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Everything posted by lesnicole

  1. I, 26 F, am the US citizen and my boyfriend is the foreigner. He is from Colombia and does not have a tourist visa at the moment. The wait time seems to be very long in Bogota and we have heard from many friends and colleagues that rejection rates are high. We have been in a serious relationship for over a year now and would like to marry and reside in the United States in the next few years. A long engagement does sound ideal to us since we are both pursuing degrees. However, we have no idea where to start and have very little knowledge about immigration and the K1 visa process. I was recommended this page to avoid having to pay a lawyer as much without doing my research first. please send recommendations or any advice on what you think we should look into first, there seems to be loads of information and I would like to know what would be relevant to our situation. Thank you so much ❤️
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