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  1. Good day, I am a legal permanent resident since July 15, 2019. I had my 2-year green card, then my 10-year one. I got divorced a while ago. However, I know the 3 year rule if still married to the US Citizen( not my case because I divorced ), and 5 year one if divorced. However, I am confused now since 2 places where they fill out the N-400 are telling me I need to wait until the anniversary date, not 90 days before. I will be 5 years of being a resident on July 15, 2024. But I was wondering if I could apply before? I was thinking that in April, this current month, I was gonna be able to apply. Not necessarily need to wait until July 15, 2024. Please let me know if someone has experience with this. have been a legal permanent resident since July 15, 2019. I had my 2-year green card and then my 10-year one. I got divorced a while ago. However, I know the 3-year rule if I am still married to the US Citizen ( not my case because I divorced) and the 5-year one if I am single.
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