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Posts posted by Stinkerpotsam

  1. hey what time is yours i'll look out for you.

    Mine is at 9am.

    I'm flying in from Belfast, getting the train to London, catching the tube to Bond Street, and then running to the embassy.

    So I'll be the out of breath guy who'll arrive by 8:59 if he's lucky. :wacko:

    My Rob's is at 9 as well that day...you'll see him there..he's so handsome you here music when he appears ;)

  2. ok now ive done the interview.. it is a reall anticlimax.. im sooo damn bored!!! i mean yeah we making plans but its like weird.

    anyways i dont know if its because we did have a lawyer and we sent everything in our pack, but they didnt ask me for any ticket stubs or anything.. i had printed some photos, emails all sorts, they didnt even ask me for any of it.. i dont know what everyone sent in when they were applying for the k1 in the first place but i only needed to show my b certificate and give the aff of support and documents.

    Ahhh boring is good!! :)

  3. Awww.... the weather has gone rotten, the trip to st louis is going to be about 55 degrees and a 50/50 chance of rain... we'll still see the arch but we don't really want to spend 5 or so hours hanging out outside if the weather is going to suck. It could still turn out decent, but I have a feeling we'll be hunting for some kind of mall or flea market or something to kill some time checking out.

    Union Station is kinda fun...with cool architecture. (sp?)...I found the whispering walls in the Grand Hall pretty neat.

    Here is a comment I found on it online:

    While wedding planning, we made a stop inside to check out the whispering walls in the Grand Hall - something that I suggest everyone do, at least once - where while standing in one corner of the arch, the sound of your whispering gets catapulted to the other side for another person to hear. The Grand Hall itself is gorgeous, and reminds me of New Orleans.

  4. You are officially refiled... but is it expedited too or do you have to wait to find out about that?

    I'm king... so I guess well, it's time to start demanding NOA1... for AOS!... or maybe approved visa's... it's kind of a mess.... it's hard to know what to demand...

    I would just go with demanding whatever for whomever ;)

    And good luck to all ... I agree it's hard to keep up these days :)

    (Edited: OH, it looks like I'm Dungeon Mistress again so I DO demand whatever for whomever!!!!)

  5. OMGosh I am devastated for you. (((((Magpie))))) I felt sure with all your prepararation and organisation your were worrying for no reason and you would breeze through. I was praying and hoping you would be approved. If you need to talk I understand, I KNOW what you are feeling, the tears for me went on for days.

    I am thinking of you and sending all good thoughts your way. Come join the AP tracker in the waivers forum, there are others there to support you too. (F)

    I guess I am even more distressed now too hearing AP is averaging 6 months, they told me two weeks, but its almost four now since the call.

    Can you link me please, Dairyfarmer? And is there an email or MSN addy that you can PM me?

    And thankums everyone again. I'm just glad that there are no words that can describe this horrible feeling because I wouldn't wish this on anyone.


    /edit: They didn't say, Laura...I just wish I knew the reasons behind it.

    I'm sorry :(

    Is this common practice to leave people "hanging" without an explanation? Geezz

    Also, Jojo, congrats on your approval...I'm so sorry I didn't mention it before, I was so caught up in what happened today. :: Hugs! ::


    Awww. Thanks. I really feel for you as I know what it feels like to wait. I'm sure that 6 weeks is just a round time scale they give you and I reckon you'll wait less. Look at the rest of March dates, we all got approved so it would just be plain silly if you were the only one who never got the good news. Chin up pal. XX

    Congrats :)

  6. But, I'm sad because I feel like I watched the last episode of a series first! This is because Ken changed his name to Ken and Leidys AFTER I started reading...so I knew who he was gonna end up with from the first post. :crying:

    I was just bummed cos it was like the season finale...I always hate that! :crying:

  7. Ahh that is good news thank you. But im really hoping we sent everything we should I am sure we did. So im hoping we get it processed and he gets an interview soon.

    You could try contacting DOS in the US... +12026631225. I found out before I got my packet four when my interview was through that, but it took about three weeks or so.


    What do you have to know before you call the number? They received ours on the 11th and I'm getting antsy :)

  8. This is where I decided to begin to dedicate this thread...in taking the reader through March 2008. Stay tuned! :thumbs:

    Good Gawd...ok...as a new fan I did as I was told and read the entire story. (Glad to see that L is "ok" and the nasty O didn't try to hurt her...)

    So, wait..does that statement above mean we're about to do a prequel or is that a typo on the 2008? Inquiring minds and aching mouse hand want to know... :luv:

  9. Good Lord...I can't believe I just spent an hour reading up on this thread that I ran across....only to make it to page 20 and then think "hmm, I should check to see how far this goes..." :o

    So, back on page 11 this was my fave quote "Hot and sweet. Dark, and framed in porcelain - a hint of steam rising" now those are some words ;)

    I hate to a :luv: sk, but is there a recap or summary someplace or do I have to actually read everything between 20 and 140 to see who is involved and who Ken is with now?

    I'm addicted like so many others here.....

    BIG DADDY Ken has yet another fan :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:

    And no, for the full effect (and all the drama, danger, and excitement, you MUST read it all!!! Mua haha! :devil:

    Well HELL! Ok..since the DVD is not out on Netflix yet, guess I'll start getting caught up after dinner tonight...

  10. Good Lord...I can't believe I just spent an hour reading up on this thread that I ran across....only to make it to page 20 and then think "hmm, I should check to see how far this goes..." :o

    So, back on page 11 this was my fave quote "Hot and sweet. Dark, and framed in porcelain - a hint of steam rising" now those are some words ;)

    I hate to ask, but is there a recap or summary someplace or do I have to actually read everything between 20 and 140 to see who is involved and who Ken is with now?

    I'm addicted like so many others here.....

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