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Rich and Bey

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Posts posted by Rich and Bey

  1. i don't know kevin. last year the same thing happened. no one received their emails at all on the system. they all came in the mail but everyone was getting theres but what was funny was 4 of us in florida never received ours for a while then all 4 of us received ours days a part. but i had heard that the south took longer but whether that was true or not i have no idea.

  2. but this ####### approving one or two a day then stopping for a few dys is what is the problem here. i mean there is no one to call and just ask what is the deal or no way to find anything out. we just have to sit here and watch one get approved and we are all happy about this but yet no april filers have been approved.

    i am venting right now. sorry all.

  3. I like your thoughts...... but I'm thinking more on what they are gonna say......... Hold the other case until this one gets thru. Even though both were filed on the same day, one was accepted the other was not..... ( my fault ), only sent $355.00....... should have sent $710....... so they approved hers (noa-1), but denied his. ofcoarse our super efficient mailing system here delivers the bad news on the day before a holiday..... so I send out the payment next day (overnight) with letter and a complete copy of original package urging them to link the two together. and this is what I get...... Don't misunderstand me, I'm happy my wife has the approval, but I'm stressed that my step son does not...... maybe we can just pin a note to his head like what is mentioned on the Jeff Foxworthy....cd..... lol........ hello........"Here's your sign"!

    you know what is funny throughout all of this. if we just would see one april approval that is normal processing i think everyone would go crazy.

  4. indigo any news from you yet. it seems they did this for the february approvals also. that they were doing them slow like this and approving a few at a time. but now we are into august and now april is falling behind without even starting them. next week will be the middle of the month week already. the 15th is a week from this sunday. so we will start the last two weeks of the month already very soon it will go by quickly. we need to see some april approvals already.

  5. Hey all,

    I called IRS and explained that wife was not in the country and when the accountant was filing taxes he filed as single although I was married September of last year. He did it so that whenever she gets here, we can file jointly. IRS said it was a wrong move because I am married and cannot file single. They suggested I first of all fill a W-7 and have wife sign it and then file a 1040X (amended tax form) and file as married filing jointly.

    First of all, establishes we are married and I am sure it will boost my refund by a bit (praise the Lord). I am waiting for her signed w-7 to arrive along with a notarized copy of the biographical page of her passport and send it along with the amended tax to Texas. I am told the process should take about 6 weeks.

    I believe this csan be good (ITIN) as it shows further proof that we are truly married. How I wish I knew about this before filing my taxes in January.


    Hello everyone any news on Approvals. DO we think that finally APril will get approved this week? let's hope so.

  6. i can't explain why they want to pay taxes because a lot of them have kids and get and work under other social security numbers. they must think this will help them get into this country. i didn't mena they are all illegals but a lot of them do it. i know different visas do it also. i am sorry if i gave the wrong impression but a lot i do w-7's all the time and they hand me w-2's that have fraudulant social security numbers then hand me an itin. they are illegal here.

  7. How do I know if I need an ITIN?

    If you do not have a SSN and are not eligible to obtain a SSN, but you have a requirement to furnish a federal tax identification number or file a federal income tax return, you must apply for an ITIN.

    If you have an application for a SSN pending, do not file Form W-7. Complete Form W-7 only if the Social Security Administration (SSA) notifies you that a SSN cannot be issued.

    To obtain a SSN, see Form SS-5, Application for a Social Security Card. To get Form SS-5 or to find out if you are eligible to obtain a SSN, go to Social Security Administration Website or contact a SSA office. By law, an alien individual cannot have both an ITIN and a SSN.

    IRS processes returns showing SSNs or ITINs in the blanks where tax forms request SSNs. IRS no longer accepts, and will not process, forms showing "SSA205c," "applied for," "NRA," blanks, etc.

    if you read an alien individual can not have a itin and a social security number and that is what i was saying. if they can get a soicial then they shouldn't get an itin. i had this problem this year with a client.

    yes and i do understand itins are used for certain visas and foreign nationals and also they are used by people that are illegal in this country also that want to file taxes also.if you read i didn't say all people were illegals getting itins.

  8. How do I know if I need an ITIN?

    If you do not have a SSN and are not eligible to obtain a SSN, but you have a requirement to furnish a federal tax identification number or file a federal income tax return, you must apply for an ITIN.

    If you have an application for a SSN pending, do not file Form W-7. Complete Form W-7 only if the Social Security Administration (SSA) notifies you that a SSN cannot be issued.

    To obtain a SSN, see Form SS-5, Application for a Social Security Card. To get Form SS-5 or to find out if you are eligible to obtain a SSN, go to Social Security Administration Website or contact a SSA office. By law, an alien individual cannot have both an ITIN and a SSN.

    IRS processes returns showing SSNs or ITINs in the blanks where tax forms request SSNs. IRS no longer accepts, and will not process, forms showing "SSA205c," "applied for," "NRA," blanks, etc.

    if you read an alien individual can not have a itin and a social security number and that is what i was saying. if they can get a soicial then they shouldn't get an itin. i had this problem this year with a client.

  9. I did the exact same thing ! I got worried for a bit reading Rich and Bey's post. Thanks for the clarification.

    i never said you can't do an itin with your tax return if you read what i said. you can do an itin and file that way but if she is eligible for a social security number they would like you to get a social security number and not use an itin and i said primarily majority are illegals that get itins. yes there are a few exceptions based on certain visas but primarily itins are issues to people that work out wherever that use fraudulant social security numbers and make money and want to file tax returns. yes i have done many itins where they go to the IRS and yes it is what you are as of december 31st and that is what i said. to file head of household i said that you must have a dependent and be a part from your wife and not living together for the last 6 months of the year. this is what i said. you filed mfj as of the last day of the year but if she doesn't have a social then when you get one you can go back and amend the tax returns or get an itin if this is what you want but like i said it was easy for my wife to get a social right away. it took two weeks tog et one.

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