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Posts posted by johanna1999

  1. On the contrary my friend, I did convince the consulate and the few that read the post correctly, unfortunately you were the few that did not comprehend anything. But that's ok, thank you very much for trying. :thumbs:

    Well you could not convience the consulate ...... :)

    Nor folks on here most of whom have lot of experience with immigration.

  2. It's not confusing, I've had valid answers, I'm sorry you don't understand.

    I am confused if you were able to establish the relation, howcome she was not allowed for the US passport as one of the parent being a USC.

    I think your post go back and forth confusing more ppl on this forum, which is making ppl think that you are trying to commit a visa fraud.

  3. It had NOTHING to do with establishing a relationship, there is proof, that is not the issue.

    You are going to run into same problem - first time you were not able to establish father daughter relation. This time for tourist visa it will be the same problem.

    If she has no valid reason and being a minor with no adult traveling with her - the question would be why is she traveling?

  4. You're absolutely right!! Thank you!

    Only potential "fly in the ointment" could be that a person with claim to citizenship may not be issued a visa. Rather the Consular Officer may want to have the visa applicant pursue their US citizenship. In her visa interview the question of who she is visiting will come up.

    I understand that you were told at the embassy to have her seek a visitor visa. But if the same person you spoke with isn't the interviewing officer it may have complications.

    It may be worth a conversation with an immigration attorney just for your peace of mind and to avoid any possible hiccups.

  5. http://iceland.usembassy.gov/birth_abroad.html

    A child is born abroad to a U.S. citizen father and a non-U.S. citizen mother, and the parents were not married at the time of the birth: The child may qualify for citizenship if the father was present in the United States for at least five years, including two years after the age of 14, before the birth of the child. In addition, before the child turns 18, the father must either legitimize the child under Icelandic law or sign a statement in front of a notary public or U.S. consular officer in which he acknowledges paternity. The father must also sign a statement in front of a notary public or U.S. consular officer in which he promises to support the child until the child is 18 years old.


    To Johanna1999 - you said that you did not have proof of meeting the residency requirment to get your daughter's US passport. Do you have the proof now? Your middle school (jr. high) and high school transcript would be the easies way to prove it.

    Nope, i missed the 5 year mark! :-( I lived in the USA for a while and in Colombia for another while.

    If you do meet the requirement, this is the way to go - US citizenship entitles her to enter the US whenever she wants.

    If she is not a US citizen, the toursit visa is one way to get her to visit the US. However, I would not pursue this route.

    The counsel in Barranquilla gave me a letter to apply for her Colombian passport and to apply for a tourist visa.

    If she is not a US citizen, you could petition for your daughter. This will take 6-12 months. When she enters the US, she will automatically gain citizenship. Apply to get her certificate of citizenship and a US passport. After she gets her paperwork, she can go back to live with her mom. She can then enter the US whenever she wants as a US citizen.

    Mom and I both agreed to try the tourist visa route because we don't want her to stay just to visit. Thank you very much for your answers, they are truly appreciated.

    On first paragraph u said she was your daughter, and then the second paragraph u mentioned "her MOM" which obvious because u claimed her as your daughter then later there is "her mom" involved. So what u trying to do? Bringing a kid, saying to the embassy that is your kid and try to get her the US passport?

    First of all, i've never heard such a child at this age going to US with TOURIST visa when she has "no goods" or valuable properties in the country which will tie her down and make her going back to Columbia on expiring visa.

    Second of all, if u want to claim she your child and get her US passport right away. Then there are odd things between u and her. First is that, WHY did not u bring her to US right away after she was born if she was really your child? If it was financial situations then i dont think it would take you 10 years to reach that.

    Third, what is she doing here in US with tourist visa? Don't tell me she going to school here...really...


  6. No one is reading the post properly. Too many people here are speaking about committing fraud when i specifically wrote that I received a letter from the Consulate saying to apply for her Colombian passport with a Tourist Visa because as an American I did not have the proof of being in the states that they required. NO she is not staying, i never said she was staying, her mother is in Colombia and I want her to VISIT, to take her to Disney World! Geez.

    Thanks to those that did read the post and answered my question to the best of their knowledge.

  7. PS: Your US citizenship is not superior to anyone else. Or not going to jail for illegal stuffs. Why are u CAPPING the statement that u were US citizen? You are the citizen, so do i. Even a rich man still go to jail (like Madoff). You are just like me, and we are like everyone else with no exception. SO please...

    You have serious issues man, you need help. I AM THE FATHER!! Learn to read!

  8. My daughter (10 years old) in Colombia is in the process of getting her passport, as soon as she gets it I'll be calling Bogota to get her visa. Two years ago I went to the consular office in Barranquilla to claim her as an American, but I didn't have the proof of living in the states like they required. So they gave me a letter saying that if i wanted to bring her here, we could apply for a visa.

    Anyway, what i'm trying to say is, when her mom and i were involved, we were kids, in our early teens and never got married. Each one of us is married now with different people, will this affect her (my daughter) getting approved for a tourist visa?

    Thanks so much for your help!

  9. I don't think they will give a tourist visa for an American citizen. Tell your brother in law (US citizen) to go to the embassy and apply for the baby's american passport.

    With this document he will be able to enter the US anytime he wants.

    Hi the child is not an American citizen he was born in Colombia. The father was born here in the U.S. but the child isnt staying it s just to bring him on vacation.

  10. Si vive en la Florida entonces sí le va a tocar mandar el I-130 y esperar los 9-12 meses para todo el proceso.

    El DCF es un proceso para los ciudadanos americanos que han vivido el país donde está el beneficiario por mínimo 6 meses. Es sino llenar los formularios, entregarlos en persona en la embajada y como a los 3 meses les sale la visa de residente.


    Gracias Diana, te agradezo mucho la informacion. Queria preguntarte algo, el registro civil no tiene que ser apostillado? Y si ese es el caso, mi esposa puede traducirlo y notarizarlo? Y se manda copia del registro?

    Mil gracias por toda la ayuda.

  11. ¿Pero usted vive en Colombia ó en USA? Si vive en Colombia puede aplicar por DCF (Direct Consular Filing) y se demora muy poco tiempo, claro que tiene que haber estado en Colombia por 6 meses como mínimo. Si ya vive en USA, no hay de otra y tiene que mandar el I-130 y esperar a que le procesen todo para la visa de su hija que se demora entre 9-12 meses.


    Yo vivo aqui en la Florida. No se que es el Direct Consular Filing.

  12. Diana, yo soy el padre, el americano, jajaja. Como asi que la entrevista? Aqui o en Colombia? Ahora que estuve en Colombia mande el registro a que lo apostillaran y despues traduzcan. Sabes cuanto tiempo demora el proceso para traerla?

    Ah ya entiendo, es que como su nombre es johanna, me imaginé que era la mamá. :whistle:

    Sí, al mandar el formulario I-130 la está pidiendo como residente permanente, lo cual quiere decir que la cita para la entrevista en Bogotá. El registro civil de nacimiento no tiene que ser apostillado y el USCIS no exige que sea original, con una simple fotocopia es suficiente.

    El proceso se demora entre 9-12 meses, dependiendo del centro de servicio a donde tenga que mandar el I-130.


    Madre mia!! De 9-12 meses! :blink: El consul en Barranquilla nos dijo y que era rapido, que el registro se tenia que apostillar y que no me tocaba ir a Bogota, y que la mama...... :wacko: Sera lo que Dios quiera.

  13. No, por ahora sólo tiene que mandar los documentos necesarios con el I-130 y la evidencia (si es necesaria, aunque no creo), la puede ir recogiendo para tenerla lista el día de la entrevista. De resto, el USCIS sólo necesita saber que usted es la mamá y el registro civil de nacimiento es constancia de eso. Otra cosa, asegúrese de que tenga una traducción del registro si no lo tiene en inglés.


    Diana, yo soy el padre, el americano, jajaja. Como asi que la entrevista? Aqui o en Colombia? Ahora que estuve en Colombia mande el registro a que lo apostillaran y despues traduzcan. Sabes cuanto tiempo demora el proceso para traerla?

  14. Acabo de regresar de Colombia con la esperanza de registrar mi hija como americana en el embajada, pero como no tuve el suficiente tiempo que ellos requerien me negaron. So el consul me dijo que la pidiera por intermedio de immigracion. O sea llenando el formulario I130. Por adonde empiezo, que hago cuanto tiempo demora como es el proceso...... tengo una triztesa terrible. Espero que alguien me pueda ayudar.

    Mil gracias


    No entiendo bien la pregunta. ¿Cuando su hija nació usted o el papá de su hija eran ya ciudadanos americanos? Si tal es el caso entonces vale la pena darle la ciudadanía directamente a su hija y no traerla como residente permanente para años después pagar nuevamente por la ciudadanía. No tiene sentido.

    Si así no es el rollo y usted la quiere pedir como ciudadana americana ya que no califica para la ciudadanía, es sino que mande el formulario I-130 con los documentos necesarios. Toda la información la puede encontrar en las GUÍAS que se encuentran en la parte superior de la página.


    Hola Diana,

    Yo NACI en los EU, pero vivi casi toda mi vida en Colombia, no tenia los suficiente a~nos en los EU para reclamarla como hija de americano. Nosotros fuimos a la embajada hacer la vuelta pero por no tener los 5 a~nos que piden no calificamos. So el consul me dijo que la mandara a pedir llenando el formulario I130. Yo lei el guia, baje el formulario tengo el registro de nacimiento de ella, el mio, americano, PERO lo unico que no se es lo siguiente, cuando mande la forma I130, tengo que mandar las fotos de nosotros juntos, copias de el envio de dinero, etc en el mismo sobre? Por eso es que yo andaba buscando aqui ALGUIEN que ha pasado por lo mismo para que me guiara.

    Gracias por contestarme.

  15. I just got back from Colombia trying to register a birth abroad but i didn't have enough proof that I lived in the US for the required time. So I was told to apply via Immigration, I have no clue where to start what the requirements are, etc. etc. If there's anybody out there that can guide me, that has brought their child this way, I would greatly appreciate it. I was born here in the States in case this info helps.


    It is all in the guides, but why not just supply the evidence requested?

    I did not have enough years living here in the States that they required. I was born in NYC lived there till i was 2 years old then left to Colombia, at 14 i came back and lived here for another year. So I only have 3 years in total and they required more. So the Consul suggested we go the other way, thru USCIS.

  16. No hay alguien que haya pasado por este proceso? :unsure:

    Acabo de regresar de Colombia con la esperanza de registrar mi hija como americana en el embajada, pero como no tuve el suficiente tiempo que ellos requerien me negaron. So el consul me dijo que la pidiera por intermedio de immigracion. O sea llenando el formulario I130. Por adonde empiezo, que hago cuanto tiempo demora como es el proceso...... tengo una triztesa terrible. Espero que alguien me pueda ayudar.

    Mil gracias

  17. I just got back from Colombia trying to register a birth abroad but i didn't have enough proof that I lived in the US for the required time. So I was told to apply via Immigration, I have no clue where to start what the requirements are, etc. etc. If there's anybody out there that can guide me, that has brought their child this way, I would greatly appreciate it. I was born here in the States in case this info helps.


  18. Acabo de regresar de Colombia con la esperanza de registrar mi hija como americana en el embajada, pero como no tuve el suficiente tiempo que ellos requerien me negaron. So el consul me dijo que la pidiera por intermedio de immigracion. O sea llenando el formulario I130. Por adonde empiezo, que hago cuanto tiempo demora como es el proceso...... tengo una triztesa terrible. Espero que alguien me pueda ayudar.

    Mil gracias

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