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R and F

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Status Updates posted by R and F

  1. I just sent you another pm to your message box.

  2. Hey hope that your journey goes well.

  3. Hi hope you receive my pm.


  4. Hey Welcome to VJ. Much love and luck with your journey. Take care of yourself and stay safe

  5. Hope you are having a good week. Take care of yourself.

  6. Welcome to VJ. Have a great journey.

  7. Congrats on your approval. wohoo

  8. Hope things are well for you and your little one. He is surely growing up so fast. wow

    God bless

  9. wohoo I knew it, congrats

  10. Welcome to VJ.

  11. Welcome to VJ.

  12. Hey Sara was wondering how you were doing? Hope all is well for you.

  13. Welcome to VJ and congrats.

  14. Welcome to VJ

  15. Hey welcome to VJ.

  16. Please let us know what happened at your husbands interview. Thanks.

  17. Congrats you guys. You truly deserve this. Much love and happiness.

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