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Mrs. Disney

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Posts posted by Mrs. Disney

  1. We had 10 years of communicatioin, emails almost daily. What we did was take just a few emails from over the years to print out but we made a 'print screen' of our inbox to show all of the actual communication.

    Emails are secondary evidence so be sure to include other items to prove your on-going relationship.

    As Bobby suggested above, you are not likely to have your visa before July and even more importantly, you must be married in the US with a K-1 visa. If you are planning a non-legal ceremony in Brazil, I would be VERY careful of how you go about this and what you mention to the CO ....or anyone else for that matter. We have seen some pretty devastating results from others doing this.

    good luck.

    I didn't mention we are planning a wedding anywhere in the I-129F Petition. It's just the ceremony and reception, nothing legal. I might take some of the pictures for the interview in the future, if that's not gonna bring me any problems (I still need to check previous topics about this, I'm taking one step at a time, like I've been told to :). Thank you!

  2. I cherry picked mine from day 1 to present - edited out any "personal" info - and made copies to send them.

    wow, how many pages did you send, total?

    picking random is fine, just use a black marker to block anything too personal...

    Oh, good. That's good to know.

    I didn't need to use a marker. It was a very "loving" e-mail indeed, they will want to throw up when they read it haha but there was nothing TOO personal. But thank you!

  3. I've read on previous topics that exchanged e-mails are good for proof of ongoing relationship. I'm wondering how I should pick them? Can I just pick random e-mails from the both of us or whatever e-mails I include should have a "time line"? For example: if I add one e-mail from him, the e-mail from me should be an answer to that e-mail of his? I'm confused. I'm sorry if I don't sound very clear.

    I picked random e-mails. I added 3 from him, one from 2007, one from 2008 and one from 2009. From me I picked 4, from 2006 to 2009. Should that be ok? Please tell me how you guys did it. I'm afraid I will get an RFE if that doesn't sound very consistent to them.

  4. Hi and thanks in advance. To start I did check out the example forms and I greatly appreciate those who created this site and the examples... My question in on the G325A biographic data form for myself. The example shows only the form filled out for the fiance and not the US citizen and I am needing guidance on whose information goes in the heavy border applicant box at the bottom of my G325A?

    I searched the forums for an answer to this question and did not find one, however I learned a fair bit of other useful information that has me close to completing our 129F. Thanks and good day to all.

    Are you talking about the one that says "Applicant: Be sure to put your name and Alien Registration Number in the box outlined by heavy border below."?

    If so, you're supposed to type/write down your last name, given name and middle name. Also, your alien registration number. If you don't have an alien registration number or don't know what it is (probably so because you don't have one), simply type NONE.

    Hope that's what you meant.

  5. Okay, so this seems very odd to me.

    Edit: I guess I should have done a search first before typing this all up, but looks like the same thing has happened to others at VJ. I still find it interesting though.

    Today in the mail I received a letter from the National Visa Center telling me they received an approved I-129F petition filed on behalf of my "fiance." First off, she clearly isn't my fiancé but is my fiancée. So hopefully the records aren't messed up.

    Secondly, I haven't yet received a NOA2 from the USCIS. I logged-in to the USCIS to check the status of my petition and it still says "Case received and pending." This seems strange. According to the flow chart, first you get the NOA2 and then weeks later the NVC receives the petition.

    Also, the letter says "INS Receipt Number" and then has my number. I find this odd since the USCIS hasn't been called the "INS" since when, 2001 or something?

    Finally, it's only been about 2 months since I mailed off my I-129F petition, so this is really quick.

    I'm not trying to complain. I just don't want to celebrate and then find out there was some kind of mistake.

    Keeping my fingers crossed.

    I need to get my packet and other documentation together and get it to my fiancee. I thought this would take much longer and that I'd just bring it all to her when I visit in July (though maybe now I won't be needing to go there).

    Thanks for any comments.

    I think you should be ok. Good luck!

  6. Hi all,

    My fiance will be filing our I-129F Petition this week and starting the whole K-1 process. I would like to go over in August for two weeks for our anniversary but wanted to know what my chances are of getting refused entry given that I have had trouble with the Dept. of Homeland Security on a previous trip. For ease of explanation I'll put in a timeline of my trips to the US and back:

    April 2007-May 2008: In USA legally on J-1 visa.

    May 2008-July 2008: Back in Australia.

    July 2008-September 2008: In the USA legally on the Visa Waiver Program.

    September 2008-Present: In Australia.

    It was my second trip to the US in July 2008 that I ran into trouble. My POE was Anchorage, Alaska (very roundabout flight via Taiwan) and the official there initially pulled me up on the fact that A) I had been in the US very recently for a very long time, and B) I didn't have a whole lot of spare money on me for an 11-week visit. That I could understand. I was taken into the interview room where it surfaced that I was staying with my (then) boyfriend, a US citizen. They then went to great lengths to try and make me admit that I was going to marry him and adjust status illegally, or find a job and work illegally, or do anything else wrong. Of course, I had no such intent and they couldn't prove it despite finding my journal and several photos in my carry-on luggage. After having not one, but FOUR officials interview me together and separately they finally let me in with a very stern warning not to marry or find a job.

    Now, I wouldn't be at all surprised if all of this is kept on my file somehow and it will all be pulled up when I go over again in August. This time around, however, it will only be a two week visit and I will have plenty of money (which I can prove through bank statements, and I plan to carry a good amount with me) and I have proof of rental obligations and a job that I will be expected to come back to. I think that's plenty of evidence that I do intend to go back to Australia until my visa is approved and I can migrate legally, along with the fact that I have never stayed in the US illegally (ie, I didn't overstay my J-1 visa or the VWP).

    I just wanted to see if anyone has, or know someone who has, had any trouble entering the US and what happened on subsequent trips. Plane tickets might be cheap at the moment but it is still a lot of money to get from Sydney to New York and I don't want it to be for nothing!

    Also, should I take over my copy of the I-129F packet just in case they want to see it? Anything else I should bring with me?

    I would wait for the whole K-1 process to be over and then fly to the States. Most people won't have a problem entering the US on another visa while waiting for the Fiance Visa, but I wouldn't risk it and be one of people who have had trouble upon entering the US. Good luck!

  7. I just got my visa finally after one month of waiting after my interview on March 13th of 2009,,, Thanks to all my friends here that helped me and give inspirational words of support specially PrettyFlower, Krizzie, Tina, barenaked and Rossine, and those that i met during my Medical and Interview who became my friends, Thank you guys and God bless. I will update my timeline later...

    Congratulations, I'm very happy for you!

  8. I have a question.

    I signed the Form G-325A and letter of intent on January 24th and mailed them to the US (to my fiance) on the same day but we had some problems with the mail and my fiance only got my documents last week. He mailed them anyways, even though the dates from mine and his documents are so far apart (my signed on January 24th and his on April 17th). I wonder if it's going to be a problem? The forms are still up to date and since I didn't find any topic about his, I thought I would ask. Thanks in advance!

  9. Hello,

    I'm in the exactly same situation as you are (I'm the Brazilian fiance). Here's what we are gonna do: we talked to the priest and he said that the Catholic church makes exceptions when you can prove why you can't get legally married first. We told him about the K1 process and he assured that it could be resolved. You'll need a baptism certificate copy from the American fiance (so they'll know he/she's not atheist). Provide translations of your NOA1 and you should be good. We were able to work it out here in Maceio, AL, hope you have the same luck!

    By the way, does anyone know if it's a good thing to take the wedding invitation to the consulate interview as a supporting document? Thanks!

  10. Hello everyone,

    I've been searching for answers regarding my questions on this forum (and in other websites) and I haven't find a good one yet concerning my problem. Here they are: for the Affidavit of Support, you need supporting documents. My question is, who do I (in this case, my US fiance) show those documents to? Should I take the supporting documents to the consulate with me for my interview or just the Affidavit itself? Is my fiance supposed to mail an Affidavit as well when he applies for the Fiance Visa with VSC or not? Also, my fiance is in the Army so should he just prove he's in the military or is he still supposed to prove he's 125% above poverty line?

    I'm sorry if my questions were asked before, thank you!

    PS: I'm new here, by the way, so my name is Denise, I'm the fiance from Brazil, my fiance is in NY. Nice to meet you all. :thumbs:

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