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Status Updates posted by Wishing

  1. Allo! Je viens de voirs les messages sur mon mur! Je vie a Ottawa depuis 14 ans, sauf 6 mois aux etas l'annee derniere. Je suis nee a Montreal. Toi ca fait longtemps?

  2. Keeping busy on the weekend? Saw your post this AM:) I feeling like there's always moving stuff to take care of and planning. Plus my honey is coming for a visit this week, yay!!

  3. Allo Vero, non je suis nee a Montreal. Mais je vie a Ottawa depuis 14 ans...sauf les 6 mois que j'ai passer aux etas-unis l'annee derniere:)

  4. Allo! I await for your news from DOS tomorrow :-D Je suis francophone aussi...mais j'ecrie bien mieux en anglais:)

  5. Hey!! I know soo close to the interview its within reach!!! It seems most have been waiting around 10-12 weeks for an interview recently which would put both of us into late June/early July!! Earlier then I had even hoped:)


  7. Hey Erin & Mike, nope our file isn't any different, no expediting here. Just luck of the draw so far... See how Montreal is tho!!!

  8. Thanks Irina! Hope all is well for you!! The interview will come quickly:)

  9. Stumbled across your story tonight...reaching out to you Steph through cyberspace and wishing you love, peace and hope.

  10. Hey Lina, any news for you guys? How are things?

  11. Yay just saw your update congrats!!

  12. Hi, good to hear from you! Oh just busy with work and life, helping out some friends here at home with my extra free time:) How about you? Any news on your end!?

  13. Congrats, wow 72 days to approval that is amazing!! Give us your secrets:)

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