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Posts posted by belarus1

  1. hi all.

    the whole k1 journey for Sveta and I has been so frustrating. it was entered in the uscis system on Jan 12 and then nothing seemed to be happening, no touches, rfe's or anything. i started calling last week to find out what was going on but noone was helpful and I didnt get the same story twice. finally yesterday i spoke with someone and she said it was outside the window and would start a search to see what was going on. when she attempted to enter whatever information into her computer she said that it wouldnt take it because it said I still had 30 days before it was outside the processing time.

    well, i log on to check my status on the uscis website today and it shows my status as last updated on 6/24/2009. is this a good thing? does it mean anything or is it just showing that she looked at it?

    oh please let this be a good sign!

  2. I just want to send a congrats to everyone so far and best wishes to those that are still waiting. I can understand how frustrating it can be to see others get their NOA2. But when you get it, the wait didn't really seam that long and after that it is all down hill and moves pretty quick from there.

    still waiting since 01/12/09. no touches, no rfe's nothing! called uscis a few times recently and got nowhere. just spoke with them and they said that yes it does appear that my petition is outside of the normal timeline and that i can put in a request to see what was going on then when the rep tried to submit it say that the computer program says that I still have 30 days until my petiton is outside the window. she admits that the website says 5 months but still they wont put in a request for an investigation.

    what do I have to do to get one? ive tried the congressman route to no avail thus far. no one calls me back.

    sooooo mad and frustrated!!!

  3. good for you you are right there are alot of petitioner still in limbo,just look at my petition we been waiting for more than 110 now i know there are alot out there waiting and that is the hard time i keep asking why the uscis is so unfair why they just give exact time frame no lucky and no unlucky we are all same so they much treat as fair enough its really hard some time i'am giving up already its just happen that i really love my fiance and i will wait for him no matter what just happen that i cnt stay here in hongkong for long time so i'am so happy for those we have been granted on their paper works good luck to everyone good day yolly and steve

    I understand your situation and feel for you. In my case I was not worried about how I felt (although I felt that it was unfair to wait longer than many others), but I was worried about the health of my fiancee. It did not matter what I said, it was difficult for her to believe me and understand that some people have to wait longer than others for some unexplained reason.


    Don't give up! Wait exactly the six months and then call USCIS customer service to initiate a formal investigation. Before that they will give you the run-around.


    well, csc doesnt seem to know the internest exists. i signed up for email updates and nothing. we are at 5 months 11 days and nothing. seeing all these Feb and March filers getting their NOA2's is getting hard to take!

  4. Shad and Dani, I recommend you send the letters right away. I don't want to generalize, so I will tell you what happened for me.

    I hit 5 months near the end of May. I contacted my two senators and my congressman. Of the three, 2 told me that I'm within normal processing time, so call back if I don't hear anything by June 24. The other senator (bless him!) made an inquiry with USCIS on my behalf on June 1. His staff told me that they typically hear a response within 30 days.

    Today I called to see if they heard anything back yet. Not yet, but they'll forward any notices to me about my case, once USCIS responds to them.

    My point is, contact them before you get to 6 months, so that the 30 day mark starts sooner rather than later.

    i called my congressman in DC and they contected me to his local office actually just right down the road from me. they were very helpful and emailed me a form to fill out and asked for my receipt # and said they would be happy to look into it for me.

  5. ok, i just called again and got someone much more helpful but she told me some quite disturbing news. she said that CSC is only processing up to Dec 2008 at the moment! could this be correct? mine was eneterd into the system on 1/12/2009.

    so am i basically screwed?

    No. She lied to you, as I said. You may get a helpful person that lies. The "December" date refers to the oldest case in the system. I am aware of people that filed in March and even April at CSC that have already been approved. Recently some have need approved in only 30-45 days.

    Calling USCIS will NOT result in any accurate information and will only frustrate you.


    wow, call me naive but I find this whole thing rather disturbing. the govt is supposed to have our best interests in mind and aid its citizens. we do the right thing and do things such as this through legal channels and all we get is disinformation and the run around.

    seems nothing is being done about illegal immigration and we suckers who spend the $ and time to do things legally get screwed.

    ok, rant over for now.

  6. I also reached the 5 month point this week so I called CSC to see what the delay is with our K1 NOA2. Their response was the same as you experienced, "you need to wait 6 mos.". I pointed out that the web site indicates K1 normal processing time is now FIVE mos. NOT six. She checked it for herself, agreed with me and said "we'll get back to you within 45 days". Worthless. I've already waited 5 mos., you'd think they could research it and get back within a few days. So I contacted my Congressman Monday. After a couple of days he got the same canned response from USCIS - I need to wait until the 6 mo. point and they they'll look into it. So I replied to my Congressman with a link to the USCIS CSC web site which indicates 5 mos processing time for a K1. We'll see what he reponds with, my guess is it won't much matter.

    Yes, at this point I am very negative after seeing countless K1 NOA2 aprovals for submittals which were months later than ours. So much for "first come first served"!

    i used that logic with a service operator once, her reply was, we did try to process our petition in the order it was received but it is not our fault if you petition required further security screening. :angry:


    I agree, its quite frustration to see other who submitted thier apps months later get their NOA2 already! Im happy for them just with it was me too!

    I dont think you could get a more squeaky clean app than mine and Sveta's so I doubt it needed more security checking;)

    We are both about at our wits end for sure.

  7. My K1 visa app is going on 5 1/2 months and up to this point Ive been good and refrained from calling uscis but I saw where CSC has updated thier K1 dates to 5 months so I was now over the alloted time frame so I called and after much ado finally got to talk to a real person. Told her my date was over what it says on the website and she said" has it been 6 months yet sir?" I say no but your website says.... she cuts me off and begins to read from a script basically telling me in legalese to go and F@#k myself until its been 6 months. Very rude to say the least.

    I realize she probably gets a million calls a day but if I treated my customers that way Id be out of business.

    Has anyone else had similar experiences with them?

  8. Unless you're past the USCIS posted time frame (6 months), calling them will likely result in being told to call back when you're past the posted time. In other words - not much help.

    CSC is notoriously slow - even though currently they may be adjudicating K1's a bit faster than VSC, I suspect they'll be back to being slower soon (current trends indicate that). The good news is you're well into the process and it shouldn't be much longer - this is the toughest portion (usually) so use the time to get prepared for the next steps and/or prepare for your new life together (the next steps happen in rapid-fire fashion so the more prepared you are, the less stressful it will be).



    ive already gotten my affidavit of support ready and am just waiting for her to recieve her package 3 before i send it to her to make sure of anything else i will need to get to her.

    i sent her the info required from her in package 3 and she has already gotten it all together and is now just waiting to see what else is required.

    waiting is the hardest part.

  9. according to Igors list my NOA2 should have been between april 23 and may 15 and of course we are now one month past that date.

    it suggests calling uscis but in actuality will that do any good?

    or should i wait til the dreaded 6 month time frame is up?

    submitted the i-129f on jan 12 and havent heard anything other than my NOA1 on jan 14.

    my petition is at csc.

    my poor fiance is about to go insane and its getting more difficult convincing her that all is ok and this is just normal.

    i dont see any reason they should deny our application, i make enough $ ,have no criminal record and never been married and my fiance has no problems either.


    thanks for any adivce.

    yes call uscis and ask them about the status of ur application.i called uscis once every week.

    is your timeline correct, you've just sent off your application and you're calling them once a week? seriously though? :blink: you hope to achieve what w/ calling?

    uscis recieved my petition on 1/12/2009 so no, i didnt just send it in its been 5 months.

    I think she means the other poster -- petitioned on May 22, 2009.

    I don't think that calling USCIS for status updates does any good. In fact, I think it just ticks them off. Once you reach the 6 month mark (this is their stated time frame), however, I think you CAN call and do a service request. Sometimes that seems to get the ball rolling. Or at least they might tell you that it's hung up in background checks or what have you.

    well, i just called and got some automated bullshit. this is the most current status of your account etc.... esentially what it says when i check it on the uscis website. i signed up for email updates 5 months ago but have never heard anything. do they even email you since they seem to never update there system anyway?

    so frustrating.

    yeah, i thought if i spoke to a real person it may piss them off and just for spite they'd stick the petition on the bottom of the pile again.

    i just feel so damn helpless in this situation, nothing i do will make any difference.

    they have our future in thier hands and probably dont even care.

  10. according to Igors list my NOA2 should have been between april 23 and may 15 and of course we are now one month past that date.

    it suggests calling uscis but in actuality will that do any good?

    or should i wait til the dreaded 6 month time frame is up?

    submitted the i-129f on jan 12 and havent heard anything other than my NOA1 on jan 14.

    my petition is at csc.

    my poor fiance is about to go insane and its getting more difficult convincing her that all is ok and this is just normal.

    i dont see any reason they should deny our application, i make enough $ ,have no criminal record and never been married and my fiance has no problems either.


    thanks for any adivce.

    yes call uscis and ask them about the status of ur application.i called uscis once every week.

    is your timeline correct, you've just sent off your application and you're calling them once a week? seriously though? :blink: you hope to achieve what w/ calling?

    uscis recieved my petition on 1/12/2009 so no, i didnt just send it in its been 5 months.

  11. according to Igors list my NOA2 should have been between april 23 and may 15 and of course we are now one month past that date.

    it suggests calling uscis but in actuality will that do any good?

    or should i wait til the dreaded 6 month time frame is up?

    submitted the i-129f on jan 12 and havent heard anything other than my NOA1 on jan 14.

    my petition is at csc.

    my poor fiance is about to go insane and its getting more difficult convincing her that all is ok and this is just normal.

    i dont see any reason they should deny our application, i make enough $ ,have no criminal record and never been married and my fiance has no problems either.


    thanks for any adivce.

  12. Don't worry about it. It should arrive to you shortly...if you are at VSC they are giving the NOA2's for people in January now. I just got mine last week. Technically we have to wait 6 months before saying anything and then if we STILL haven't gotten anything, THEN make a stink.

    And don't pay attention to the USCIS website. They don't really update it very often. Mine still says they haven't looked at since the last day of January.

    If USCIS only knew how much stress and anxiety they cause all of us!

    My poor fiance' is about to go crazy and Im doing all I can to assure her that everything is ok. :wacko:

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