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Posts posted by alienlovechild

  1. So now you and your ilk are down to arguing against gays in the millitary because they might rape a straight guy, and it might cause extra anguish and pain on him?

    No, Rob you said that not me. Ok, let's play the dumb game of inferences, say we?

    So now you're claiming gays in the military are raping straight soldiers or are waiting to come out of the closet after DADT bites the dust to form platoons of perversity and sodomy squads?

  2. Any time I ask about why these differences exist in order to examine them, you can be sure I will be assailed by Americans who think I am 'criticizing America' or even holding England up as doing it better. I have even been denigrated because 'My ancestors tried to put down the American revolution'

    Many Americans find that statement unacceptable and they need the reassurance of being called 'the best' and that itself is a fascinating cultural difference

    What's with with the oddball crusade to talk about poorly traveled Americans on an immigration website?

    It's a stereotype to hear the whining Euro and his obsession with America and all things American. I won't say they are majority of Europeans (not just Europeans though) I've met but they are the most persistent. Many have never been to U.S. and nothing can change their minds about this country after the TV shows, movies and news coverage.

  3. What I'm saying is that rape is assault. A vicious, violent, personal assault.

    Regardless of whether the victim is male, female, young, old, straight, gay, purple or tangerine - it's a vicious and violent assault. To even think that you can generalize its effects by group and claim that a victim of one group doesn't "mind" it as much as another is as preposterous as to claim that one group doesn't "mind" having their house burned down by an arsonist, or being mugged, or being murdered, or being the victim of any other violent crime.

    You really believe there's no difference in stigma for a straight guy to be raped than a gay guy. You would tell everyone in and out of prison you were raped?

    Remember it's only on Ron Burgundy's word that consensual gay sex doesn't exist in prison. Now you're all his "bitches" parroting that line. How appropriate.

  4. How would they know ?

    When George Michael got caught smiling at that police officer in the toilet in california, that was held (no pun intended) to be enough to signal 'intention' to the officer

    Could someone be outed on similar conduct without saying anything ?

    Don't know because no one is supposed to ask so they'd have to catch them in the act and I haven't that story yet.

    When I was in the Army when DADT was effect, they told us going to a gay bar wasn't proof you were gay so soldiers were free to go there without reprisals.

    I remember one gay soldier who didn't tell about the uniforms from his "buddy" from another unit in his wall locker and bowl of condoms with the Austin AIDS clinic sticker on them. Nobody wanted to room with him so he always had room to himself which was a break on his part. He never got busted for being gay but he did go AWOL for a while and the unit did an inventory of his room which was a hoot with soldiers wearing chem gloves and cracking jokes all the while.

  5. The evil are the most evil and the barbaric are the most barbaric and the nativists are the most nativist and the ignorant swaggering brutes are like nothing else

    The climates and the people and the politics and the religions and the landscapes and just everything are all at the extremes.

    Brits (on average) are dull and gray and medium and they plod and drink. No wonder they are taken aback and wonder what the US is all about - how can they get a handle on it when all they do is come across extremes ?

    What people here do is pick their sub-tribe, nestle down into it, adopt 100% of their attitudes and hate all the others. That is what seems to be happening. They only come together when at outsider decides to analyse them uninvited.

    Tarzan could have written the same post. "Evil", "barbaric", swaggering brutes". . . You must wear a pith helmet and khaki shorts through a Walmart parking lot. Talk about extremes.

    Subtribes in the UK are so distinct that you can detect different accents by the county. They did a DNA analysis on a bodies found in the bogs from the Iron Age and their descendents still lived in the same place. Lot of continuity and not much mobility.

    "Hate all the others" based on the charm you no doubt reflect on those around you. Considering immigration here far outstrips the old country, it's not so bad. People vote with their feet and a greater percentage chose to come here including yourself. It doesn't surprise me there's always some resentment from outsiders that came in waves of immigration which your former home has barely scratched the surface until only recently. The UK is 5% non-white which makes makes North Dakota look diverse by comparison.

    I hear from a lot of Americans who haven't traveled abroad but they say wish they could. It's just not a big priority for them and it's their loss. I think some it has to do lack of time as I find I spend all of my current vacation time seeing relatives spread all four states with the closest one 6 hours away. Travel with a baby is a hassle as well. Could also be the climate as I notice Europeans flock to sunny beaches of southern Europe which is largely impossible if you live in a northern Europe. Americans don't have to leave the country to go to a desert or subtropical climate. I'm not big on hotter climates but I'm in the distinct minority.

  6. Yea. We wouldn't want to allow people with good moral character to be U.S. citizens.

    I have nothing against people who come here illegally, especially nothing against the kids.

    Who the government chooses to let in legally is all based on a bunch of nonsense governed by incompetent clowns anyway.

    To go on thinking we're better people simply because we were born here, or were let in by whomever happened to be manning the USCIS mailbox that day, is ridiculous.

    You really think if the Dream Act was that important the Democrats would wait nearly two years to anything about it and during a lame duck season to boot?

    I'll take our clowns at USCIS over open immigration advocates who want a system that exists nowhere else on the planet. It has nothing to with thinking we're "better people".

  7. Also, aren't Americans supposed to be richer and therefore more able to travel ? Perhaps that is the answer because 2% of Americans own most of the country's wealth. Perhaps that is the answer, that most Americans do not have the resoureces of most Europeans. Overall the USA is richer but only a few people have money. Hum, perhaps that is it.

    Compare vacation times among developed nations and how families are dispersed in the U.S.

    Also try to work on your triple postings while sorting the mysteries of the universe and central Washington.

  8. I have explored 600 miles east of here - and there is nothing

    I went on my motorbike from the North of England to Nice in the south of France via France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and France again - and there is 'a lot' in a similar distance..

    I can't imagine that a trip to Boise, Idaho would have the same content

    You had go 600 miles in Idaho to realize it's not the same as Western Europe? Try going 600 miles north or south for that matter to discover it doesn't look like India.

  9. Personally I don't like him doing the disclosures but I am also a freedom of the press supporter. Our own newspapers in this country has had no qualms on publishing anything detrimental to our highest elected officials and even undermine anything that they don't like and even destroy people. They have even had no qualms on publishing material that makes this country look bad but we have never ever asked for them to be assassinated and destroyed. On the contrary we usually exalt them when they do so. Why is this man being so despised when we have in history done the same thing in the name of freedom?

    Freedom of the press usually means censorship by prior restraint to publish is a no-no. Here he's already put the info out and there's no practical way to contain it. There's no right to print secrets otherwise there would be no legal way to withhold info.

    What he did took no balls or conscience as it's not his country on the line and he made himself a media superstar overnight by doing noting other than running a website. Personally, I don't want our foreign policy and security based on what an Australian hacker deems as justified to glorify himself. Let's give him the secret nuclear launch codes and let hack into the DOD computers if we trust him that much. I don't.

    When Wikileaks gets the info on all the other major players in the nation and releases them, then at least there's real transperancy and a level playing field. Until then, he's just a hacker who struck gold and could care less what happens as a result.

  10. 1 I didn't assume you were from the South but you mentioned the Union Army and not being a transplanted yankee and internal migration patterns and implied I knew nothing of those matters

    So you threw out the crack about setting dogs on blacks and murdering Cherokees for no particulate reason? I brought up the Union Army and Yankee angle after you threw out the blacks and Cherokees into the mix. That stuff happened down South and you knew exactly what you doing even though none of it applied to me. If you're going the make some serious charges out of the blue you better have good reason for it and you didn't.

    2 I am not a civil war buff but I have much more knowledge of it than the average American has of the English Civil War and I acquired that knowledge decades ago and built on it

    You are not a buff even though you match precisely the first definition I found. I don't think you know what a buff is and other than bragging using other terms just to desperately find a flaw in what I wrote.

    "One who is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about a subject: a Civil War buff."


    Your imagination is lurching from one inaccurate profile of me to the next but in the process, showing exactly what I meant about people forming an image of other people on the internet without more than a tiny shred of information to go on.

    What inaccurate profile? YOU provided all the details and I added nothing. You can't even quote me as I shred your reasoning sentence by sentence.

    I am just trying to point out that I am not a huddled mass and I haven't just got off the Ellis Island ferry boat,

    and I know much more about American history and economics and the Constitution and law than 'the average American' will ever know - and I knew most of it 20 years before I got a green card.

    Your knowledge of American history is overshadowed by coming off a pompous azz giving a lecture to us poor simple natives while ignoring everything else. Your ####### at the outset painting me as someone who approved of shooting Mexicans and repeating it even though I said nothing of the kind and I went to explain why it was wrong without throwing in appeals to patriotism and religion without shame. Your knowledge American history, economics and the Constitution may exceed the average Joe but not mine so far as I've seen and that's who you're talking to. Hard to believe anyone can live here as long as you claim and still come off so badly.

    You probably can't change yourself at this late date and you certainly don't have to do on my accord but could make some small contribution by talking to people without the obligatory jabs of American stupidity and your claims of superiority and truly expect any reasonable person to kowtow to you. If you want to make your point make it and at least have the common courtesy to reply to what a poster writes and not just ignore it and go on the offense. There are numerous ways to challenge people to think even they disagree with you but you've got to appeal to them beyond wrapping your arguments in a flag and using religion as a weapon against them. You may get to that point but you're doing in your first post, you're one pissed off person that should avoid loaded terms unless you're just trolling.

  11. You assume an ignorance in me that you have no evidence for... I was working with white Company Directors in Lagrange, Georgia from 1983 onward and my wife's family is from Arkansas. I have spent a lot of time with my wife's black friends in Central Milwaukee and know a lot about historical migration patterns in the USA - so I have heard it all from both sides.

    I was educated in world history in an advanced educational environment from 1959 on - so you shouldnt assume I am from sucksville - elev 348 feet - pop 54 + one mangy dawg

    Your idea that I have never heard of the American Civil war and how you butchered 600,000 fellow Americans is plainly not credible. I have even visited the battlefields.

    The internet does not allow anyone to truly know their debating partners or what their history is and that is one of the points that came up..

    You assumed I was from the South and I merely set the record straight. You needn't give me your life story but the personal touch makes you little more human.

    I didn't say you were uneducated either but if feel the need to post your CV to justify yourself so be it if it makes you feel less devalued.

    I didn't butcher 600,000 Americans but then you are a American Civil War buff so who I'm I to question your credibility.

  12. We don’t seem to realize: We’re in a hole and still digging. Our educational attainment levels are stagnating; our infrastructure is fraying. We don’t have enough smart incentives to foster both innovation and manufacturing; we’re not importing enough talent in an age when we have to compete for jobs with low-wage but high-skilled Indians and Chinese — and we’re still piling up debt.

    Education attainment levels have been stagnating for decades and we get plenty smart folks from abroad but Friedman seems completely unaware.

  13. If I need to 'explain why' gunning down Mexican families is a bad thing, we are not going to get anywhere on that.

    I am an American now and you can't use my ethnicity to put me back into a cage where you can't hear my opinions. I was an alien for long enough and those days have gone. You don't even value the act of become a Naturalized Citizen. You don't value human life. What do you value ?

    By the way, you have no idea where my ancestors were in 1776. The guy who's picture is on the $10 note is a naturalized American and a former Brit. I wonder what your ancestors said to him.

    Seems to me that some 'natural borns' have no allegiance at all to basic American ideals of decency and equality.

    Basically you can't stand toe to toe with me in an exchange of ideas and so you go straight to try and devalue me on a personal basis by referring to my ethnicity and my ancestors from hundreds of years ago.

    Like I am going to blame you for murdering Cherokees or setting dogs on black people or something

    You still won't disavow people who want to kill mexican families swimming the river and you ask me to explain what is wrong with it - so people can draw their own conclusions about your opinion on that

    I gave you a thoughtful response and and you got defensive. I never backed the idea of shooting illegal immigrants and the only things shot may be your brain cells. Where did you you come with with that one?

    I've got no problem where you came from and this one of the few nations where a guy like you can wave a flag in my face without hesitation. I consider that a positive part about America but you chose to skip that part. Most of my ancestors hailed from the England, Ireland and Scotland so I don't feel the need to sugarcoat history for your benefit or mine. I'm just pointing the irony you show no signs of seeing yourself. If you feel devalued, you devalued yourself because no one asked to hide who are or your background.

    Seems to me that some 'natural borns' have no allegiance at all to basic American ideals of decency and equality.

    You got that input on that in bars and gun ranges? In any case I don't know what you're referring to based on my post.

    Like I am going to blame you for murdering Cherokees or setting dogs on black people or something

    Lots of transplanted Yankees like myself aren't sons of the South but I don't expect you'd know much recent history or internal migration patterns. My ancestors served the in Union Army but that probably means nothing to you anyway.

  14. Your comment wasn't about "all gay sex" now was it. It was about gay sex in prisons - which is synonymous with rape (and no, I'm not buying any semantic BS about it).

    Your statement only makes sense if a gay guy being raped is as bad as it is for a straight guy. The violent bit could be unpleasant but not as much stigma for gays.

    Hopefully, Brad gets the Dahmer treatment so any sex outside of necrophilia will be out of the question.

  15. ok I am calling you on this. What is your opinion of someone who says Mexican families should be machine gunned in the river as they try to swim to the USA ?

    You offer no words of condemnation on this statement.

    Apart from saying they have a right to say it, do you have any opinion on whether what they advocate is anti christian or anti patriotic or anti american

    Let's see your true colors - don't be shy

    Making more demands? Tact isn't one your qualities but we like directness here.

    If you disagree with gunning down Mexican illegally crossing the border, explain why instead of taking center stage as a Brit waving an American flag while yakking on about the Founding Father's intent when your ancestors were busy hanging everyone they got their hands on. The anti-Christian part is probably as sincere as an empty Anglican church on Sunday but you may be the exception.

    It's great that you can be on equal footing with the locals in this country; whereas, I'd never really be seen truly British once I started spouting off about British values and waving a dozen Union Jacks. Pushing Christian values in the UK probably would be seen as joke but I never tried that one there.

    Shooting illegal Mexicans is a bad policy without your oddball pleas to the better angels of the yokels' character. We don't need a border war with one of our largest trading partners (with oil to boot) and the bad economy is driving many illegals out. The city I work in is about 40% Hispanic (mostly Mexican), I speak some Spanish, my wife is frequently mistaken for Mexican and my brother-in-law is Mexican-American so I've thought about this issue longer than you have and I always correct mistaken beliefs whenever I hear them including yours.

  16. The mole who allegedly gave WikiLeaks the mountains of secret documents is Pfc. Bradley Manning, Army intelligence analyst and angry gay.

    We've heard 1 billion times about the Army translator who just wanted to serve his country, but was cashiered because of whom he loved.

    I'll see your Army translator and raise you one Bradley Manning.

    Not every gay soldier in the military is a great guy who wants to serve his country. They've got their share of losers and Manning will probably enjoy some aspects of prison life

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