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R and F

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Posts posted by R and F

  1. Farid says: phone cell, license driver, closer to dying, time to time, and always asks, where are you going?

    And he'll ask, did you wash my short? and I will say shorts not short and he will say but it is only one short not two shorts....Oh and he tried to put aluminum foil in the micro... YIKES...I yelled out nooooooooooooooooooooo and he said, you scared me baby............. :P

    and when he sees half naked women on the street they are all prostitutes.

    and finally he says, I almost fall down and killer myself...

    gotta love this man....

  2. Good morning guys, got up really early today and decided to wash clothes as I must hang them out on the line. Invited to breakfast with a friend and going to a movie as well. Hope everyone has a great day and a blessed Easter as well. Hubby still sleeping and I can here him snoring. Man alive. :whistle:

  3. I think even if I meet a better, more responsible Albanian I wouldn't cut my losses and find another one. I'm rather fond of my husband.

    Pushbrk answered your question.

    not me. when dima and i fail due to our not having spent enough time together and him just wanting a green card...i'm heading straight to belarus for another one! :yes:

    Honestly why not get a two pack next time? You don't want to lose that fresh Eastern European smell they come with. ;)


    silly rabbit

  4. The people working at Casablanca are great. They are helpful and courteous. You should gather all the evidence you can get because it is better to have too much then not to have enough. I hope everything turns out great for you and your fiancee. Please post after the interview so we can see what happened. I wish you the best of luck.

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