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About tommys_girl

  • Birthday 07/07/1970

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    melbourne australia
  • Interests
    Chatting, Movies, Long drives, scrapbooking and making cards, i love enjoying time with my family, bbq's and V8 Supercars

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Adjustment of Status (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Local Office
    New Orleans LA
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Tommy and I met on an internet chat program, everyday that i logged onto the chat program i would see if he was online, when he wasnt i was upset but once i saw his nic-name light up my whole face would beam and a huge smile would be upon my face.

    After both of us trying to avoid showing our feelings for each other ( we were worried that the other didnt feel the same) but the more and more we talked we quickly realised that we had many things in common and that we both felt the same way, so from that point on we talked everyday for hours and hours, after a few months we knew we had something really special so we decided that we needed to meet in real and see if the feelings were the same.

    So 8 months after i first saw him, i packed my bags along with my daughter and off we went to the USA. I was so nervious, when we got off the second plane i wasnt used to the general public not being at the gate, as we made our way to the security point to gain acces into the main part of the airport, i saw him standing there and all my nerves ran away i almost felt like dropping my bags and running to him. we hugged and kissed and never let go of each others hands until he had to drive lol, we were finally relieved to be with each other, now i could finally look into his amazing blue eyes i had spent many a hour starring at on the computer, once i was with him i knew i had made the right decision to come to the USA and all my "what if" questions left my mind.

    We spent our first night together in New Orleans and went to my first Mardi Gras. America is certainly a very different place to Australia. The next day we went back to his place and met his family, we all got along so well that we felt we had all known each other for years and we knew we were meant to be, we spent 3 months living with each other and we found it extremly hard when it was time for me to come home, i cried as i was walking away through the security gates, watching him walk away everyone was starring at me but i didnt care, i felt like screaming out to him dont let me leave, i was leaving the man of my dreams, i cried even more when i heard the friendly voices of Qantas welcoming us onto the plane because i knew i was really leaving the USA. As soon as i got back into Melbourne i had to call him to hear his voice.

    It took a few more months and another trip to the USA before we could get started on my visa, as his divorce hadnt come through yet, so once that was all done we got onto getting my visa. so here we are awaiting my visa so we can get back together, i hope that day comes soon, we have wedding plans for February at this stage but i think that will have to be postponed due to a few setbacks on our paperwork. in the end he is worth waiting for and i will wait til the end of time for him (although i wouldnt be happy about doing that but i would if i had to)

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  1. Hi and Thank u very much for your comment, getting to hear from people that have gone before is so great, the advice and help you all give helps relieve some of the stress.. congrats on being in the US hopefully i will be by Christmas xoxo Kaye

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