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Posts posted by rosalindaca

  1. ok i will

    Marry a Brasilian... I did...

    Porcao, Platta Forma, Papagaio, Fogo de Chao

    best food there is... you wont want to stop eating

    Mmm Porcao! My friend and I ate so much we practically needed a wheelchair to get back to our hotel when we ate there in Rio! :thumbs:

    your flag said morocco, you said you are a housewife, your english is broken therefore I figured you werent the USC, therefore moroccan, housewife which usually equates to very clean house and couscous even if that means you ahve a maid doing it for you. Lose the attitude, I was trying to help you. Waste away to nothing for all I care!

    HAHAHA you crack me up, girl! :thumbs:

    ####### how to gain weight? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Eat and sit on your #######!

  2. ok thanks for your help

    how said that i am moroccan

    i said i am women :devil::devil::devil:

    and add to your mind that not all moroccan womens make cousvous and cleanning house


    OK so based on what you said your height and weight were earlier and without knowing how old you are, your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is approx 1400. That means that just by doing nothing and being you - you are burning 1400 calories a day by not doing anything. Now I am going to go out on a limb with what I know from moroccan women and I bet that you do more than nothing as a housewife and you are burning lots of calories cleaning, couscous making, etc. So lets just say you burn another 1000 calories on top of that with all of your wifely duties. That means that you need to eat 2400 calories a day just to maintain your current weight. So if you add an additional 500 calories on top of that you will gain a lb a week. Go to a site like thedailyplate.com and try tracking the food you eat in a day and see if you are getting close to 2900 calories. Then add more cheese, bread, lean meat, etc until you hit 2900 calories. They do sell weight gain shakes at GNC (vitamin store) if you live here in the states.

    :lol: so all moroccan women are house cleaning housewives couscous makers? :lol: :lol:

    Now now, I didnt say that! She said she was a housewife, and moroccan women are known to be good hardworking housewives. Even if they work. They keep the house immaculate and make a mean couscous. Couscous is good upper body workout!

    your flag said morocco, you said you are a housewife, your english is broken therefore I figured you werent the USC, therefore moroccan, housewife which usually equates to very clean house and couscous even if that means you ahve a maid doing it for you. Lose the attitude, I was trying to help you. Waste away to nothing for all I care!

  3. how said that i am moroccan

    i said i am women :devil::devil::devil:

    and add to your mind that not all moroccan womens make cousvous and cleanning house


    OK so based on what you said your height and weight were earlier and without knowing how old you are, your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is approx 1400. That means that just by doing nothing and being you - you are burning 1400 calories a day by not doing anything. Now I am going to go out on a limb with what I know from moroccan women and I bet that you do more than nothing as a housewife and you are burning lots of calories cleaning, couscous making, etc. So lets just say you burn another 1000 calories on top of that with all of your wifely duties. That means that you need to eat 2400 calories a day just to maintain your current weight. So if you add an additional 500 calories on top of that you will gain a lb a week. Go to a site like thedailyplate.com and try tracking the food you eat in a day and see if you are getting close to 2900 calories. Then add more cheese, bread, lean meat, etc until you hit 2900 calories. They do sell weight gain shakes at GNC (vitamin store) if you live here in the states.

    :lol: so all moroccan women are house cleaning housewives couscous makers? :lol: :lol:

    Now now, I didnt say that! She said she was a housewife, and moroccan women are known to be good hardworking housewives. Even if they work. They keep the house immaculate and make a mean couscous. Couscous is good upper body workout!

  4. YOU KNOW I DONT CLEAN AND i dont know to make couscous


    i will try the site


    OK so based on what you said your height and weight were earlier and without knowing how old you are, your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is approx 1400. That means that just by doing nothing and being you - you are burning 1400 calories a day by not doing anything. Now I am going to go out on a limb with what I know from moroccan women and I bet that you do more than nothing as a housewife and you are burning lots of calories cleaning, couscous making, etc. So lets just say you burn another 1000 calories on top of that with all of your wifely duties. That means that you need to eat 2400 calories a day just to maintain your current weight. So if you add an additional 500 calories on top of that you will gain a lb a week. Go to a site like thedailyplate.com and try tracking the food you eat in a day and see if you are getting close to 2900 calories. Then add more cheese, bread, lean meat, etc until you hit 2900 calories. They do sell weight gain shakes at GNC (vitamin store) if you live here in the states.

    you dont know its a she! maybe its a skinny moroccan guy! dont be bitter, you will lose the baby weight! hehehe j/k :lol:

    maybe :P and i know i'll lose the baby weight, i'll quit being bitter after that. now i have the right to be bitter.

    yes you do, I was extremely annoyed by skinny people when I was pregnant.

  5. no i am a women

    what is the BMI and BMR


    a lot of peaple lose its weight because of the stress of the waitting of ther approval

    so how to gain the weight ???????????, :wacko::wacko:

    are you a man or a woman?

    figure out what your BMI is, figure out what your BMR is. Then add whatever extra stuff you do during the day onto your BMR (ie if you work heavy lifting or something add approximate cals you burn, or if you exercise etc). then take that total number and make sure you eat MORE than that in your food, check the labels. Load up on protein, healthy fats and healthy grains fruits and veggies. If you consumed 3500 extra calories over the course of a week (on top of yoru BMR plus whatever else you are burning calorie wise) then you will gain a pound. Its really not a secret its mostly math, doing the same in reverse for losing weight. Of course metabolism, thyroid issues can make it harder. But for normal healthy people this should work. Dont load up on chocolate and ####### food because then you may be skinny on the outside but you will be fat and unhealthy on the inside.

    it's so obvious the OP started this thread to brag about losing weight just to make people that gain weight feel bad about themselves. How do I know that was the OP's intention? Because unless she's brain damaged, she knows exactly how to gain weight, any normal person knows. Therefore, no need to start a thread unless it has another meaning (other than advice to gain weight).

    you dont know its a she! maybe its a skinny moroccan guy! dont be bitter, you will lose the baby weight! hehehe j/k :lol:

  6. may be i have to d the opposit

    because i eat and sleep and i dont do a big effort

    may be i eat a few

    My husband has been trying to gain weight with no luck but when I really log mentally what he eats each day it's not much. He just doesn't get that hunger that most people get.

    I have no advice for you since it's never been a problem for me. If I HAD to gain weight I'd just eat whatever the heck I wanted, ice cream, french fries, steak, REAL Coke (as opposed to diet or coke zero), have desert at every meal and most importantly try not to move much...just cop a squat and eat and sleep. LOL

  7. i find that taco is deliciese

    ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yahhhhhhhhhhhhh

    what is tex mex ???????

    a lot of peaple lose its weight because of the stress of the waitting of ther approval

    so how to gain the weight ???????????, :wacko::wacko:

    Come to America and eat Tex Mex! :P:lol:



    Yum Tex Mex. That is definitely the fast track to weight gain :star:

    "Juan in a million" breakfast taco :lol:




  8. i went to the doctor

    he says to me your health is good

    and you dont need any think and you are young ( i am 26 years old )

    but me i dont feel comfortable with my weight

    every day i eat meats and drink milk with coffee and dont like to drink milk with otu coffee

    i eat sheese bread a lot of fruits evryyyyy day

    and coclates

    and my weight did not change


    Go see your doctor and let him determine what is a healthy weight for you.

  9. every day i eat meats and drink milk with coffee and dont like to drink milk with otu coffee

    i eat sheese bread a lot of fruits evryyyyy day

    and coclates

    and my weight did not change


    To gain weight in a healthy way...

    Increase your calorie intake. Drink juice or milk instead of water. Eat more overall. Choose calorie-rich healthy foods (avoid saturated and trans-fats, so go for peanut butter, milkshakes, juices).

    Do less aerobic exercises, and focus on strength building exercises with higher difficulty and fewer repetitions.

    Increase your protein intake (meats, nuts, soy, etc) to help gain muscle from above activity (rather than putting on mostly fat).

  10. what is tex mex ???????

    a lot of peaple lose its weight because of the stress of the waitting of ther approval

    so how to gain the weight ???????????, :wacko::wacko:

    Come to America and eat Tex Mex! :P:lol:



    Yum Tex Mex. That is definetly the fast track to weight gain :star:

  11. glad to hear that


    that is soooo fantastic


    Hello everyone, hoping you all are doing well,

    Hassane came home to me last night on January 1st,

    Oh how amazing, what a reunion,

    lots of gifts, some jet lag, and a monster sized Pizza tonight with the kids, he had a ball

    and is now finally resting well

    Thank you everyone for all of your help along the way, for all of those who personally helped me, step by step, that means You Richard, and Anie and Sheila,

    and to all of you, you kept up my moral when I felt like I couldn't wait another day

    I pray you are either happily with your SO or will be SO SO SO SOON

    thanks again everyone

    I wish you all the best and a wonderful Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year

    Kathleen, Hassane

    and the kids, Jose, Epiphane and Jordan, they thank you all as well, they finally have there new wonderful dad with them

  12. i hope that you answered her the same answers that you ask on your first interview

    what is writting is this paper that you give to you ??????





  13. How im so grateful to all of you for helping me in this matter...... i have not been online because i have been in the hospital with my daughter she has been very sick with her asthma its now 4:21 AM Monday morning im waiting for 8AM to come around so i can make an appointment for her to see the doctor.....and also so i can make appointments to see the senators and congressmen...... i do have to make appointments right?? Well im setting an alarm to wake up in time.....i pray 09 is a much better year.....and Lord willing i plan to go see my husband in March which that will make one year that i last visited him.....i dont speak arabic i know like maybe 10 words.....when we communicated in the past he would use all the words he could in English and some that i understood in arabic and he even used some words in spanish..... ill never forget how he tried to explain to me one day that someone that used a horse to help move some of his things to a different garage..... i laugh now as i remember he made the sounds of a horse but by golly i understood what he meant.... we had us a good laugh that day....well my dear friends i need to get a little sleep ill check in with you all as soon as i make those appointments ....God Bless You All....Bernice

    i wish a good luck bernice

    How im so grateful to all of you for helping me in this matter...... i have not been online because i have been in the hospital with my daughter she has been very sick with her asthma its now 4:21 AM Monday morning im waiting for 8AM to come around so i can make an appointment for her to see the doctor.....and also so i can make appointments to see the senators and congressmen...... i do have to make appointments right?? Well im setting an alarm to wake up in time.....i pray 09 is a much better year.....and Lord willing i plan to go see my husband in March which that will make one year that i last visited him.....i dont speak arabic i know like maybe 10 words.....when we communicated in the past he would use all the words he could in English and some that i understood in arabic and he even used some words in spanish..... ill never forget how he tried to explain to me one day that someone that used a horse to help move some of his things to a different garage..... i laugh now as i remember he made the sounds of a horse but by golly i understood what he meant.... we had us a good laugh that day....well my dear friends i need to get a little sleep ill check in with you all as soon as i make those appointments ....God Bless You All....Bernice
  14. yes i prefere to be with my husband than wait another mounth

    and i dont want to wait one second loooooooooooool

    so when i will be there inchalah i will to start the AOS

    when you get to the u.s. you will need to wait for an EAD to be able to work i believe once you're here you start filing your AOS it costs more once you're in the u.s. but at least you're here doing it instead of waiting another month apart.
  15. yes i read it but i dont know at what time i have to start right away or wait intil the end of my visa

    i dont know what to do ????,

    can some one answer me please

    clatita, did you check the AOS guide?



    Alhamdulillah now you can go ahead on your futur plans :star:

    Clatita i dont know when u should start ur AOS!! maybe u can do it right away!!

    i can't hide from you girls i feel so worried and nervious!! i need Allah and i need your prayers too!!

    thank you!!

    Don't be worried or nervous :thumbs:

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