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Chicagoguy 2

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Posts posted by Chicagoguy 2

  1. I remember I took over the whole dinning room table with documents. Checking and then rechecking. Then I made two copies of everything. Originals went to Immigration, 1 copy to fiance in Russia so she could see what we were up to and last copy for me as a backup. It took me weeks to gather everything.

    I put it in a 3 ring binder with tabs. Next I mailed it BUT I FORGOT THE CHECK ! Stupid. It was immediatly returned to me and they had thrown away my beautiful presentation. It was assembled their way with a two hole Acco binder at the top. Later I learned they don't like guys like me who go overboard. I was told by Gov. rep "Just Follow The Instructions".

    I don't think my stupid mistake even cost me 1 week. I was lucky.

    Citizenship is next for us. After U.S. passport we will be finished ! About 4 years from first arrival.

  2. Congratulations Gage and wife. It is my guess that many of the posters here either need help with the forms or have something go wrong. We don't hear of the many successes. Also, many people arrive here without knowing about Visa Journey.

    We had almost the same timeline as yours. Keep all Russian documents up to date and travel as if she is still Russian when entering there and as US person when arriving here. I told my wife that there might be advantages we have never considered in being citizens of two countries.

  3. I sent my wife an exact duplicate of what I sent to Immigration. I do not know if the original was forwarded to Moscow or not but when she went in for her interview she had her copy with her. The Embassy employee saw it and reached out and kept it for himself so now she would have nothing at P.O.E.

    However, in the interview itself he only asked her 1 question and then said yes. She spoke no English.

    She sailed through P.O.E. in Chicago with no questions.

  4. It is my guess that your husband has become an alcoholic. It happens. But people can improve IF they are willing to change.

    This is the most difficult part and usually involves treatment and usually joining and attending Alcoholics Anonymous.

    Not sure if you can wait for this transformation. It might be a very bumpy road and it might never happen.

    Maybe you could try an Alanon meeting just to talk with others who might help you.

  5. When I was working on K-1 I assumed it would be better for me or give me some advantage to be neat. To stand out. I sent in my file in a three ring binder with tabs and a fancy cover. Soon after it was returned to me for some minor infraction on my part. I don't remember what is was. But now they had re-arranged it in THEIR way - like Gary says. Two hole punch at the top with Acco binding.

    On another web page I go to an employee in Vermont said people like me annoy them :whistle: He suggested that we just follow the instructions - Duh.

    At any rate I was lucky and mine was granted in fair time.

    I suggest that everyone listen to Gary.

  6. Sam, I dont even know what to say. I know you have fought with everything you have to bring the two of you together. Its a damn shame that people can be so cruel and ungrateful. But God is watching...and God dont like ugly. I know you must be in so much pain, but my dear pick yourself up and try with everything you have to keep it moving and remember that time heals all wounds. Im praying for you and I send to you BIG HUGS!!! xoxoxoxoxo

    Time wounds all heals.

  7. I believe that living at 125% of the poverty line is possible. BUT what if emergencies arise. Like health issues. Maybe we should check to be sure couples have decent health coverage. I am on Medicare and not working so I have no coverage for my wife. Good coverage is very expensive. I am always mindful of my late wife's hospital bill. 1.2 million $. How would you like to open that envelope ?

    Our plan now is to pay small Dr. bills but she goes back home for the big ones.

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