdaaaaaaaaa espero q seja falsa....

  21. Yes, I received the visa already! So happy.

    We are leaving on June 1st.

    How about you guys, any news?

  22. Oi floooor, desculpa nao responder antes!

    Sim recebi o visto no dia 19! Uhuu

    Tudo certinho!

    Vamos embora dia 1! Ta chegando....

    E vc, ja ta comecando a acostumar com a ideia de voltar pros USA?

    You are next!


  23. I'm so sorry! Hope is something you can fix soon!

  24. HI, wondering how was the interview? Hope everything went great!

  25. Hope you get your husband's visa soon! So sorry you are still under AP.

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