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Tom and Novie

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Posts posted by Tom and Novie

  1. 1. make general plans, but dont put money on anything... that way its been discussed and she will have some form of response if asked.

    2. with the amount that you make.. no need to note anything about assets or debts..

    No plan needed. They may remind you that you have only 90 days after arrival in the US to get married but remember that plans can be made after you receive the visa because you have six months available to do the planning after the visa is issued if you want to wait that long before coming to the US.

    Money in the bank is not an issue as long as you have sufficient income. Many Americans have big incomes and no savings..

  2. Hey guys I sent in my K-1 and it was rejected due to the fact the 129F was on the non-acceptable date (12/26/2006) or something of that nature. Now it was returned to me in the format of everything lumped together in order with a huge staple on top to attach everything. Every paper on the right hand side has a "coding" of sorts as if it was ran through the machine.

    My question is as follows: Do I just replace that form (the outdated one) and return the whole package as it is?? Or should I just re-do the whole entire package from scratch (i.e scan/print everything again) ?? Let me know!

    Just replace the form with the new form and add a cover letter saying what was changed and re-submit the whole thing as is.

  3. My boyfriend, soon to be fiancee, is here on a work visa and will be returning to south africa in November. How soon before he leaves should we file the I-29F in order to allow him enough time to get things compiled on his end for his interview.

    No need to wait.. You need to do the compiling, not your fiance. All your fiance should need is a passport. All the other documentation is generated by you. Get everything done and signed before he leaves.

    He will be given an appointment to show up. He will need his passport and copies of everything you sent ahead with the petition. Which will include photos of the two of you together and copies of his travel documents to fix the date of your having met in person. It also would not hurt if he were to maitain a file of emails exchanged between the two of you after he returns home.. also phone records.. whatever you can come up with that shows an ongoing relationship.

  4. A visa allows your fiance to enter the country. If the Visa expires in 6 months then she would need to enter the country before that six months is up. It has nothing at all to do with the 90 days to marry. That has to do with her date of entry. You have 90 days from the date of entry to get married whether or not she waits six months to enter the US or enters immediately.. It is 90 days after the date of entry..

    Once married the Visa has little value unless you need to prove she entered the country legally. That should not come up under ordinary circumstances but hold onto it regardless. It will be stapled in her passport. The next step after marriage is your adjustment of status.. But, take things one at a time.. Get the visa.. enter the country.. get married.. adjust status..

  5. hi guys.. just wondering. im a new nurse and working as a registered nurse in a hospital here in texas for just 4 months now. this is my first job and i get a salary well above the poverty level. do you think if i apply a k-1 visa for my fiancee, they will approve my affidavit of support alone eventhough i have been workin just for 4 months? thanks guys....

    You may have to do a little more explaining than someone with years of income behind them, but send pay stubs accompanied by a letter from your employer indicating you are a new PERMANENT employee with good prospects for long term employment and you should be ok. Still you should check the government web site as well as this one to be sure there are not more specific documents needed. The bottom line answer to your question is simply that you are an adult American citizen with income and your petition should not be denied simply because you are young.

  6. Hello,

    I am collecting all supporting evidence for the I-134 form of sponsorship.

    Is the sponsor required to submit a copy of the banking savings/checking statements for the last 12 months?

    Tax documents are generally considered proof of income. There is no need to show what you have as long as you can show sufficient income. If you don't have copies they can be ordered on the IRS web site. I sent 4 years of returns.

  7. My wife went in for her interview at the US Embassy in Manila at 7am, and it is nearly 10:40. I am just concerned. Does it normally take this long?

    They sequester all cell phones at the security checkpoint before anyone is allowed inside of the embassy, so I have no method of contacting my wife until she is finished and leaves the embassy, so I'm sure you can imagine that I am a bit worried.



    We arrrived at 0500 but still waited all morning and then were told to go out and have lunch and come back after 1pm.. We finished before 3pm.. It is first come first serve but arrival time does not necessarily dictate the order. We arrived very early.. long before the embassy opens and the guard sent us to a waiting area. The waiting area filled in over time then at 0700 the guard indicated it was time to line up. As it turned out, the last people to arrive just turned around and left the waiting area and went to the line. The effect being that the earlier you arrive the further back the line you end up.. We were among the last few to be interviewed and first to arrive. Don't worry..

  8. I agree with all the advice about lawyers.. Preparing for the interview, however. Be sure she knows you as well as a fiance should. She should have all the same knowledge of you that a fiance you met in your hometown would have. She should not only correspond with you, she should also get to know your family maybe exchange emails with them or join a social site where your family can interact with her. They asked Novie where I work, what I do, things about my town and family. She was prepared because she got to know my family on Facebook and we talked about such things. Other than that I would say if possible you should go with her to the embassy for emotional support. The pre-interviewer even asked me a few questions. I was not allowed into the actual interview.

  9. I am 51 and Novie is 24.. The interviewer will not bring up the age difference. They see it every day. Not an issue. They will ask questions to insure there is a bonified relationship but generally are very gentle in their approach. If there is no issue regarding the bonified nature of your relationship then relax..

    The pre-interviewers are sometimes a little more annoying with their questions.. I was at the window with Novie for this part of the process and ours asked "why Novie?" "what's so special about her?"

    The only place where age difference was a factor was at CFO.. Commision for Fillipinos overseas... The counselor there denied Novie the document needed to travel and it took a week to get it fixed. The age difference and my divorce papers were the issue... your difference will mean nothing there as it is minimal.. My divorce papers read "mental cruelty" as the grounds for divorce.. pretty standard in the US but they take it seriously there when it is written on an official document.. The combination of the age difference and this made me a "mean old man"..

    Of course that is funny only if you know me.. but anyway.. don't worry about it..

  10. I am two months and one day pregnant now and I am really craving the "danguet fish" in the Philippines. Lots and lots of food cravings like turon, budbod (in visaya) I don't know the tagalog of it,orange na buko,palamig yong maraming kulay,halo-halo nang Ice castle,gulaman,piritong isda talagang danguet. :wacko: ,I got a lot of foods going on inside my head and very frustrating it's because most of them are not here. :crying:

    Any suggestions if they can send it to me?I looked at the asian stores already here in Indianapolis,but really nothing :( Anyone here tried receiving foods from the Philippines? Is it possible for them to send it to me? Just wondering if maybe someone had experienced the same thing. How did they send it,what do they used to do it?

    Thanks a lot..

    hi..sad to say,its not allowed to send a package of foods from our country.there are filipino cuisine in chicago that their foods is really a filipino foods...but that is too far from your place though.

  11. Hi March filer,

    Eventhough I am not joinning the conversation but I have been following you guys. I just wanted to update you with our journey. On September 28th my fiancee have his interview in Manila. I will be flying to Manila on Friday Sept 25th to join him. We are both very nervouse with this interview. I ask you guys to pray for us and wish us much luck as you can!

    Thank you,

    PAt and annaliza


    hello..good luck to the coming interview,don't feel so much nervous..everybody could pass..the question is basic all about you..hehehhe..


  12. Hi... My fiance has a 2 part first name (Philippines) and a middle name that I am just now finding out about. I thought the second part of her first name was her middle name so the petition and everything up until her application reflects (Novie) as first name and (Mae) as middle name. The reality is her first name is Novie Mae. I have told her to fill out her DS forms accurately and to go ahead with the medical. I will fly to the Philippines and hope to be able to explain my error.

    What is the likelyhood of a rejected application and what recourse will I have.. anyone..

    Thanks... Tom (and Novie) :help:

  13. October filer here k1 type.. fiance in Philippines.

    Has anyone heard anything new on document verification delays in Manila. I see many are now getting their visa in less than a week but I see others that wait. I have not done so much research yet but it looks as if the delays happen when there are children or a possible previous marriages involved.

    Also any other tips from anyone who has undergone the Manila interview process will be appreciated.

    I have read all the standard information that is available on VJ and believe we are prepared, however, recent information is always helpful.

    Thanks... Tom and Novie

  14. Hi All,

    I am in dire need of some advice here. I have been a conditional permanent resident since July 2004 through marriage. Then in May 2007 I applied to get the conditions removed. After a lenghty waiting period, I received a letter saying that my case had been transfered from TX to the VT service center. Then in Sept 2008 I was asked to go for another biometrics session, even though I had already taken one back in 2007. Finally I was invited for an interview on Dec 2008. I went with my wife and we got separated for the interview. My wife was interviewed first and then me.

    Later I received a letter saying that my I751 application has been denied because of "fraudulent marriage". The reason this is bizzare to me is that my marriage was entered into with good faith. The following is a short background to my case:

    While waiting for approval of my I-485 application, I applied to 3 diffrent grad schools (2 of them were in-state and one was out of state). Sadly, it was only the out-of state school that granted me admission. I had no choice than to accept the offer from the out-of state school. As a result I "moved" out for school. I made sure to visite home as often as I could, and my wife visited me when she could too. I finished school in May 2007, but unfortuantely again, I couldn't get a job in my original state so I accepted a position in another state - a 3rd state. Since then, my wife and I have been planning to have her move to join me. That has not been possible for a number of reasons, two of which are my two step daughters and my sick mother-in-law. In the meantime though, I visit home regularly.

    During this time, my wife has had to spend a lot of time at her mom's residence and less at our own, especially when her mom's health situation worsened. As a result she, has had to receive some mails and even have her paycheck sent to her mom's address. I believe this is what the Immigration Services noted and suspected that my marriage is not genuine. I am sure that the fact that I have'nt "lived" continuously at our address for a while made things worse. The denial letter suggests so. It also refers some minor discrepancies between what my wife told the immigration officer and what I told him during the interview. For instance, my wife told him that since I couldn't be home for her birthday, I sent her some money to buy herself something in addition to the card that I mailed her. But I, on the other hand, told him that I only sent her a card for her birthday. I didn't mention the money part because quite honestly I forgot that I told my wife to use it to get herself some b'day present... Even though I sent her the money the day before her b'day, I don't recall that my intention for sending the money was solely for her birthday. Another discrepancy was about the date that I flew into town for the interview. I don't know what I was thinking when I answered that question, but I said it was the 28th and she said it was 25th (she's correct and I have the airline boarding pass to prove it).

    My case is not one of those were the spouse claims fraud and seeks divorce before the I751 is approved. We both like each other and she's standing by me.

    Is it normal for an immigration officer to classify a marriage fraudulent under such circumstances?

    What is the best way to handle a case like this?

    I am planning to obtain the services of an attorney and my wife is currently talking to some friends for their recomendations for good attorneys.

    I the meantime, I'm looking to get some help from this forum. Has anyone had such an experience?



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