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Status Updates posted by Majid_Anna

  1. Thanks for the friend request! I see you are a fellow "recent filer" :-)

  2. Same to you! Thanks :)

  3. Well now you have 2 friends you can talk to :-) Just send me a msg whenever! I feel the same way, it's hard to explain to someone that hasn't been thru it isn't it?

  4. You just filed too! Thanks for the friend request ;-) My name is Anna, nice to meet you!

  5. You must be over the moon! A few more days!! Congratulations!

  6. and alaikum salam!

  7. Thank you for the welcome :-) I hope you are doing well :-) Did I read somewhere that you are from Khenifra?

  8. Nationality moroccan, country morocco...that's how we did it.

  9. I don't see why not. It doesn't specify anywhere that it has to be in caps. I think it looks much better too :-) I only had to do it in a few spots, so I just capilalized the first letter and went with it.

  10. I think it's normal :-) I saw your question about the + coming out on the form...I just used lower case letters in those spots and it fit. I'm just wanted it to look professional.

  11. I'm doing great! How are you? Have you sent your stuff off yet?

  12. Thank you very much :-)

  13. That's wonderful that you can go :-) I wish I could go too! It will go quickly, it's hard...but it's worth it :-)

  14. My name is Anna :-) Nice to meet you! We are just gathering all the info to send the i129, and I'm so nervous...I know everyone must be paranoid when they send the 1st set, what about you? Have you started yet?

  15. Thank you for the friend request :-) It's nice to know there are friends in the same boat! I hope all is well with your case. Have a great weekend!

  16. Thank you very much! I was so excited to find others in the same situation as my fiance and I...it's very comforting and informative!

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