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Status Updates posted by Gio

  1. Back after 4 years... 1st time living in the US!

  2. Everything went fine... It's just a matter of getting the documentation right and all kinds of proof you have, to show them the legitimacy of your relationship. Stay calm during the interview and if possible, speak English with the consul. Good luck!!!

  3. Congratulations on your wedding, that's great that the whole k1 process didn't take too much!!!

  4. Hello there! This is the second time I end up in your page... I've been checking the timelines for the California Service Center. I almost got married first, but we decided to go for the k-1 instead. I hope it doens't take too long!

  5. Congratulations!!! This long time waiting will be gone soon!

    Cheers :)

  6. Congratulations! Muitas felicidades!

  7. Hello Paul! Thanks a lot for your advice. My fiancee and I have just made our minds up and are going to apply for the k1. But you're roght, I should start a discussion on that issue. I wish the best of luck for you both, you have a beautiful love story!

  8. Hey there! I'm just passing by to say that your comments on the forums were very helpful to me. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

  9. What a great website, it has been helping me a lot. I wasn't sure about what to do: getting married and file for a spouse visa or apply for the k1. I finally decided to go through thr k1 process. Thank you for all the information I've found!

  10. You're right, the time apart seems to last forever... I get so happy when I see couples like you, that endured all the dificulties and managed to be together no matter what... I know in my heart the same will happen to me, I just wish it was sooner!

  11. Hey there! Beautiful pictures and very nice website. Congratulations and God bless your baby!

  12. Great pictures, I can tell you are a couple really meant to be together! I hope my visa journey doesn't take too long!

  13. OMG, it's been a while since you mailed the forms to the CSC. I am just going to start my visa journey and I've been looking for information here. It's really frustrating how much time it can take. I really wish you get a response soon, we can only wait and pray... Can you add me here, so maybe we could talk later on?! My papers will also be mailed to CSC by my American fiancee. Go

  14. ansiosa para saber como é a entrevista em São Paulo. Se puder, me adicione pra gente poder conversar melhor qualquer outro dia! Tudo de bom pra você!

  15. Oi Melissa! Eu sou nova aqui no site, estou tão feliz por ver que outros casais têm conseguido o visto sem problemas... Ainda não tínhamos decidido se casar no civil no Brasil primeiro seria melhor (k3 Visa). Parece que o k1 é um pouco mais simples, mas ainda tenho dúvidas. Não mandamos os papéis para o CSC, mas pretendo encaminhar tudo essa semana. Te desejo MUITA SORTE, estou ansiosa para sa

  16. Hello! My fiancee and I are just starting the paper work for the k1... I've been reading everything about it online. I found you and other couples that went through the same process I am going to. Is the interview going to take place at São Paulo? Wish you best of luck!

  17. Hey there! I am a new member here, my fiance and I are just going to start our visa journey... I'm kind of lost, we can't really know how long the whole process will take. Actually we had not decided what way to go (k1 or k3) until a couple of days ago. We finally decided the k1 would be probably better as far as how long we'll have to wait. I've read your idea about the realit

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