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Matt n Shannon

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Status Updates posted by Matt n Shannon

  1. Good as well. Just saying hi. Checking back on this website. Soon it'll be the time to remove conditions.

  2. been a while how are you?

  3. Shannon Just got her Drivers Permit

    1. Saylin


      Grats! Was it easy or hard to get?

  4. Thanks for Info will do!

  5. No Social Yet? Why so slow?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Saylin
    3. CanadiaGirl


      I got mine probably 2 weeks after POE. About 3 days after my Green Card. However I had a Social before in the US when I was a student here. So I'm not sure if that made a difference or not. Since they issued me the same number.

    4. Matt n Shannon

      Matt n Shannon

      Social never came and we finally were able to get one from SS office

  6. Green Card Arrived today. Super Fast!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChelseaKate


      Great news!! Congrats!

    3. Love is patient
    4. Heather&Matt


      Awesome! Just got my SS card yesterday.

  7. no GC yet hopefully soon. I heard it can take up to a month : /

  8. Yep I do shes getting her SS today though. So should be at the house in 2 weeks.

  9. So far so good she is adjusting to not having a car or license. She grew up in toronto so shes adjusting to having no trains and buses everywhere. Next order of business is to get her license.

  10. We picked it up because of a family emergency. It was rare they allowed it.

  11. For all those driving I posted a POE reviews for the US-CDN border

    1. Saylin


      I'll be driving through the same POE as you two did. Nice to know it was easy. When did the visa arrive by DHL?

    2. CanadiaGirl


      Were you given your visa right away? Hope things are well :D

  12. They normally don't allow pick up but because we reqeusted it ahead because of family emergency they let us. Yesterday was a nightmare but it was worth it to both be going home together. She hasn't been in the US since 2008

  13. We had to pick up our visa :)

    We drove all the way home in that nasty weather yesterday and did POE. Because of weather didn't take to long at all!

  14. I can imagine it was the same for us. Like thats it?? Now we are sitting here in the hotel waiting to go back to embassy. can't go back until 3 pm

  15. told ya it was anti-climatic :)

  16. Posted Review hope it helps you all!

    1. Saylin


      Great review! Thanks! I'm glad it was an easy process for you! And I'm going to keep an eye on people trying to push ahead of me at the elevators. I want to be first in line on the top floor, lol.

    2. Heather&Matt


      Nice job...made me feel a little less anxious after pacing around the hotel room.

  17. We are still here we are leaving tomorrow after a quick stop at the embassy. We both wish you guys the best for your interview. Trust me you will be fine its soo easy!

  18. good luck we are still here in MTL where r u staying?

  19. Well According to the information you have given me, I am happy to say you are approved. Welcome to the United States

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cybele


      Congratulations! Update timeline as soon as you get concrete confirmation! Our interview is on the 10th!

    3. Cybele


      I am so glad the two of you had an easy time of it and impressed them with being so well prepared! Welcome Home, Shannon!

    4. montreal girl

      montreal girl

      YAY!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Just leaving out the door now to head to Montreal from NJ. Keep my wife and I in your prayers. :)

    1. montreal girl

      montreal girl

      praying for yall! its gonna be great!

    2. Saylin


      Good luck at the interview tomorrow! :D

  21. Nope no reply yet. Ill just bring all the evidence as well as tell them Ive emailed them twice.

  22. awesome so it appears it takes about a week to get back to Ontario makes sense. I am praying that they give my wife her visa at the Embassy we'll be heading straight to Florida there after.

  23. Where are you located?

  24. Shannon has been doing the SAME THING. We are both driving ourselves crazy! I leave tomorrow night to drive up to Montreal and Ill meet my wife and her father at the hotel. Do you know the time the Embassy opens its doors? 730 am right? Ughh so nervous.

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