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Status Updates posted by prince+angel

  1. Where ya been all day????? LOL

  2. Hi there! Just a little note to thank you for the kind words & have see how you've been. Were you able to make plans to fly to see your hubby? We hope ur together soon!

  3. Hi! Noticed you haven't been on VJ in awhile. Hoping all is well with you!

  4. Hello! Noticed you havent been on to VJ in awhile. Hoping all is with you

  5. Hi! Thought I would connect to & see how you are. Hoping all is well with you both.

  6. Hi! Hoping all is well with you. How is the process going for you?

  7. Hi! Sorry to read about all that you have been through. We hope things are improving for you and your husband.

  8. Hi, its nice to meet you! Good luck with the journey!

  9. Hello! Welcome to VJ!

  10. Hi! Nice to meet you & welcome to VJ! Feel free to connect anytime.

  11. Hi! Just stopping by to check your timeline - thinking you'll get NOA2 soon. Much luck to you both!

  12. Hi Amy!! Long time no hear! think of you often and just wanted to check in to see how the process was going with you & Driss. Hope you both are well & talk soon!

  13. Hey! Got your NOA2 and went MIA!!!! Miss ya! Whats going on at NVC? How are you & Zain? I'm sure your both estatic!! (sp correct?). When you get a chance catch us all up!

  14. omg cass ur so right there are many approvals at vsc. 2 friends of ours were approved for k3 out of vermont on the 12th and 13th and they filed after me and H!!! keep your fingers crossed for us - ours are double crossed for you and A too!!!!

  15. omg omg - we are sooo happy for you both! i cant believe it-wow gurl!!! many many blessings - congratulations and talk soon!

  16. hey gurl! hope you are well. finally made it tunisia to be with my husband but i will connect with you when i get back to the states! hope Zain is well too - c ya!

  17. Cassie honey i miss you so much! yes i left quickly and didnt get a chance to say goodbye to you but you are so on my mind. I'm with Hassen now in Tunisia but be home soon. So sorry i didnt email you earlier-i was rushed for time. love ya gurl!

  18. Wishing you a Happy New Year & hope you had a Merry Christmas too! Hassen & Stacy!

  19. Wishing you a Happy New Year & hope you had a Merry Christmas too! Hassen & Stacy!

  20. Wishing you a Happy New Year & hope you had a Merry Christmas too! Hassen & Stacy!

  21. Wishing you a Happy New Year & hope you had a Merry Christmas too! Hassen & Stacy!

  22. Wishing you a Happy New Year & hope you had a Merry Christmas too! Hassen & Stacy!

  23. Wishing you a Happy New Year & hope you had a Merry Christmas too! Hassen & Stacy!

  24. Wishing you a Happy New Year! Hassen & Stacy!

  25. Come back to VJ! Your missed!


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