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Posts posted by BermyCat

  1. This is obviously eating at you two. Talking with the pastor might not be a bad idea. Part of his/her job is counseling members of their congregation. I'm sure that they'd be willing to give suggestions and advice. You don't even have to let your in-laws know if you don't want to.

    ~ Catherine

  2. I have a vent for today. I'm scheduled for a colonscopy for tomorrow morning. :dead: ick! I have to drink this 8 oz powdered laxative mixed with 64 ounces of liquid and drink it every 15 minutes until it's all gone! :o So I looked at the back of the Miralax, this powder, and it says the bottle is good for 2 weeks, and I have to take it all at once??? Yikes! Now, I'm not supposed to eat anything today either, but I'm SURE that won't matter. I will be one step away from the bathroom most of the afternoon I guess. What a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE prep for this exam!! :help:

    They made me have my first at 29. The prep is pretty awful. At least the exam is quick and you don't have to hang around the hospital for ong afterwards.

    ~ Catherine

  3. I would have your fiancé find out exactly why they don't want your mother there. If it is about food and presents you can probably handle that offering to bring another dish or assuring them that your mom won't be upset in any way about not getting a gift. If they can't give you a good reason then it's time to have your fiancé put his foot down. Both of your families are important to you and your in-laws need to understand that.

    If worse comes to worst, you can always offer to have a Christmas party for everyone at your place and have that be the only one you attend.

    Good luck.

    ~ Catherine

  4. Several Sundays now on my way to church, I've seen a woman jogging with a Canadian flag pin on her shirt. I always want to wave but she'd probably think I'm some kind of crazy stalker.

    ~ Catherine

  5. The last time you posted your fiancée was in the US on some kind of temporary visa. Is she coming back on that kind of visa again? If so, what is it?

    ~ Catherine

  6. Not to derail the conversation, but... if someone is both an American and a Canadian citizen, can they visit places like Cuba? I don't have an interest in doing so; however, as a natural-born American citizen, I am not allowed to go to Cuba. If I became a Canadian citizen as well, could I go or would I somehow get in trouble with the U.S. government? :unsure:

    The US government will recognize you as American only. They aren't going to recognize your Canadian citizenship at all. Based on that, I would assume that you still wouldn't be able to visit Cuba.

    ~ Catherine

  7. I have no problem with anyone who doesn't wish to get citizenship here, I just believe that those who do have that intention should be placed in front of those who don't.

    All this would accomplish is to have most immigration applicants declare their intention to get citizenship simply to be moved to the front of the line. They'd do this even if they planned to leave the US a year or two after getting citizenship.

    It seems there are two issues that concern you. The difficulties that refugees have when they want to come to the States and make it their new home and indignation that spouses/fiancé(e)s that don't intend to become citizens have an easier time getting here than refugees who are planning to become citizens.

    For the first, I'd be willing bet that process for refugees is unfair and needs to be overhauled.

    For the second, I disagree with the idea that whether or not someone wants become a citizen is reflective of how deserving they are to come here. I am planning to live here for good. I'm going to respect the laws and values here, probably more so than some of the US citizens I've met. I'm going to be a net positive to the country. Beyond paying taxes when I find a job, I'm committed to volunteerism and I'll do my best to make sure that any children Phil and I have are too. I wouldn't feel right about becoming an American unless being American is going to be something that means a lot to me. I don't think that people like me should have a harder time getting here than anyone else.

    ~ Catherine

  8. I know that right now I don't intend to become an American citizen but I am pretty sure I'll be here for the rest of my life. I'm sorry if that sort of thing upsets you, bowflex. I love my husband very much and I really don't think he could ever be happy being really far away from his family. I'm fully commited to being here and contributing to the country through paying my taxes and volunteering for the forseeable future. Not wanting to become a citizen is a cultural identity thing. I just don't indentify as American. That may change in time. If I get to a point where I'd feel perfectly happy describing myself as an American/Bermudian/Canadian (BerCanAmerican maybe :)), I'll go for citizenship.

    ~ Catherine

  9. Don't you love it when an spur of the moment choice leads to a new opportunity.

    I've been pretty down lately, mostly because I've had a lot of trouble finding work and meeting people. I'd started looking for volunteer math tutoring opportunities to get me out of the house and accomplishing something worthwile. On a whim, I went to my church's Wednesday Eucharist and was introduced to a woman that owns an after-school math tutoring business. She going to pay me to tutor middle school children from 2 to 7 Monday through Thursday and on Saturday morning. :)

    When we were talking we found out that we have exactly the same educational and work backgrounds. We also both feel really strongly that it's important to fight the "girls can't do math" idea that still seems to persist in the world today.

    ~ Catherine

  10. Hahaha

    I met my husband on Wow, Haha

    this is tooo funny

    Seriously how many people have done this?

    I showed some of my stepmother's friend my wedding pictures. One of them said, " You met HIM on online on a game? What's the name of that game? Let me get a pen."

    ~ Catherine

  11. I'm obviously out of shape. I was at the build for four hours and I'm tired. We put up all of the exterior walls this morning. Then lunch was donated by a BBQ place and Edy's donated a whole lot of ice cream. :)

    ~ Catherine

  12. Is it wrong that I'm excited for the hurricane coming this way? :unsure: I think its just something different. Although my brother and sister in law are arriving on the 15th, so it better be gone by then and beaches looking pristine.

    I love hurricanes. Just make sure your generator works well in advance. Trying to get a new one just before a hurricane shows up is a painful experience.

    ~ Catherine

  13. I chose #1. I like simple. If this is for your wedding, have you looked at bridesmaid dresses that come in white? There are a lot of beach appropriate options plus they tend to cost less than the "destination" wedding dresses.

    ~ Catherine

    We are not having any attendants at all. There is a small chance that this will be a private ceremony with just the two of us and the justice of the peace. At the most we will have maybe 20 family members attend.

    I've already done the "big wedding." I am looking forward to our intimate ceremony. We are writing our vows and everything!

    I think she ment more in looking at some of the bridemaids dresses in white for you, as they have a bunch of cute shorter styles that you may like as well.

    Gotcha. I did do a search for Bridesmaid dresses in white at David's bridal. I didn't see anything that I was interested in. I dread going to a bridal shop because (1) I hate shopping, (2) I am likely to fall in love with a very expensive dress and then totally blow my money (3) taking my kids to a bridal shop is a bad idea . . .

    I just found that there was tonnes more selection in white/ivory bridesmaids dresses than there were in "destination" - i.e. not gigantic - bridal gowns. They tended to be cheaper too.

    You're right though, I didn't like much at David's bridal at all. I just picked out two or three dresses that I liked online and made a trip to the nearest bridal shop that had them.

    ~ Catherine

  14. My Alien number wsn't on my visa. It was however on my K-1 NOA2 form near the top right corner above my name in the box marked Applicant. It was nine numbers thought the first was a zero. A 0XX-XXX-XXX

    ~ Catherine

    Edit: In fact, my visa looks totally different than the one posted above. Weird.

  15. Ever since I have started here I have been doing the entire administrative side of my bosses responsibilities. Well since the CFO took over he has been watching this and informed me that next week I'll get a review with a wage increase and a title change. Finally.

    That's awesome. Congratulations.

    ~ Catherine

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