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Posts posted by Maire

  1. Maire,

    he is number 3. Legal Alien NOT allowed to work

    We filled in number 2....he is allowed to work with authorization which is the EAD he'll get. They gave Pat his SS card with a note on it saying he was allowed to work when he got his EAD.

    The EAD (Employment Authorization) is done during the AOS process. Until he gets the EAD he can not legally work. He can only legally work with the EAD and an SSN .

    I know that....we were told to check number 2 at our office though.....

    ok...so what do i do yeah or nay??lol

  2. lol....

    the feeling of having to come to work while ur fiance stays at home really sux

    Oh he!! yeah it does! It's torture having to get out of bed each morning while he's still laying there all nice and comfy!

    grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :angry: ....I know!

    Oh well....I'm still loving the fact that he's THERE....it's so nice to come home to him!

    mine has a friend that owns a company that installs glass windows and doors so this guy has been taking him to help him and giving him some money..which is good cus he gets out of the house while earning some cash at the same time...

  3. Richard is no beer drinker... He used that "work" excuse again... where is my eye roll smiley?!

    I know, don't you just hate the 'I gotta work' line? ;)

    At least we got to meet! It is very nice to put "screen name" to a real person!

    Yes it was... and just wait until I tell Maire that you are more Igorlicious in real life! :P

    Going to dinner, I am starved

    Is he really? and why me? am i the only flirt in here or something? lol


  4. anybody dressing up for halloween?

    I am dressing up as a groom. :yes:

    lol yeah we know that already :whistle: and let me guess..she will be a bride?

    Noooooooooooooooo. She will be a dominatrix. :):P

    ohhh so far iam LOVING this wedding lol

    Of course. It's going to be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    where is it gonna be?

    At a Russian restaurant/catering hall in Brooklyn.

    do they close the restaurant for the wedding that day..or is a room inside the restaurant?

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