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Posts posted by .:MzMorgan:.

  1. I strongly disagree with the statement that it must be a Jamaican thing..... and that if they were in america...... I think this is an unfair and incorrect statement because #1st, there are plenty of JA women who do work and DO IT ALL because of no or not much help from the fathers.....and #2 there are just as many triflin azz women here in the US of A who don't want to work and will sit up on the system having babies with not even a thought of getting a job. SO.....it goes both ways! BABY MAMA DRAMA HAS NO BOUNDARIES OR BORDERS......its everywhere

    I dont have none THANK GOD....but from all I hear on here this is soooo true jamerican!

    Hello ladies! I get to check in and try to catch up because hubby is all engrossed in the Chelsea soccer game that he found on tv (I don't know how since we only have bootleg cable! :whistle: ) Anyhow, things have been going good. He seems to grow more comfortable in the house each day, and he and Kingston are getting along great! Sometimes I will catch him playing Kingston or teasing him with the soccer ball! It is sooo cute! We've mainly just been going here and there around the city. We went looking for some add'l clothes today, and are going to meet up with some of my co-workers tomorrow to play pool. He cooked dinner last nite and my sister damn near ate the whole pan of curry shrimp! :lol: It's gonna be hard keeping her away, but he loves it! I am just so glad that he seems to be getting along well. I know it's early still, but I pray that things will continue as they are now. It's like he's been here all along... :star:

    Evening sus, *SunRay*, Thompson2B and My2



    Hey Jess, Gregory did his in Kingston. Andrews Medical Centre to be exact. I know somebody here didn't have a good experience with them recently, but my husband was able to get his medical done 2 days before the interview. It was ready the next day! He said there were no problems there, and the people seemed really nice to me on the phone.

    Hey Mrs. Palmer....it sounds like ur in a dream rite.....im happy for u and hubby....enjoy every moment of it! :dance:

    Ryon is scheduled for Andrews Medical and they were nice over the phone when I called.....Im hoping i dont have any issues either.....is that where Heaven went?

    God you ladies talk ALOT! my baby is here!!!!! He made out really well with immigrations and his flight! Thank you to all of you for your support and good wishes! :)

    Woo Hoo.....Mstee im surprised u even checked back in......i thought u would have started ur sexy randevous{sp}

  2. All those games are addicting to everyone any one I talk to says they are mafia waring it or Fam and Yollie villin it lol :rofl:

    I have a problem, please help guys.

    My step daughter's mother is unbelieveable.

    Since she was pregnant with the baby she has felt that she a queen and doesnt have to work because my husband told her that. As long as they were together. He is the type of man to make sure his girl is good and takes care of home. Well his friend told him she was cheating and to where to find her and sure enough he caught her with her mouth all over this man.

    Well they broke up when the baby was 4 months old and ever since then he has been giving her mother money every 2 weeks for the baby. He even had he on his job insurance. He has been working since she was born at the same company. She is now 5 years old. He is a wonderful dad and loves his daughter before anyone and I respect him greatly for that.

    Well he has been here in Vegas for the last 2 1/2 months and it is very hard to get employed as most of you know. But after 1 month of him not working she got an attitude.

    Did I forget to say she has never had a job, NEVER!

    She told him last month ,"Mi motha paised me with out a fatha and mi a raise mi daughter with out one too."

    What the ***K

    How dare this woman to never had a job and depend on the father for Everything even though they are broken up feels that she gets the money from him and that will take care of the daughter. But I know she dont spend the moneyall on her because the only shoes the baby has are the ones that I bring her everytime I see her. And I bring clothes and everytime I see my baby she has on the stuff that I bought. Name brands but it look like she is wearing it all the time like she dont have any other clothes. So I toold my hubby stop sendiing her back with the new clothes keeps some only for your house.

    But this is the lastest that got me wanting to WHOOP THAT AZZZZZZZZ

    She dropped the baby off at my husbands mother's house and said she dont have any money to raise her and that she is giving to much trouble.

    Thank GOD I am filing this petition to get her.

    Thank GOD he finally started working. Still hasnt got his first paycheck but it soon come.

    He aid he dont care what she say about anything the baby is coming with us as soon as the papers are approved.

    Can yall believe that S**T

    Jamerican Queen....its sad to say but like many of the yardies say this has been happening to many on here.....I can only tell you to hang in there for the sake of the child hopefully she will be able to join you guys soon. Like Kuntri said ur hubby needs to stand up to her.....maybe then she will change(i doubt it though).

    Yes, JQ - I completely believe it - DJ's son's mom dumped him off at bout 6 months old - has been to see him maybe two times since then, one of which times was right after the 1st time I was in the area with the family, and she suddenly remembered she was a mother and went and took him from school - disappeared with him for two months with NO ONE knowing where he was - Then she had the nerve to tell DJ when he bumped into her that her son needed a laptop - Ummmmmmmmm - how would you know what that boy needs? More like you need a laptop -

    Bwoy sus she really brite.....idk how a mother can just abandon their child like that and just pop back up and act like nothing ever happened.....i wonder how his son feels about this?

    anyone going to see that movie Precious? it looks really good...but sad

    anybody watch for the love of ray j last night?

    Precious looks really sad to me. A true tear jerker.

    I only seen the first part of Ray J. I fell asleep but the girls this season don’t seem as cute as the girls from last season and already to me they are trying be like the last bunch of girls. Like the one girl that did splits and the other trying to be a snitch.

    yuh fell asleep dat early? yuh pregnant?

    Hecks no you have to $%&* to get pregnant…

    I watched my Lincoln Heights (loves that show) and then afterwards I started feeling very drowsy…


    JQ all dem crazy #### baby mama is a mess...It must be a Jamaican thing if they were in america they would see seh if yuh nah wuk yuh cant survive. My fiance baby mother dont work either so I have heard this song before. We put his son on the K-1 so everything will be done at once. She called yesterday saying she dont have no $$$ to take the passport pics for the Medical and he must send it. He told her to work it out and dont stress him. She find the $$$ today she took him to get the pics. Sometimes the daddy's just have to stand up to dem...

    I hope everything work out well for you...

    In no way is it a Jamaican thing - It happens here all the time, we have a thing called Welfare - which is there for a purpose and should be used, but how many people abuse it? My friend's daughters mother pocketed money from him for years and collected state aid - then went after him for child support when he got in an accident and was outta work, and claimed he never paid her a dime - cause she would have gotten in trouble collecting aid and money from him - The byatch was driving a BMW, not working, living the life -

    Yeah its sad that ppl are like that but ppl are always tryin to abuse the system......damn it get a job!....i dont have kids but it aint gonna take me 6 times to realize i cant take care of them and it be a burden on the tax payers (okay mi dun rant)

    Wakey glad to see u stopped by!

    Just dropped in to say hi, I have about 15 minutes before my class starts. Steve got to the airport okay. His flight was delayed 45 minutes. He sounded SO happy and excited. I want to sound that way too only Ive been up since 3 am trying to do school stuff so Im beat. In a way Im glad for the slight delay so I won't have to kill myself leaving school and driving to the airport. I will definitely check in later and keep you posted!!!!! :thumbs:

    Wow i thought u would be up that time because of all the excitement and anticipation....maybe imagining yuh sex party later

    Ells, afraid is not the word, A went to the doctor for a physical the other day and he had to go get lab work done, He called me when he got to the lab and 45mintues pass and I haven't heard from him, so I am calling and no answer, he finally calls me back sounding weird, come to find out he passed out. When he told me the story about waking up on the floor with a cloth on his head and something around his neck I was dieing, it wasn't funny but I can just picture him waking up on the floor like #######.... lol! and he forgot to tell the nurse that he tends to pass-out around needles! I had a good laugh that day!

    DAMN :lol: ....he needs to really tell the nurses that so he wont pass out and hurt himself

    Hip hip hooray!!!

    Happy for u Ells

  3. OK so heres my responses to all I missed today...

    MsTee are you ready for the Ramping Shop :dance::dance: Di bed a guh pap down tonite :dance:

    Bed?? I bet she try and rape him in de car.... LOL


    JG Tiger is cute......im glad u were able to find another dog that needs a home!!

    We started The Love Dare. Days 1 & 2 went well so far. Day 1 was easy (say nothing negative). Day 2 (perform an act of kindness) was a lot more fun. When I got home from work, Steven had cleaned the apt & all the lights were off. He lead me to the dining room where he'd lit candles & he served dinner. My act of kindness came later. :devil:

    Today is Day 3: give a gift. I know what I want to get him; I just need to find the time to do so.

    Wow this is nice.....seems like its a really good thing to do in relationships!

    UPDATE: Garfield just finished with his Medical and he had to pay $16,050.00 JA = $185.00 US. He needs 3 shots. MMR & 2 others he cant remember(Men) and he found out his Blood Pressure is a little high which explains the headaches.

    Now bring on the Interview :dance:

    YEAH.....interview is round the corner!!

    My name is JaEnglish and I am a Yoville addict.

    I neglect all my messageboards, friends and family since I started playing a month ago. I will seek help.

    JaE so thats where u been.....welcome back....lol!

  4. another vj linkup in the making!

    YESSSSSSSSS! Bunz we gotta link up!

    I read the book Shower Posse and It was good..I learned alot and because I lived in Brooklyn I knew a few of the ppl in the book. Some of my friends defend him ...

    Author please?

    Shower Posse: The Most Notorious Jamaican Crime Organization (Hardcover)

    By ~ Duane Blake (Author)

    The author is the son of the Leader of the Shower Posse Vivian Blake and Dudus is the son of Vivian Blake Right Hand Man

    Sounds interesting will check it out

    Mawnin LadyC

  5. Good morning My2

    So we went to David's Bridal tonight to look for a dress for the reception. I wanted something that I could wear again. I went in with the idea of getting a yellow dress, but when they showed me all these bright yellow dresses, I didn't like them as much. So I went with a green dress that I can wear again to, say, a Holiday party. I got a yellow wristlet & sheer shawl to go with it.

    that dress is pretty nat....

    good morning everyone ..

    Yeah it is Nat......Cant wait to see pics with u in it!!

  6. I'm debating. The tickets for me are like $380 from Atlanta so I'm thinking that I may wait a couple of days to see if get a coupon from Spirit Airlines. Because it is Thankgiving weekend, I was wondering if if its cheaper for me to get a one way tix try to stay over and wait from him to get his visa (God willing) and buy two one way tickets back. But if I don't do that then I will most likely fly in Sat or Sun and leave on interview day (11/24).

    wow its more than from NY....well whichever way is less costly I guess would be better!

    how long are u guys staying???.....Im got my ticket from airj for 295....i saw one cheaper on jetblue but its sold out!


    I am only staying until the day after the interview. At least that is the plan.

    Wow well thats the day I am coming in so I guess we cant link up then...

    Well I wouldn't say that. Give me your number and I will at least let you know how the interview process went and the questions that were asked when we get out of the embassy. That should help calm your nerves some if they are as rattled as mine right now. :)

    Mama im gonna pm u!!

  7. I'm debating. The tickets for me are like $380 from Atlanta so I'm thinking that I may wait a couple of days to see if get a coupon from Spirit Airlines. Because it is Thankgiving weekend, I was wondering if if its cheaper for me to get a one way tix try to stay over and wait from him to get his visa (God willing) and buy two one way tickets back. But if I don't do that then I will most likely fly in Sat or Sun and leave on interview day (11/24).

    wow its more than from NY....well whichever way is less costly I guess would be better!

    how long are u guys staying???.....Im got my ticket from airj for 295....i saw one cheaper on jetblue but its sold out!


    I am only staying until the day after the interview. At least that is the plan.

    Wow well thats the day I am coming in so I guess we cant link up then...

  8. That's strange. They've accepted attachments from PLENTY of us. I wonder if the person who got that email was working from some old rulebook.

    actually Nat they said the same thing to me for security puposes......idk.....but the consularkingst@state.gov said I could email it because they are saying they still didnt recieve it when it was already signed for!

    ....I guess they realize too many ppl were trying to do it this way.......but I would suggest ppl mail it in also so ur not waiting around and then get that response!

  9. Hey all,

    I agree Dennis it has gotten very quiet....I guess there's no more ranting. I am very happy for all that has passed the interview and Congrats to those whose are approaching. Well we got the interview date for November 25 and like Third I am soo excited....I dont really have much to do but sit and wait because we have completed the docs needed, just medical and interview left. God bless you all!!

  10. GOOD MORNING LADIES!!!!!!!!!! we are half way through the week....happy hump day!

    and im soooo happy.....its crazy how I go thru the weeking waiting for the weekend to come again....even if I dont have plans.....lol

    Morning, everyone!

    What are the weekend plans? Anyone got a costume?

    Nat I dont really have any plans....they are having something at church for the children and Ill go but just relaxin this weekend....how about u?

    LMAO, girl we went to dinner and then when we got home, I cut the lights out because the trick-a-treaters were coming through the neighborhood. lol, I know I'm bad and we just chilled at home.

    :rofl::rofl: i've done that before....lol.....

    Sunny hope u find a naughty maid costume :P ....can use it for anniversary and birthday...lol

    Mawning Yardies

    I hate when people bring the B*&CH out of me :angry: and then they shocked cause they realize i am a damn CLASS A PHYSCO! :angry::angry::angry:

    Girl u been really stressin this week.....I dont want u to get ur pressure up there again......sometimes u just gotta not let ppl get to u!!!!


    we went without the medical...we only just showed the receipt and the vaccination paper they gave him and he told them that the hospital said it's not ready so she was like OK ! ..they approved him without the medical..becuz after the interview we went to the hospital to find out whats what and it was still not ready...so the lady in the medical office was like they should have given him a blue slip to come back but they didnt...they just approved him! i didn't understand how or why all i could say is THANK YOU JESUS ! i'll post the full details in the review section..

    GOD is soooooo amazing!

  12. Sheka I know how u feel I felt the same way when ppl around me were gettin approved and not me.......ur time soon come medium-smiley-052.gif

    Wow Yankee can u imagine they will be two in no time.....I swear the days are goin by so fast...before you know it the year is ova....den its ur wedding!

    Awwww Bunz we miss u....weh yuh deh and how come u not my friend on fb!?!?

    I cannot wait...5 more sleeps until I hear the first bumbaclaat because the dog has jumped in the bed and taken over the pillows! :lol:


    wha gwan massive???????????

    sorry, i haven't been around.. i am really focused here at work, i hope it pays off in a promotion..

    Well just wanted to update u guys.. we got our interview letter in the mail yesterday!!

    NOV 30th 11:30!!!

    i am stunned, cuz i was sure we would have a late dec interview.. Praise God for his favor! now let that EAD hurry up and come!!

    God bless u all on ur individual journeys.. big up di approvals and other milestones.. condolences for the disappointments and frustrated but God's will in due time!


    Hi Haymsmorgan, I noticed that we have similar timelines. How did you mail your DS 230? I email mine on October 16th and also overnight it the same day - tracking show they received it on October 20th and the package 3 was mail on the 10/20, still have not received it. Called DOS this morning still not showing it in the system. Does anyone know how long it takes to hit the system? I have also sent three follow up emails with no response. Thanks a bunch and good luck for a speedy interview date.
    Hi Jo & Danny I emailed the DS-230 on the 10/15 and mailed the DS-230 on 10/16.....but I called DOS today and they said that packet three was sent out 10/26....idk if they processed the Ds-230 either.....I have gotten an email saying that as soon as the docs are processed I will get a date.....im hoping I will know soon.....did you write 2nd request in the Subject line along with ur KNG # and try both email addresses

    Mstee I guess u gotta go out and buy a coat this weekend......wouldnt want the goods to freeze off....ROFL!

    Good Afternoon Hays

    party-smiley-052.gifI know im late was catching up!

    I can't wait to hear from Heaven I know she said she will be back tonite....hopefully we get an update

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