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Posts posted by warriorprincess

  1. Let's please say a prayer for the people of China who have been rocked by aftershocks of last weeks devastating earthquake. Hundreds more injured. So far over 35,000 dead.

    Please also pray for all the men, women and children in Myanmar who have not received any aid to date.

    To those who have SOs in China our thoughts and prayers are with them.


  2. BTW everyone thanks for the info!

    I hope Einstein wants to stay :)

    I hope he stays too. You may need to buy more dog food though. hehehehe.

    Einstein! Cool name. You could call him Al for short. ;):lol:

  3. ohhhhhhhhhh no here we go again. :blink:

    i know i've been here in mena too long when i know exactly what you mean by that :P


    If you re married islamically only and not legally then you re ok and u can continue with the k-1 and becoz the embassy only recognizes legal marraiges 'metsagel fel shahr al 3aqary ya3ni'....

    I don't know what shanigans Egyptians are pulling lately with this "married in the eyes of God" stuff, but it's clear that the OP's family want them to be properly married, not pretend married. They can't live together with a K1.

    I'll PM you, clatita. We can talk in Moroccan and get you some help before the interview. Good for you for wanting to do the right thing.

    I'm not sure what all this means but it would be interesting to know. I'm not Muslim by the way so Islamically married vs legally married is way over my head. On the other hand do I really need to know? :unsure:

  4. for me i have my degree B.SC in science 4 years college in Microbiology and had diploma psot graduate 2 yaers in Analytical Biochemistry . i had my private medical lab for 4 years. i been here in usa 2 weeks and still dont know how to evulate my degree . any help?

    Hi mohamed N melinda

    From the infomation you gave I guess you are a doctor. Well what you may need to do is find a medical college/university and seek their advice. Better yet if you know of any accrediation counsels anywhere near you, they may be able to evaluate your degree. But I should warn you, yes you have your medical degree and have experience working in a lab but you may still have to do some sort of programe to satisfy the American system, so to speak. I hope this helps you somewhat. Best of luck to you.

  5. here is the little swimmer with her big brother. It was hard to get a good pic because she was craning her neck the whole time to see the water and the other kids and the rafts and blah blah blah, always something interesting :)

    oh and Kelly, those days are just inevitable sometimes. When we have them I remind myself that for those with fusssy babies its like that every day so I should just go with it and consider myself lucky....


    She is gorgeous. Looks like she is having fun being in the water.

  6. Like reeses16 suggested maybe his mother could get his transcripts from his college. That should help, especially if he wants to continue his degree in the US. At least the professors would have an idea as to what level he's at.

    As for finding a job that is hard for anyone. He can't be picky right now, even if it means working in a fast food outlet. Once he's willing to work hard. But he shouldn't give up. Keep pressing on. Best of luck to both of you.

  7. Bill Clinton Switches to Obama

    Latest Superdelegate Defection for Hillary

    In what some Democratic Party insiders are calling a particularly ominous sign for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, former president Bill Clinton today became the latest superdelegate to switch from Sen. Clinton to her rival, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill).

    Sources close to the former president said that Mr. Clinton had been mulling such a defection for weeks, as early as the night of the Iowa primary, but that he only decided to make his decision public today.

    “The American people want change,” Mr. Clinton said at a press conference in New York. “Lord knows I do.”

    The former president said that “sometimes, at the end of a race, you have to put an old horse down,” adding, “I’m not speaking metaphorically.”

    Mr. Clinton fueled speculation that he was seeking a role in an Obama administration, saying, “I know my way around the Oval Office, and I know how the super-secret double-lock works.”

    The former president said he would relish a return to the White House, calling his tenure there “good times.”

    For her part, Sen. Clinton said that the defection of her husband would not deter her from staying in the race, adding, “To my knowledge, he’s the only white voter Sen. Obama has.”

    The New York senator denied that she was playing the race card, arguing, “Every other member of my family is supporting me, and by the way, they’re white.”

    Elsewhere, a defiant John McCain said that his wife will not release her tax returns, “and neither will my girlfriend.”

    Guess who's sleeping in the dog house tonight. :whistle::P

    BTW your kids are gorgeous.

  8. We are receiving a nice little rain storm right now. This is good, it has been dry for a long time. It is supposed to rain for five days which is good to a point......my golf game might get cancelled. :(

    Do you mind sending some of that rain my way?

  9. He's so young though...he said that he doesn't feel that his hair is thinning - there is just strands of hair that fall out while he comes, etc.

    Less sex might help in this situation. :whistle:

    :lol::no:It don't think that will help! :P

  10. partly sunny, 90+F humid...wish it would rain to cool things down a bit...

    As much as I love the sun I could do with some rain too. It has been really hot here. It has only been teasing the last few days but it wouldn't fall! :cry:

  11. Wishing everyone a great Sunday. :star::star:

    What's for lunch?


    Good Morning warriorprincess!

    For lunch I am having some grilled chicken, sorry can't offer you some since I only have enough for one being that I am cooking for one as of lately :(

    maybe next time ^_^

    Have a Great Sunday too!

    I had shrimp, carrot rice, red beans and potato salad.

    It is hard being away from a loved one but you'll be together soon.

  12. As the title already says I found a turtle in our backyard.

    Yesterday one of our dogs was barking at something and I told her to stop which she did, but a few minutes later she started barking really loud again. She rarely barks so I figured it must be something important...

    I went o check it out and found that turtle. I have no idea what kind it is but would like to know.

    Can anyone tell me what it is? A land- water- amphibious turtle? I gave it some canned dogfood yesterday and it ate it all.

    Beats the hell out of me. Have no idea. :no:

    It actually ate the dog food? :lol: That was cool. Poor fella must have been really hungry.

    You going to keep it?

  13. Hello,

    Finally we are one more step closer to be in each others arms again soon,

    and now the end is near My Interview date will be on Tuesday MAY20 Im a bit

    Nervous again although Im prepared and got ready with all the necessary

    documents that I need to present during the said interview..

    I know God will be with me and I prayed a lot more harder everyday,

    and now Im asking for a little prayer not just for me but all to those will have their

    Interview soon..

    Again Im always giving Thanks to my VJ family without you guys I woudnt be

    confident enough in facing this great challenge and in this VisaJourney.

    and to my Fiance Michael baby I know we can make it, i lift up everything to our

    Dear Lord.. Thank you so much for Loving me unconditionally and that I love you so


    Dear Lord I know Soon I will have my interview which is so important to me,.

    Though Im nervous, I am not afraid Because I know that as I answers questions

    It is your hands that work. You have watched me/us as I worked hard for this Visa

    Although I dont feel very confident. I truly believe that you would give me what

    I deserve. I am happy that you are with me/us in this entire process and though

    we've waited long. For with you Dear Lord I know Im complete and able to make it!

    As I close my eyes and feel your presence You put confidence to my heart AMEN..

    You will be just fine. Remember God is always there for you. He has brought you and your fiancee this far. He'll take you the rest of the way.

    All the best to you on May 20. Just remember to breathe. :thumbs:(F)

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