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Posts posted by waiting150

  1. Thank you for all of your replies. My nephew has autism and the parents are not able to provide either financially or physical for him. My wife and I thought that we might be able to help out by adopting. There was no underlying thing about trying to get him here quicker or being sneaky like that. Both my wife and I are unable to have children and we thought this might be something we can do to grow our family, however it seems it might not be possible. Thank you everyone for all you help and letting us know we really appreciate it.

  2. Hello Everyone,


    My wife immigrated from the Philippines 8 years ago and it now a US citizen. We have been in talks with some of our family in the Philippines about adopting one of our nephews. His parents are on board with having us go forward with the adoption.  My question is how do we go forward with this? Do we need to work with an adoption agency who then will help us get a visa for our nephew or can we have the adoption done in the Philippines and bring him here to the USA. If so what visa do we need? I am just trying to get the ball rolling. Any help will be much appreciated.


    Thank you.

  3. Hello everyone,

    So, I have a complicated situation. My wife and I go to college and we are trying to go to Seoul, Korea for a study abroad program from Fall 2013 to Spring 2014. So here is the problem, I am an American citizen and can get the student visa with no problems, my wife is a Philippine citizen but has a permanent resident card and we have a daughter (with American citizenship)who will be 2 years of age at the time we plan to go to study. So my question is what type of visas do my wife and child need and does my wife have to do anything special because we will be in Korea for 10 months? If anyone has any ideas where to find out that information I would be thankful.

  4. Hello,

    My wife has become very ill. She is seeing a doctor but I can't leave her home alone with our 9 month old daughter for I fear that one of them will get hurt. I am missing to much work and was wondering is it possible that I can bring my wife's sister who is 30 years old here to America so that she could help me out. They are from the Philippines and I am not to sure if it is possible to bring my wife's sister over even though she is a permanent resident. I remember reading that she can only apply for her Parents but because this is a big emergency is there any way I can get her here? Thanks for the help.

  5. You can call the embassy on what do do about her passport: if you need to renew it or not. Is she traveling back to the Philippines soon? You said you have not applied a change of status? Did you mean AOS?

    Yes I meant the AOS. I can't apply until that 90 day period which wont be until February. If she travels to the Philippines for the month of December and comes back January would everything be ok?

  6. My wife came here on a K1 visa. She currently has a the temporary permanent resident card and I won't be able to apply for the change of status until February. (That will be the 90 day mark for her 2 year anniversary)

    My concerns are that her passport and green card do not have same names due to the fact she is married now.

    Can she travel home (the Philippines) even though her passport has her old name and the green card has her new name? Or must we get a new passport? I don't know if they would let he come back to America if the names are different? And If I have to change her passport can this be done by mail or must we go to the Embassy?

    Thanks for the help.

  7. They are very strict about this. If she is having her menstruation during that time she will need to reschedule. I Brain (above post) is right and that during the menstruation period it can effect the outcome of the results of the lab work. So try to have her go there after or a week before her period. Hope that helps.

  8. Hello,

    I'm in the process of applying for the K-1 visa, which includes the G-325A form. When filling out my information it was pretty simple; however my fiance brought up a concern when it came to his information, which has me wondering. Do we have to list his volunteer work information on the G-235A in the employment section if he listed it in his travel visa application?

    Any help would be much appreciated.


    Yes you do. Even for periods of unemployment you need to state he was unemployed. It is important to give them the infromation for the time frame they are asking for. So if they are asking for 10 years of employment and he only worked 6 months. Then state for 9 year and 6 months he was unemployed and for 6 months he was working.

  9. Hello Everybody,

    So I have a couple of questions and want to make sure I do things right.

    My wife and I had a child and I would love to send her and the baby back home to go visit her family from the Philippines.

    However, I am not to sure what I need to do to make sure everything is ok.

    My wife will travel to Japan, then to the Philippines, then back to America.

    Wife's Documents: Green Card, Philippine passport (Note: The passport is still in her old family name. Can she still use this passport or does she need a new one? Would taking a copy of her Birth Certificate or Marriage Certificate help?)

    Child's Documents: Passport, Birth Certificate.

    I know I will also be sending her with a Consent for International Travel with One Legal Guardian form so they know I am aware of her travling with our daughter.

    Is there anything else that I need for either of them to travel out of the county and back? If anyone could let me know I would much appericate it.

  10. Hello Everyone!

    My wife and I would like to take a trip back to her country (Philippines) and I have a couple of questions about how this will work.

    My wife got her green card but seeing how we got married she chaneged her last name. So her passport and green card names do not match. So I am wondering we need to get her passport updated right or can we use her passport and green card and just brin documantion showing we are married and why the names don't match.

    Also on a side note when we go to the Philippines we were thinking of going to Japan first and stay there then go to the Philippines then come back to America. Would there be any problems if we did something like that. Not to sure how the whole travle thing goes and how it will effect my wife.

    Thank you!

  11. It says on the uscis.gov website that

    Although USCIS does not charge a fee for this form, the Department of State does charge a fee of $70 when the Affidavit of Support is reviewed domestically. This does not apply when the Affidavit of Support is filed abroad. For more information, please see the Department of State, Affidavit of Support Review Fee, in the Related Links of this page.

    How do I pay for this? Do I pay with the $1,010 for the AOS making it $1,080 or is it included with the $1,010? I am sort of lost of how to pay?

  12. Hello Everyone,

    I have a few questions about filling for the AOS. My wife came here on a K-1 Visa and after we got married I am sort of confused on how to do the the AOS paper work.

    My first question is is that I know we need to file for a Social Security Card but I am not to sure on how we can change her family name to mine and if we do change it, do we use my last name on all the AOS paper work or do we use her orginal family name?

    I am a little confused on how to take the next step from here. If anyone could help I would much appericate it.

    Thank you

  13. Hello Everyone,

    We just recently recived the visa packet and my fiance said that on one of the sheets it talks about counseling. We were not to sure if it was requried? It says that counesling and a few other things are needed before going to America. It does not say that it is mandatory. So we were not to sure if we need to do it or not. Can someone help?

    Thank you.

  14. The State Department, among other things, says:

    The following is required:

    • ...
    • Police certificate from all places lived since age 16
    • ...

    So you'll need to get the certificate from there, which unfortunately looks like you'll have to wait the two to three months.

    The police certificate is basically just a document from a police department that states that they have searched the relevant local and nationwide criminal databases for your name and date of birth, and that there were no hits (or a list of whatever convictions / arrests you have had in the past).

    What if she flew to Japan. Do you think she would get the police certificate faster?

  15. Thank you all for who have helped. I was just wondering. What would happen if she didn't have the police report? I am just wondering. Also seeing how she didn't commit any crime there. Would there be a report? And if there isn't one what do we do then? I just do not understand the way this works. Just trying to get a better understanding.

  16. Hello everyone.

    I have a question about the Police Certificates. My finace is from the philippines but lived in Japan for 6 months. Becuse of that she needs the police record. How do we go about getting the Police Certificates if she is still in the philippines. Will she have to travle to Japan to get them, or can someon go in her behalf and get it. Is there another way to get it. I am up for any ideas. Thank you.

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