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Posts posted by EZgoing378

  1. i dont know if its my imagination but has this topic been posted before already?

    Frankly, I think this is a crank but if not......

    It should be clear to you from what everyone else has said that if you don't get this woman to marry you by the time your visa expires, you must leave the US. If you overstay your visa, you could be permanently barred from ever coming back to this country. Think of the future, not the past.

    Reporting the boyfriend is a waste of time. With no witnesses and the fact that you will be deported by the time there is any trial, the police aren't going to do anything.

    If you do anything rash like committing a revenge crime, you will spend the remainder of your 90 days or more locked up instead of at that lovely Motel 6. This will unquestionably result in you NEVER being allowed back into this country.

    maliciant said: "All the important steps to take were in the original thread, act on it or tell us why that advice isn't helping?" Great question. What have you been doing since your original post? Something isn't adding up here.

  2. Ok I just received my NOA1 for my I-130 packet, but I don't know if I should start a packet for the I-129F or should I just wait for the I-130 to get approved? I am completely new and this and feel frustrated because everytime I call USCIS I get different information. One rep is like no you should wait because its cheapier and the other says that the I-129F is faster, but once my husband gets here we will have to adjust his status which is like $1500 or something like that. That really doesn't make sense....Can anyone please help me?

    Casandra and Aziz's Timeline

    03/26/07 - Received my first call from Aziz

    07/21/07 - Met in Morocco after 4 months of calls, im's, and emails

    08/01/07 - Engaged

    12/14/07 - 2nd visit to Morocco

    04/13/08 - Decided to get married in the summer

    05/20/08 - 3rd visit to Morocco

    07/10/08 - Married in Morocco

    10/06/08 - Sent I-130 Packet

    10/09/08 - Received NOA1

    *now awaiting NOA2*[/[/color]color]


    My best advice for you is to read up on all of the immigration visas. What you need to understand is that there are many different ways to accomplish the same thing when it comes to getting your spouse a visa because there are different visas you can get. Read up on them and it will make a lot more sense. This site has lots of information on the various ways you can bring a spouse into the US. You will get multiple answers from a post just like when you call USCIS because you have choices although I believe you have made your choice by starting with the I-130. I chose 129F so I can't tell you much about I-130 except that I learned a lot by reading the prepared tutorials on this site. These areas are called the FAQ's and GUIDES. Do yourself a big favor and read them. You will find them on the menu at the very top of the page.

    The short answer to your question, the very next thing that happens with ANY case just starting is you wait several months for them to get to your case. When you read up on the I-130 process you will understand what happens to your file when it gets there. You have a case number on the NOA-1 that can be used to check on the status of your case. Believe me, it will be months for it to change from its present state of "Case received and pending" so learn while you have the chance. This site has really well prepared information for everyone just starting out.

    It will all make sense soon. Good Luck to you both.

  3. Sorry, that was supposed to read:

    I'm not entirely sure how to determine if a cashier's check has cleared, either.. Hmm. Perhaps you could call your bank to see if it's been cashed?

    Since calling USCIS is always difficult to get a real person and it is Saturday, I plan to call the bank when they open today. I didn't want to go this far yet, I shouldn't panic but all I needed was someone to suggest it. I appreciate your suggestion. :whistle:

    If I get an answer that seems generic and not bank specific, I will post it just in case anyone else ever needs to know how.

    I decided to wait for the mail and I got my NOA-1 today so we are looking at 14 days for us. Now I have to figure out how to enter that on my timeline. I can't seem to get it to work but that is another matter.

  4. (laughing) Does THIS sound like one of those Nigerian email scams or what?

    I never considered the scam from that angle, just as an immigration scam but you may have something there. Someone needs the cash for a ticket to Africa. Just the cash please, not the ticket. Now that you mention it, even the way the English reads with the misspellings sounds like one of those bank scams. :huh:

  5. Sorry, that was supposed to read:

    I'm not entirely sure how to determine if a cashier's check has cleared, either.. Hmm. Perhaps you could call your bank to see if it's been cashed?

    Since calling USCIS is always difficult to get a real person and it is Saturday, I plan to call the bank when they open today. I didn't want to go this far yet, I shouldn't panic but all I needed was someone to suggest it. I appreciate your suggestion. :whistle:

    If I get an answer that seems generic and not bank specific, I will post it just in case anyone else ever needs to know how.

  6. This story does not sound credible. As another noted, why would the fiancee go through all of the process (including signing an affidavit of support) only to turn away her fiance?

    I am betting this is trolling. Anyone second that assessment?

    It could be that the whole story isn't being told here. Maybe the petitioner was doing this for money or was told that this man had money but when he landed here with nothing, she lost her motivation.

    There are some other things that don't add up either. The girl does not need to send anyone over there with a gun to get rid of this poor fellow, she just has to wait 90 days.

  7. chou huan ying. meiguoren ya qiang. ling hui?

    Try English. My fiancee who has lived in China for 39 years has no idea what you are saying. Also, even I know that a question ends with ma? I would like to understand what you are attempting to say but many of these words don't exist. If it isn't something civil, don't bother.

    could be she can't speak putonghua, or can't understand it without the accent marks. she is from south china, i suppose?

    that's the trouble with spoken chinese language. it varies from place to place to the point of mutual unintelligeability. 80% of the people in this country can't speak putonghua, the national language. writing it in pinyin is not a good solution, either, as most comps are not set up for accent marks, and even if they were a single pinyin representation can offer up to 50 possible character options (xi, for example). that's why we often hold business meetings in english. my core staff here are all locals, so they speak in luoyanghua, but when we get a visitor from shanghai, or harbin, or shandong province, it always goes to english. what a messed up place this is.

    i was welcoming you to the group, indicating that the americans who post here are under lots of pressure, so implying that their comments are sometimes a result of the pressure, and indicating that we could be friends.

    ma is what i call my wife's mother. ba is my father in-law. they are nice people. in my wife's absence we have spent days together getting by in pidgin chinglish. they understand, so maybe i speak more luoyanghua, than putonghua. even so, i can never be lao xiang.

    Yes, it could be that she does not speak that dialect. We figured out many of the words, just not the message. I am aware that there are hundreds of dialects spoken in China. She speaks whatever Mandrin dialect is spoken in Beijing and Shenyang and all over the Northeast of China. We travelled all over. Shenyang, Beijing, Anshen, Dilan and nobody had any problems communicating with her. I don't know what dialect it is but she is an educated person from Shenyang and graduating from the University of Liaoning which is also in Shenyang. Her pinyin is quite strong, I think it is a dialect difference.

    Thank you for the welcome to the group. I just started taking a Mandrin class where we will learn pinyin and traditional Chinese characters. I have my computer set up now for Traditional Chinese but like you said pinyin accent marks don't show up. I figure taking the class will give me a head start on what she will teach me. The professor is very good, an author and he and sister own a huge English school in China. Here they have the Chinese school mostly for children of parents that want their children to keep their culture.

    As far as being messed up with dialects, the Philippines are no different. They have an incredible number of dialects. I am just thankful that all I have to decipher is the occasional Southern drawl or New England accent.

    Anyway, thank you again for the welcome. The information is interesting, I will show it to my professor and he can give me some geographical references to the dialects.


  8. chou huan ying. meiguoren ya qiang. ling hui?

    Try English. My fiancee who has lived in China for 39 years has no idea what you are saying. Also, even I know that a question ends with ma? I would like to understand what you are attempting to say but many of these words don't exist. If it isn't something civil, don't bother.

  9. Sorry for this double post, I tried to use the editor on the previous post and failed miserably so this is what I hoped to say:

    I get traffic like that all the time. Those are people that are just randomly scanning computers with well known trojan horses on them in places where those Trojan horses are likely to be accessible. It is called a port scan. If you want to read about port scans and other computer security GibsonResearchCorperation is a good place to go. Thank God for firewalls. I started getting so many port scans from people poking around in the dark, I silenced the warnings and just look at the log from time to time for threats that are rated high.

    Mod, could you please remove my sorry attempts at using the editor. I apologize.

  10. Did I come to the wrong place? I was trying to find the "Hello China Group." Seems I found the "Does not play well with others group." :lol:

    For all the grown ups, thank you for your Hellos and Welcomes. We are just like the name implies EZgoing. We just want to make some nice friends to give and receive support from during these difficult months of waiting. I have been a member of many other chat boards and I can say one thing, even when everyone speaks the same native language, misunderstandings are easy. Now here, you add the language variable and the chance of a misunderstanding really increases. The truth is nobody needs to prove anything to anyone here and it is pointless to try. If I have nothing useful to add to the topic, then I really have nothing to post. Now I will take my own advice, since I have nothing more useful to say, I will simply say: I wish you all good luck, hope to see you around. Zai Jian.

  11. Just so I understand this, you are saying that there have been cases where because the petitioner knows the respondents family, the case is denied? Why? They think maybe you are only doing it to help your friends get their family member into the US? That type of thing? If that is so, I think the advice people gave you is very sound. Just show that your relationship is genuine. You know, when the relationship is for real I found it wasn't hard to prove it. I had so much evidence I had to cut back. If they want more evidence, I have a lot more I can give them. If you talk to him by internet, then save your chat logs. If there are questions, they really show how routine you and he talk. I only sent a few chat logs, the first one and a recent one. Then I sent the log for my calling card that shows I call everyday when she is at work and no internet is available. Two years of logs is pretty powerful. It wouldn't matter if I knew her family, that is hard evidence. So far, I sent the normal stuff, pictures of us together, travel reciepts, photographs.

  12. I don't know what the cost of the wi-fi phone is but there are some very cheap calling cards out there. I call from Wisconsin to China everyday and it only costs me about $20 to $25 a month and we talk from 20 to 60 minutes. Of course, this doesn't work well if you have to pay for cell minutes on top of it. I use a land line to call the calling card network, then it is like 2.3 cents per minute. I would guess Spain would be cheaper. You are in the business as you say, so I probably don't know what I am talking about but maybe it would work as a temporary solution. My brother works in the business and lives in Seattle. I wonder what the chance is you know him? He works for T-Mobile. If you did what a small world it would be.

  13. with his middle name being Hussein and everything, about him being Muslim.... " To which I replied "so what if he was?"

    We're at war with the Muslims - can't have one as our Commander-in-Chief.

    :no: We're in a war against WMDS -- no, wait, Al-Qaeda -- no, wait, terrorism -- no, wait, insurgents -- no, wait, we're in a war against something nebulous that hasn't been defined lately.

    It's Muslims.

    We are at war with people that happen to be Muslims, whatever package they come in or label we paste on them. Terrorist, Iraqi insurgent, Afgan rebel, whatever. Just because all of them happen to be Muslim doesn't mean we are at war with someone just because they are a Muslim. They need to be both column A and column B, like a Muslim terrorist for instance for us to be at war with them in my view. There are plenty of Muslims that want nothing to do with this.

    After saying all that, there is no way I would vote for one just like if I was alive in the early 40's I wouldn't vote for someone who ran the local Bund or some Japanese who managed to stay out of the prisons we put them in. Questionable loyalty and objectivity would be my reasons for not voting for someone with the same nationality or religious affiliation as an enemy, not racisim or bigotry. I am sure people on this site of all places understand the difference between a person and the politics of where they come from or who they pray with. Many of us would not be allowed our spouses if that were the test.

  14. The only reason McCain defended Obama is that after a week of negative ads it was clear they were not working. McCain wants to get off of the economy subject. They tried the negative ads, they didn't work. The negative ads were starting to work against him. I believe this plus the fact that saying something THAT BAD about your opponent personally is looked upon as off the political subject added up to McCain realizing he needed to change his approach.

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