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Status Updates posted by Ferline

  1. confused with DS230....

  2. Hey I'm wondering the same things about the NOA2!! Good luck

  3. How funny that your fiancé lives in Lyon!

  4. is awaiting package 3 from the US embassy in Paris....

    1. Tanoushka


      patience patience...ca viendra!

  5. is getting ready to mail the I-129F

  6. is happy that the I-129F package was sent!

  7. is waiting for the NOA1..... let's the long wait begin!

  8. NOA1 arrived on July 6th, our case was touched on Aug 7th now let's wait for NOA2!!!

  9. NOA2 issued on October 8th!!!

    1. gap1


      Congrats! Still nothing for us. =(

    2. JESA0726
    3. Ferline


      Thanks guys!

  10. On October 3rd, 2010, USCIS touched our case....

  11. Our check is cleared!

  12. received the packet 3!!! US embassy here we come!

  13. Salut! Je croise les doigts pour que le I129F soit envoye au plus tard le 15 mai...ms je ne sais pas il reste qqs petits papiers a faire.. et j'en ai moi meme a envoye a mon fiance avant...donc a voir!

  14. Still waiting for the NOA2!!! Too longgggggggg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JESA0726


      I would not really rely on what's showing on VJ cos sometimes it is including Saturdays and Sundays in the count.. and if you follow closely it shows that CSC is processing applications faster than VSC.. i find that hard to believe.. anyhow hoping for the best !

    3. JESA0726


      They touched my case once.. in mid July!

    4. Ferline


      Oh you just killed my tiny hope that we'll get our NOA2 soon... :(..same thing for me they touched my case only on Aug 7th and since that nothing...well hope we'll both get it soon!

  15. yeahh! Interview scheduled for March 22nd!!

    1. carine


      bonne chance!

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