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Posts posted by NathanC

  1. You guys try to work it out. It's just the adjustment period. Try to understand that life here is very different than the old country and it's only normal you feel so anxious, and it's also normal for him to be frustrated.

    Just relax, it will be better. My advice, if you go back now even temporarily everything will be ruined. If he's violent and abusive, then you're protected by US law.

  2. Pretty serious situation my friend. Here's the cold options you'd have:

    - marry her and have her stay here illegally praying for a change in the US Immigration Law that would allow her to get her legal status at some point

    - Break-up

    - Go together to another fine country that still accepts immigrants: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Jamaica (ya mon), Puerto Rico, Brazil etc.

    - Get UCLA to fight for your cause

    - And even, if you love her that much, you'd even go to the Philippines, I would if I was in your situation. Think about it, you're an American, speaking English fluently with a lot of experience dealing with Americans, how hard do you think it would be for you to get an awesome job in Manila and have even a higher quality of life there than you would here. There's, I'm sure, a lot of American companies doing business there, and even the US Embassy/Consulate there.

    Don't worry man, be optimistic, I'm sure this girl will make you happy no matter what part of the world you guys decide to move to. Take the challenge!

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