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Posts posted by LikeALadybug

  1. "Plans change, life happens" is not an excuse, its reality. So should she just not come back into the country all though she has studies or a job to finish because she plans on getting married and that is being deceitful? It's not like she applied for her student visa well aware that she was getting married ,she already had it and because she went home to see her family it doesn't mean she should stay home and go the k3 route, that would make no sense. It's not a lie saying she is there to study/work on OPT when that is what she is in fact doing. If they were to ask her directly if she was entering to get married then I would assume she would tell the truth as that would otherwise be a direct lie and not recommended.

    But honestly, I don't know why they would ask if she plans on leaving anyway - it is assumed when you get a student visa that you will leave but because life does in fact happen, there is the AOS option for situations like this. It is not illegal and it is obviously not considered fraud, otherwise they would not allow it. Of all the times I went in and out of the country, I was never asked if I intended to leave again and I obviously have ties to the USA. This summer when I came back from holiday in Canada we were asked to step out of the car as I assumed they would, and they just asked about where I work (I'm on OPT) and then the guy suggested if we got married I would have an easier time getting in and out of the country. If that is fraud, why would border control he suggest that then?

  2. You can apply for AOS after you marry but you have to stay in the states until this process has been approved or apply for advanced parole - you CANNOT leave for any reason with out that. Read the AOS guide, they explain everything pretty good.

    I'm on OPT and have applied for AOS, it's perfectly legal. If they will question why you don't live together I don't know, I would assume you have a pretty good reason that you could include in your application. If it's "safer' to wait until you can live together, I have no idea.

    And of course you will say if any one asks when you enter the country that you are leaving when your visa expires, you have technically signed a contract with the USA when you applied for your student visa promising you will leave. But things change, lives happen...I have traveled into the USA with my now husband and daughter on a F1 visa several times, no one never questioned or denied me entry although they could see that I have ties to the USA now and will probably not be leaving at the end of my studies. My point is, they are human regardless of what some may think, and even if they were writing down everything you say (or secretly film you) which I highly doubt, they will not use it against later on.

    Regarding working illegally, you can probably get away with... at least until immigrations catches up with you. As soon as they start processing your case they will find out, everything is trackable by your SS and probably tax ID #. They will fine you at a minimum. How much, I don't know, but working illegally is not looked upon as lightly. It's a serious offense and probably not worth the risk. I suggest you save up if cannot get your EAD's to overlap.

    Good luck!

  3. Yeah!! I finally got a notice of action - I'm adding myself to the list. I just need a biometrics letter now! It's almost like Christmas with all this waiting. Ha Ha!


    BexandAlan-----------OCT.27------OCT.29 ---------NOV.7------NOV.28

    gabriela -------------- OCT.28-------NOV.3 ---------NOV.7------DEC. 5

    anven------------------OCT.29-------NOV.3 ---------NOV.10 ----NOV.28

    jack&anais ----------- OCT.31 ------NOV.3----------NOV.14

    Jon-n-Michelle-------- NOV.3--------NOV.5----------NOV.15-----DEC.5

    alizeyah --------------NOV.3 -------------------------NOV.13------DEC.9

    sertina ----------------NOV.3 --------NOV.5---------NOV 13------DEC.4

    Pisces221 ------------NOV.3

    jego ryu --------------NOV.4 --------NOV.7 ----------NOV.17 -----DEC.17

    Southern_Canadian--NOV.5 --------NOV.7 ----------NOV.14 -----DEC.10

    drl---------------------- NOV.5 --------NOV.7 ----------NOV.17 ----DEC.10

    stacey2008 ----------NOV.6

    phoenixwine22 ------NOV.6

    LikeALadybug--------Nov. 7--------Nov. 11...............Nov. 18

    o0pricelessluv0o ----NOV.7--------NOV 11

    marash ---------------NOV.7 --------NOV.9

    clolita -----------------NOV.7 --------NOV.10

    jonbless --------------NOV.7

    metinil ----------------NOV.12

    dave&evan ----------NOV.12 -------NOV.13

    Roselinda ------------NOV.12

    chis-lie ---------------NOV.12--------NOV.17

    simsdee --------------NOV.12

    jhunjhun -------------NOV.13---------NOV. 14

    Derek & Yun ---------NOV.13 --------NOV.14


    Sal and Jay ----------NOV.14---------NOV.17

    abranch --------------NOV.14

    November_Filer -----NOV.15

    cassi9879 ----------- NOV.15

    Mitchamy ------------NOV.17---------Nov.19



    Brian and Jenn-------NOV.18----------NOV.20

    Martin&Nat -----------NOV.18 ---------NOV.20


    Eshansmommy-----NOV.20 -----------NOV.24

    sarah n robbie ------NOV.22

    theonlyjess ----------NOV.22

  4. I'm not gonna tell you not to come to the USA I do really like this country, otherwise I would not have stayed myself, but if you are planning on adding kids to the mix in the near future, I just want to warn you how not-kid friendly the USA is.

    You get, about 6 weeks off from work after having a baby, unpaid of course unless you are one in a million who is employed by a company that pays you. You will have to provide health insurance for this child which is very expensive, daycare can be pretty high too, depending on where in the USA you live. When you child is sick, you better hope the company you work for is very understanding, or they will take out any of you vacation days so you can stay home -hopefully you will not get sick yourself too, that even more UNPAID days off from work.

    In Denmark where I am from we have very similar benefits Sweden and was horrified to learn how they do thing over here. Luckily, I had my daughter while I was college over here; I could take a semester off and stay home until my child was 6 mo. old - it should be a crime to expect a new mother to leave her child at 6 weeks!

    We were planing on going back to Denmark because of the situation over here but at the last minute I was offered a well paid job and we have now filed for AOS instead. I hope things will get better soon and if you decide to come over here, I'm sure you will make it although your standard of living may be lowered for a while - it depends on where you are going and what kind of profession you plan on going into (finance/real estate is not doing very good (-: )

    You might newer really notice anything except maybe slightly higher food prices. If you have already applied I would say you might as well go ahead with it and move over here and if things get worse you can always leave. That's what we plan on doing, and I think that is one of the benefits of marrying someone from a foreign country. And who is to say things won't get worse in Europe too - just look at Iceland!

    good luck to whatever you decide, it's hard to predict what will come of all this really.

  5. I'm so sorry that you are going through this but I do not understand why you still want to marry this guy? I understand you still love him, that doesn't just go away overnight but why would you move to a foreign country that you are a little nervous about anyway to be with someone who obviously disregards your feelings. I am sure he is under a lot of pressure being in the situation he is in, but that does not give him a free pass to be mean to you. And what's with the date? I would demand to know now if it was me but of course we all deal with things differently.

    What is certain is, he is not being fair to you and you should not allow him to treat you that way. None of us knows what is going on in his head and the whole thing could be blown out of proportion which gives you even more reasons to demand an answer now. He cannot expect you to sit around for several weeks before he has an answer and expect you not to run wild with it!

    If he refuses to give you an answer I hope you reconsider this guy as a future husband - maybe you should both just back off a little and wait with getting married, it sounds as if he still needs to figure out what he really wants.

  6. I don't see you couldn't file - you have a perfectly valid reason if they were to question it. The only problem I see is that you would have to file for a change of address when you finally can live together again but since I haven't tried it, I wouldn't know how difficult that would be.

    As long as you can prove you have an ongoing relationship there really shouldn't be a problem but if you don't feel you can prove or are worried they might question your choices I guess you should wait and file later. But I'm sure there are no rules against it...

  7. I filled my AOS and EAD on November 7th and they cashed my check but I have still not received a NOA!

    Has anyone who maybe filled earlier than me received theirs? I thought the NOA would come within a week or so...I guess I'm just really anxious, I really need my EAD to pass through in hopefully less than 90 days and now that I haven't heard anything I'm just worried about it. I'm sure I just need to relax but really, I don't want to take a month's vacation (unless it was paid, HA HA) if things don't go through soon. Aaaargh...why are they so slow?

    I have another question too, not related to my headline.

    Back last year when i filled for my OPT which is the same form as the EAD if I remember right, I was never asked to go in for biometrics and it took them just over 30 days to send it to me. What's the difference now, does anyone know? And why are they so slow????

  8. Great to hear someone who loves it here - there are so many who sound miserable and having a hard time to adjust. I personally love it here and although I about once a year think maybe I've been away from home long enough, it's time to go home I just can't. It would be like a reversed homesickness I guess...

    I can understand why some might find this country a bit strange sometimes...I'm still amazed at times and I'm still learning about this place but at the end of the day, this place is great!

  9. Sounds like a scam, definitely. I'm not sure how it works through paypal but if they are wanting to pay more than the items worth they are probably trying to do that thing they do with money orders where they ask you to send the excess money back to them.

  10. Hi,

    I think all you have to do is bring your marriage certificate along with your passport to prove you were married and just haven't changed your name/passport yet - I wouldn't either, it's expensive. I do suggest you call the airline though or possibly your embassy and double check this info. One thing you can be sure off is that you will most likely NOT be able to travel when the names on your ticket and passport are not the same.

    Good luck!

  11. I think Caylee's mom is guilty. I hope I'm wrong though...

    Even if she didn't do it though, she should be brought to justice for child neglect. She supposedly left her child with a babysitter and when she dissapeared never reported it! Did she even care about this little girl? Just awful the whole thing.

  12. Are you sure the Americans are aware of these 4 years of guaranteed annual leave? I have never heard of that which doesn't mean it's not true....I just now from my work place you have to work here for a few years to get two weeks off...and try and ask for a week off with out pay so you can go on holiday. From what I understand I was lucky they allowed it and didn't fire me afterwards. They will work you to death...even if it means their employees are miserable. I too wish they would realize this it NOT the way to get productive workers, I think it creates un-loyal, bitter workers.

  13. No, the TV is not the only source for the rest of the world but..true Americans (sorry, I'm gonna sound sterotypical) like to watch Tv...a lot...and how many really read the newspaper anymore, you can just go online and read it for free. It's not that the sources aren't available its just that they are not really raised to show interest in them and that is partly because of the TV. Now, newer generations have other sources like the net and maybe they'll show more interest but I highly doubt that. It's not the American way...

  14. I believe Americans are kept in the dark to some extend. Like the previous poster pointed out, how many news channels deal with foreign news? Very few and if you do not have cable , you get very little information about the rest of the world.

    Also, Americans travel very little, even with in their own country. It seems like that one Senior year Europe trio many students go on is enough for them and they now know everything there is to know about Europe -it seems to be one country to them too I noticed. In school they learn little about the rest of the world but really, the attitude is that the USA does things the best way, they are not open to change and really the rest of the world does not concern them I guess after living here for six years I can kinda understand this feeling just because so much goes in in the USA and because you suddenly don't have any close neighbors besides Canada and Mexico it feel a little like this is the world. I'm glad grew up in Europe with a more open mind towards other cultures and I still love to travel, it is just so hard to get time off from work here. They make it hard for Americans to show interest in the rest of the world.

    Despite it all, I still love America.

  15. Wow...is really all I can say. It sounds like you have some issues, well, really both of you do. Now, I'm not trying to be rude but it really sounds like the both of you have some growing up to do.

    She does NOT owe you anything although you have definitely done a lot for her, financially especially from what it sounds like. I'm not familiar with the culture but to me it sounds like you are being taken advantage off but that must be ok with you, otherwise you wouldn't be sending her this much money. Really, why are you buying her furniture and stuff, what did she have before you were in her life? And why are you paying for her family? What did they do before you?

    I can certainly understand wanting to be with your family on Christmas, I have been away from my country for 6 years and it was only last year I spent Christmas with my family...in the USA of all places. It sucks, especially when there are kids involved but that is the price you pay when choosing a loved one in a different country.

    I don't know what she is thinking but she kind of makes me mad. I think she needs to grow up and stop making it look like she is taking advantage of you - as a woman, that makes me mad and it make our gender look bad. If she does not feel ready to leave her family behind then she should say so and stop taking your money. She chose to have a child, now its time to grow up and take care of it, and if she does not want to be with you in the USA anyway well then maybe she should get a job. kids are expensive, I should know, I have one.

    You on the other hand need to stop throwing you money around like its nothing - grow up, money is not everything and it will not buy love, at least not for a very long time.

    I hope you both can sit down as adults and figure out what is best for everybody because you have now involved an innocent child. Follow you gut and stop acting like she owes you anything.

  16. Her child's status does NOT give her any legal grounds to stay in the USA. Since the father/husband wants nothing to do with the child she is free to leave the country with that child although I would suggest she gets a court order or some sort of signed paper from the father/husband otherwise he can turn around and accuse her of kidnapping the child. I'm not sure if she can get child support if she leaves the country...

    If she want to stay she should try and have the conditions removed like someone else said and she can obviously prove the marriage was legit.

    For some odd reason the USA does not consider the mother of a child anything but that - if they were to deport her she could contest it because of the child's status and she will be in legal limbo for however long it takes them to settle it but she cannot work in the meantime from what I understand.

  17. I have lived in the USA for 6 years and have a solid work history in the USA too - it was on campus but it's still a job and I developed new skills. Anyway, when I graduated last year I had to take to take a job beneath my skills too. I think it is the economy, I have the skills and experience but the competition is so hard right now. Just keep working and developing skills, a lot companies hire within. You might get promoted if you make them aware you would like a higher position or remember it's easier to get a new job when you already have one so don't give up. I have finally gotten a new job and will be working in my field and earning a suitable wage in the new year. I'm just waiting for my EAD. Yeah me!!!!

  18. On 6th Oct I found an entry level IT job just posted that very day on careerbuilder. I found the employers web page and filled out their application online the same day!.. The job asked for high school education, A+ certification and perferred MCP :lol: with experience. Considdering I have the minimum requirements (including the A+) and more! plus a few certificates form back home and over 5 years (not including training time) experience in the field I thought I'd least get an interview or something... The next morning on the 7th at 8:40 I get an email saying.. "thanks for applying... but we're looking for canditates that better fit our needs" from their human resources? :hehe:

    Is it just me or is something wrong here? I mean the job opens on the 6th and by the 7th I have HR telling me no?.. I don't get it.. I emailed their HR and asked why the rejection as I'm qualified to at least get past HR but no responce.. So I emailed HR director and said the same thing.. no responce. I thinking about calling them and saying.. #######.. why am I being rejected? I'm getting fedup with being rejected by these places and I'm thinking it's because I've only one US employer since I moved here in 2005?

    Is it just me or is this weird?...


    Idon't know if I'm too late to be read but I have lived in the USA for about 6 years and although I didn't start working until last year on my OPT, the response you got sounds like the "American Way" from what I have picked up.

    When I started looking for jobs last year I found that the jobs I was not really qualified for called me in for an interview even if I was not hired in the end, and the jobs I was more than qualified for said "No thanks" with out even talking to me. I have finally come to the conclusion they will NOT hire anyone who is over qualified, they might have to pay you a real wage, especially they way things are over here right now they will rather train you a little and pay you A LOT less than someone with a real degree and experience.

    My brother-in-law who is an American citizen and also in the IT field has been unemployed for a while now and he applied/applies for jobs that require very little education and he is constantly blown off too. So, I doubt it has anything to do with your nationality or legal status but of course I don't know. It's just what I have concluded....

  19. I have another question, sorry if it's in the wrong section, I for some reason have trouble using this site and i noticed my last post was moved, where to, I don't know.

    I'm filling for I-130 along with I-485 etc....we have a child together who is an American citizen by birth. Do I put her down as child accompanying me here to the US?

    Has anyone ever been in that situation or any suggestions as what to do. I'm guessing yes, but at the same time it seems silly to do that when she is already a citizen and I don't want them getting confused thinking I should have applied for another I-485 and then delay the case. I'm reluctant to call the USCIS office just because I heard from a friend they are not good at giving the right advice.

    Thanks in advance.

    Ps. I don't have a time line yet, I haven't filled my papers. We are in the process and I'm just making sure everything is getting filled out right. We plan on sending our paper's in Nov. 3, we are getting married on Oct. 31 if that helps anyone.

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