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Posts posted by JonasMichaels

  1. Has anyone here ever hired a *good* company in VN to help your fiancee fill out the paperwork? Phuong doesn't read English very fluently and is worried she will make mistake. But she also doesn't know which company she can trust, she says many Vietnamese are very jealous and she worries they won't do the paperwork right. We are both frustrated now. Can anyone guide us a little? We both seem to be big bozos when it comes to this paperwork. Thanks


  2. Even though we chat, we did not print any of our chat logs. We printed our emails. It's better that you proofread your emails and give them the emails that really speak of your relationship, love, sharing of happiness/sadness, discussion about future, ect...

    If they think your marriage is a sham, they will read and compare. If they find your emails have many repeated phrases/messages, they will think you copy and paste everything single email you sent.

    Use your common sense when collecting your evidence

    Good advice, but do you think emails should be sent with the I-129f or only given at the Interview? Thanks


  3. I think I understand this form finally. 2 questions: File Number A - do I leave blank or write N/A?

    This form is submitted for: Naturalization, Status as Permanent Resident, Other ????

    Thanks guys


    Depends. What are you applying for?

    Sorry ... k1 fiancee visa (I-129f). It's late here, no sleep, Phuong has been chatting to me all night. Thanks


  4. I think I understand this form finally. 2 questions: File Number A - do I leave blank or write N/A?

    This form is submitted for: Naturalization, Status as Permanent Resident, Other ????

    Thanks guys


  5. Is a proof of purchase ALWAYS asked for by HCMC consulate? I am not comfortable with giving the government my credit card statements if I don't have to. I have itinerary, email confirmation (with last 4 digits of my credit card #), ticket stubs from my trip. I am a Caucasian-American. Does HCMC tell you that you must provide proof of purchase or is it only sometimes asked for if the relationship is in question? Thank you


    p.s. are there any links I can follow to find specifics of what HCMC asks for now and at the interview? Besides receipts, birth certificates, photos, emails, phone bills, copies of passports, 1 year tax transcript - what else should I expect them to ask for? Thanks

  6. Hey guys, I have read the guides already, so please don't suggest that. I am still confused about the Fiancee letter of intent. Does anyone have a completed one they can email to me?

    I need to put at the top my address and her address, right? Or just my address for my form and her address for her form? Address of the service center? date?

    I also understand that her letter must say this below ...

    Dear Sir or Madam:

    I, (applicant’s name) , do hereby state that I am legally able and willing to marry (beneficiary’s name), and intend to do so within 90 days of my arrival into the US using the K-1 visa.

    Should mine say something like this, is this acceptable?

    I, (beneficiary's name), do hereby state that I am legally able and willing to marry (applicants name), and intend to do so within 90 days of her arrival into the US using the K-1 visa.

    Thanks everyone, I am sure it won't be the end of my questions, I am mailing my I-129f packet out within the week! Thanks


  7. I am curious as to what is considered assets? Would my second car work? can I list that? It is a special edition, I don't drive it and it could be sold for a lot of cash. (However, it is not completely paid off yet, don't know if that makes a big difference)

    Also, my dad just bought a $750,000 home, if he puts my name on the lease, would that count as an asset for me? Or no, because it isn't paid off yet?

    I also have a friend who outright owns her home. Don't know if she would put my name on that or not but if she would, would that count? Is that hard for her to do for me?

    I may be overthinking this but it seems with HCMC you can never be too prepared. My income was not good for a few years but this year will be fine, so as long as Phuong gets her interview in 2009, I am OK unless they start to care about the previous years income tax. I just want to be ready for anything.

    Thanks guys


  8. What do I need from my gal? I have 4 passport photos from her. But we are unsure about where and what she needs to sign. I know there is that form that I have to make 4 copies of ... with her address right? Here are some other questions:

    Main question: What do I need from my foreign fiancee bedore sending in the I-129-f?

    Does we fill out the forms with the Vietnamese symbols on the writing or without? (like for her address)

    Her address doesn't receive mail - is she going to be sent something in the mail? If so, how do we deal with this?

    Thanks very much for all the help and guidance of this site.

    p.s. I am in the U.S. and she is in Vietnam, so I am trying to understand the easiest and most efficient way for her to sign whatever she needs to sign and fill out the paperwork correctly and then get that to me so we can start the clock ticking on our application.

    Thanks again


  9. What do I need from my gal? I have 4 passport photos from her. But we are unsure about where and what she needs to sign. I know there is that form that I have to make 4 copies of ... with her address right? Here are some other questions:

    Main question: What do I need from my foreign fiancee bedore sending in the I-129-f?

    Does we fill out the forms with the Vietnamese symbols on the writing or without? (like for her address)

    Her address doesn't receive mail - is she going to be sent something in the mail? If so, how do we deal with this?

    Thanks very much for all the help and guidance of this site.

    p.s. I am in the U.S. and she is in Vietnam, so I am trying to understand the easiest and most efficient way for her to sign whatever she needs to sign and fill out the paperwork correctly and then get that to me so we can start the clock ticking on our application.

    Thanks again


  10. Hi - I was just about to file the I-129f for my girlfrind Phuong when she told me she thinks she can get a work visa and be here within a month or two. She says some company in America who hires Vietnamese that are specially trained in hair and nails (she is) can bring them from VN to USA within 1-2 months time. Anyone heard of this? Is it true? Obviously, I would rather have her here sooner than later but it worries me if she goes for it, gets denied, then they really won't give her a fiancee visa (I would think). Anyone know about work visas and whether or not this is just a load they are shoveling her? :huh:


  11. Hey all, just wondering how everyone met their Vietnamese gal. Is everything from online these days? Hearing alot about relative intros? Any other stories? Anyone meet while in Vietnam on vacation? Just curious ...

    I will start, here is my story ...

    I met Phuong online from cherryblossoms site. I was just looking at the girls on there but liked her profile, it was really mean. She said everyone on the site was a bad person and that looking for love like that was wrong. hahaha. I know she was joking but it sounded so funny how she wrote it. We started chatting, her English is very good. She is very sarcastic, with a biting sense of humor. I appreciate her directness. Then I went to VN to see her and I knew. Anyway, that is about it. Your turn. :thumbs:


  12. I am preparing to send in my I-129F ... can I get some input from the other VJ members please? :-)


    Is sending in a binder acceptable? I wanted to make it look organized and professional. Does anyone have any pictures of theirs that they can send me or some ideas?

    Has anyone used "personality" in their filings? Cute pictures with hearts, etc etc? My finacee is an artist and wants to draw some pictures to use in conjunction with our pictures. (just in addition to the other "standard" pictures we send in)

    And not sure if anyone knows this but will this binder of information be sent in to the consulate in her country?

    I just read through the information on the US gov website regarding k1 visas. Could they be more confusing or non-specific? What exactly needs to be sent in with the 1-129F? So far, this is the list I have compiled - what am I missing?

    1. $455 fee

    2. 1 passport photo of me, 1 passport photo of fiancee

    3. I-129F form

    4. G-325A form - one for me, one for her (is that right?) also, do I spell her address with the Vietnamese symbols or without?

    5. letter of intent to marry from each of us (do these need to be notarized?)

    6. letter of how we met in person

    7. copy of my birth certificate

    8. copy of all pages of my passport

    9. copy of her birth certificate

    10. copy of her birth certificate certified translation

    11. copy of my certified divorce decree

    12. credit card statement showing ticket to vn purchase

    13. photos, emails, chats

    Regarding chat logs - should I send in complete chats if it is 20+ pages in length? That seems like a LOT of paper for them. Or can I print out the first and last page of each chat or something to that effect?

    anything else?

    Sorry for all the questions but since I am (apparently) working with the hardest consulate in the world, I want to do a perfect job. :-) Thanks to everyone for your input!

    Thanks very much and wish me luck on my journey!

    Jonas M.

  13. I just read through the information on the US gov website regarding k1 visas. They make it sounds as if a police certificate needs to be sent in with the I-129F ... am I reading that incorrectly? What exactly needs to be sent in with the 1-129F? So far, this is the list I have compiled - what am I missing? Thanks all!

    1. $455 fee

    2. 1 passport photo of me, 1 passport photo of fiancee

    3. I-129F form

    4. G-325A form - one for me, one for her (is that right?) also, do I spell her address with the Vietnamese symbols or without?

    5. letter of intent to marry from each of us (do these need to be notarized?)

    6. letter of how we met in person

    7. copy of my birth certificate

    8. copy of all pages of my passport

    9. copy of her birth certificate

    10. copy of her birth certificate certified translation

    11. copy of my certified divorce decree

    12. credit card statement showing ticket to vn purchase

    13. photos, emails, chats

    anything else?


    can my photos be printed out from my computer? all my photos are from digital cam. Can they then be cut and glued on another sheet of paper, is that acceptable?

    Finally, any thoughts on making this look organized - plastic cover sheets, binder, folder?

    Thanks very much and wish me luck on my journey!

    Jonas M.

  14. Hi, not sure if anyone knows about this but does it make ANY DIFFERENCE that my fiancee has never worked a job before? She has only stayed at home and helped her family ... no job at all. Any problems with that?



    Generally, a beneficiary's employment history is of no great consequence but there certainly are circumstances and countries where showing no employment history could be a problem.

    Please fill in the profile information and more details like age and helped family do what? Was this a family farm, family business, what?

    Sorry about that. She is from Vietnam. She is 23 years old and yes, her family farms rice.



    Then you'll definitely want to indicate she works on the family farm for the past 5 years. A 23 year old single Vietnamese female who is neither employed or a student would need to overcome some potentially uncomfortable assumptions.

    HCMC is one of the toughest Consulates in the world from which to obtain a fiance(e) visa.

    So I have been hearing. :( Just for reference, what would those "potentially uncomfortable" assumptions be?



    well, that just about sums it up then. :blink: Believe it or not, that would have never entered my mind as an option. She just always stayed at home in the countryside helping her family. I don't know how many opportunities there are for hooking out in the countryside, but you never know. :whistle:


  15. Hi, not sure if anyone knows about this but does it make ANY DIFFERENCE that my fiancee has never worked a job before? She has only stayed at home and helped her family ... no job at all. Any problems with that?



    Generally, a beneficiary's employment history is of no great consequence but there certainly are circumstances and countries where showing no employment history could be a problem.

    Please fill in the profile information and more details like age and helped family do what? Was this a family farm, family business, what?

    Sorry about that. She is from Vietnam. She is 23 years old and yes, her family farms rice.



    Then you'll definitely want to indicate she works on the family farm for the past 5 years. A 23 year old single Vietnamese female who is neither employed or a student would need to overcome some potentially uncomfortable assumptions.

    HCMC is one of the toughest Consulates in the world from which to obtain a fiance(e) visa.

    So I have been hearing. :( Just for reference, what would those "potentially uncomfortable" assumptions be?


  16. Hi, not sure if anyone knows about this but does it make ANY DIFFERENCE that my fiancee has never worked a job before? She has only stayed at home and helped her family ... no job at all. Any problems with that?



    Generally, a beneficiary's employment history is of no great consequence but there certainly are circumstances and countries where showing no employment history could be a problem.

    Please fill in the profile information and more details like age and helped family do what? Was this a family farm, family business, what?

    Sorry about that. She is from Vietnam. She is 23 years old and yes, her family farms rice.



  17. Hi, would like to hear from those who have already filed their k1 ...

    **did you just fill in the small area on the form where it says explain how you 2 met or did you attach a separate sheet?

    **if you attached a separate sheet, how long was your letter?

    **from your knowledge of what you have read on VJ or your own experience, is it better to explain too much or is less, more?

    **especially would like to hear from those who got pink first time around, I think I have been unnerved by reading VJ horror stories and have over-written my letter. Would really apprieciate your advice before I send this sucker out.

    Thanks everybody!


  18. Hi all, does anyone have any opinion on k1 vs k3 in the case of Vietnam? Is there any BENEFIT to marrying in Vietnam? I hear the timelines for k1 and k3 are running about the same now. Is either a surer bet? My girl is pushing to marry in VN but I want to do what is best to get her here with me. Any thoughts from those of you who went through this process already? Thanks


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