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midge and isi

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Status Updates posted by midge and isi

  1. :) It was a great day!!!
  2. Copy of NOA-2

    I got him an offical birth certificate of mine for I-134, copy for my co-sponsor.

    Copy of my passport showing trips, boarding passes, passport stamps.

    He will need to get his birth certificate if he doesnt have one.

    Then of course medical and police but that is a while out...

    Let me know if you have any other questions.

  3. Did you staple or paperclip things together for the interview? Was it an issue? I have folders to seperate things but each month of evidence within was stapled and was wondering if you had or not and if it was an issue.


  4. Glad to hear. It will be here very soon. Can't wait for all of us who are traveling to Ghana this summer to share our experiences!

    Take Care and talk to you when I get back.

  5. Hello. You guys are not far behind us. Just so you know the people in portland were great when we went in last week. Hopefully the women who took Israel's prints does the interview ;)

    Where are you guys located?

  6. Hey- I asked a few weeks ago. Wondering did you have any money transfer receipts and if you submitted them. It sounds like we shouldn't include them but just wondering if you had any??

    How did your hubby's POE go?

  7. Hi, May 2011 will be a very close things if it happens. Most of us are on about 11months or so from submition of I-129 to interview. So I would maybe think of changing the date or do not put deposits down on anything!

    Medical and vaccines can not be done until you have your appointment scheduled. They ask you to bring the letter from the embassy.

  8. Hopefully I get a response for the next ones- which email did you use? NIVACCRA@state.gov

    or IVDVACCRA@state.gov I have tried both. I guess I will email every day. Maybe since our letters were sent out a day apart we will have the 30th as well?

  9. How have you been- its been a while since we have heard from you. How are your things coming for the interview...

    Hope things are well.... only 5 weeks for you! I have about 9... but its coming...

  10. I emailed them a week straight from two email address- about 7 days later I got 9 responses...lol. So try again. One wont do it- they are so insufficent!

    I will enjoy every minute! As long as this cold completely goes away....

  11. I-134 along with Paystubs, 3 years of tax transcipts, w-2s, letters from employeers (both both my co-sponsor and me)- if you need one.

    Copy of NOA-2 (not the original)

    Pkt 3:

    Then they will get DS-156 (2 copies)




    These need to be filled out online, they give you really old ones that wont be accepted if not electronically fille...

  12. Interview stuff (evidence of relationship) for Israel and me:

    Photos together and with families

    Facebook inbox view (too many to print all out)

    Facebook message samples

    My cellphone bills showing text messages to him

    My skype records showing phone calls

    Snail mail that we have both sent

    Letters from mutual friends knowing of our relationship

  13. Its a long process but it does move- slow but surely! let us know if you have any questions- Ghana has been interesting to work with to say the least- but things are moving (a little now)....

    how did you guys meet?

  14. Its okay! Im sure you enjoying life!!! We are gonna look @ different flights and POE, since this is israel's first trip...

    with your I-134 what did you include? I have transcripts and W-2s, but thinking of sending letters of employment and paystubs... I think i will send them anyway- I know you had to get transcript(s) later so i got those for sure- did you send ...

  15. Oh yeah! Does he have to go back for more vaccines before the interview? Israel goes in about a week for his last one and they said the results will be ready then. we will see... If not whats one more trip ;) At least he has to go to accra again for the police stuff- and other unrelated things.

    Getting close for all of us! Im so ready....

  16. okay- one more... sorry...

    for your i-134 did you write what was on vj or did you check intend...

  17. Okay. Some have paid with either. Did he get a bad exchange rate- do you know?

    I have the tax transcripts and W-2s, will send some paystubs along and letters of employments (for me and my co.) so i think im good. I will be emailing the last few before the interview since mail takes sooo long!

  18. See my post about the update on medicals.

    We will see what happens in a month.

  19. So happy for you guys!

    Quick Question: Did you include money transfers as evidence- did they look at them? ask any harsh questions about them?

    Im trying to figure out if i should include them or not.


  20. So that will have to wait. Right now continue to gather evidence of your relation, get it organized! You can request your tax transcripts from the IRS for the last 3 years (you might have to get 2010 later), gather w-2s,for now. Other stuff like leters from employers, paystubs will have to wait.

    Write me if you have some other specific questions. I will help out as much as i can...

  21. Sounds good! Yours will be here soon!

    Israel is ready! I am sending him another folder full of stuff at the end of this week (not that he needs it-lol) and then will email any other on-going evidence stuff closer to the interview. Just to be over stuffed with evidence!

  22. Thanks! Hopefully it wont be too late- its later then we thought it would be from the last few VJers to have interviews but soon it will happen!

    Any word of yours?

  23. Thats cool! How did you originally met? So you are going to Ghana in December??

    Make sure that you have evidence from when you started dating printed and saved- because some sites delete after a while- so you dont want to loose it!

    Best of luck! Take Care!

  24. Thats good! FYI: When you respond- write on the person's wall not your own, because it doesnt tell us that you have written back. Do you have their letter of intent and G-325a already?

    Take Care and good luck!

  25. Things are good- thanks for the hello!

    Just trying to waiting it out!!!

    Hope all is well.

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