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Status Updates posted by Elham

  1. armns joon, hame 5 nafari ke oonrooz interview dashtan o AP shodan Irani boodan?

  2. Ishalla to ham mesl e M n M tondi shoharet miad pshet :)

  3. Be hafteh digeh in mogheh fekr kon ke hameh chi tamoom shodeh o ba shadi dari bara safar barnameh rizi mikoni ;) ishalla

  4. Salam, areh, manam mitarsam... yek kam ke na, kheili ! Bebin, fee 484.70 Dirhameh.

  5. Akhjoon yeh K1 ke mireh UAE bara mosahebeh!

    Salam! GOOD LUCK!

  6. Elham

    how are things going on? ready for trip together? :)

  7. Elham

    I'm happy to hear that the AP got over soon :)

  8. 3 mah digeh be in rooza mikhandin! Calm down!

  9. movafagh bashin ;)

  10. Yes, I'm an impatient kind of person originally but I wonder how I'm tolerating this one actually lol

  11. No I'm a Persian.

  12. I like your story!!!

    I've never been to Egypt but I love it so much! :) Enjoy Egypt!

  13. Welcome! Fill in your timeline please! :) Good luck!

  14. just heard good news about you! CONGRATS! ;)

  15. Where are you? We are waiting for a good news pleeease!

  16. Hello, Congratulations on the good news! Please fill in your life time... which embassy did you go to?

  17. Elham

    oob yeki ke AP naraft che moredeh mosbati dasht?

  18. Elham

    I'm sorry! ma iraniai e bad bakht ham to keshvaremoon halemoono migiran ham biroonesh - chi begam! damn!

  19. Elham

    Thank you! You are a great VJ friend too! :)

  20. Elham

    Abu Dhabi embassy must be so busy these days!!!

  21. Elham

    Hi, no interview date yet?

  22. WOWWWW it's a great news! I'm happy for you! Congratulations!

  23. Elham

    Hello :) Welcome here! I'm happy to see another Iranian K1 filer here!

  24. I wish you the best in your journey!

  25. I just read your content. Sure, by being in touch with the others here, you will never need an attorney.

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