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Everything posted by plenty_of_salt

  1. Thanks for your replies. To answer the questions, he was an adult when this happened, and he's been to the US once on an ESTA, last year. He answered no to the question @Redro posted because he saw the small fine he had to pay as comparable to a speeding ticket. He's quite fuzzy on the details because it happened so long ago, which is why we're going to get a subject access request. We can avoid having him enter on ESTA again while we get some clarification. I don't believe I qualify for DCF, I don't have a job offer or anything, but will look into it.
  2. Yes, he's visited the USA successfully on an ESTA. He says it didn't occur to him this could be on his record until I started digging when he told me the story. Our next step is to have him do a subject access request to see what's on there.
  3. I (US citizen) live in the United Kingdom with my British spouse and am just starting to look into the green card process. My partner mentioned that about 15 years ago, he was charged with fare eviction for jumping the fare gates and went to magistrates court to pay a fine. From what I understand, in the UK fare evasion can be considered a criminal offense and could mean he has a criminal record that will make coming to America more difficult. Can anyone guide me on how this could impact our green card application and what the next steps would be? Thanks.
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