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Posts posted by colinjess

  1. HEy so i had my medical 23rd apr and interview 27th apr. the nice lady told me i was approved pending medical results!

    so i paid the courier fee! and left embassy!!

    my questions are:

    1>how long does it take for them to get the medical results!?

    2> how long does it take to process the visa at the embassy?

    3> what should i be expecting the courier to bring?

    ---- will it be my passport woth visa in it! plus medical stuff i need to take to USA ( xray and brown folder they give you )

    i did not get given anything after my inter view! just got told to pay and leave!

    4> how long till you think i will receive everything as i am wanting to leave by 13th may is this a possibility!??

    anyhelp would be great !!


  2. this is all i was asked for today !!

    Appointment letter outside embassy

    Original long Birth cert + copy

    Original police cert + copy


    2 passport photos


    Full COPY of 2008 tax return including W2

    i got approved i took loads of evidence too like 06 07 tax and relationship stuff but never got asked for it!! !

    oh my appt was at 9 am but i got there at 7 30 and was allowed in and my whole thing was done by 9 20 am :)

  3. hey guys just thought id leave my medical experience! from this afternoon,

    i had an early start left home at 7 am got to london at 1130 amand the medical was at 1:10pm , I arrrived about 20 mins before the appointment and the blonde recpetionist was very nice too me, weird i know!:) any way she asked for my passport, vaccination records, photo and questionnaire, which i handed over quick so not to get in trouble with the GREAT BLONDE RECPETIONIST :angry:

    i waited in the waiting room till my time came around filled in a form that the recptionist gave me and a questionnarie! then i had an X-ray first taken by a nice south african woman! she asked me to remove the clothes fromtmy top half all in all it took about 10 minutes then she showed me to another waiting room where i waited about 15mins before i was seen by a male doctor. who i thought was scottish but maybe he was irish :whistle: He was nice and polite and asked me questions about where i work where i live and where im going to move too, we didnt really took much since i was tired and hungry. He then did the eye test, height, weight, ear, throat and gland examination, felt my around my stomache and checked my man hood, since i had an operation on it last month! he also took my blood pressure with my sleve down then up :wacko: and then took my blood, showed me back to the waiting room and wished me all the best !!

    i then paid for the medical which i think is a complete rip off! got my ds 3025! and vaccinaton record back! said good bye to the lovely blonde recptionist :D and went on my way!!!

    all in all took about an hour from start to finish! and had a nice day out in london ! great weather shame i wore a coat cause i thought it was going to rain !

  4. hi guys!

    i got my medical on thur 23rd april and interview mon 27th april! in london!!

    my question is /..... how likely am i to be delayed pending medical results! or would my results be at the embassy by monday ?

    my other question is

    when i booked my medical the receptionist said to show my immuisation records and any disorders i have....

    i was recently tested for an allergy to nuts ( all kinds ) and it came true i am allergic! i have a letter from the doctor that done the tests, saying that im allergc to nuts etc

    will this letter be enough for the medical? or would i need more proof!

    any help would be great guys

  5. hey guys had my operation yesterday :( got a call monday afternoon saying there was a cancelation in the theatre so i could go in! was meant to be on 28th april! which is good because the doc said i couldnt fly out for 3 weeks after OP :) so now my time frame is all back on ! all i got do now is re book my medical as i had to cancel it ( was meant to be tomorrow) :( and send my checklist back to get my interview!

    do you guys recomend that i send a letter back with the checklist to explain why the delay in sending the checklist back! could this help me get an interview in april!!

    Well when i called the medical people several times prob took me about 2 hours to get through monday around 3-4 .55 ( when i got through) everytime i called it wa sengaged, i was fumming cause i thought i would get charged for canceling my medical! all that was going through my head is that stupid B**ch is probably on the phone to her ignorant friends! obviously im pressuming that her friends are as rude as she is ! LOL

  6. hey guys!

    so if you remember i said i had to wait for an operation before i could schedule my interview! :huh:

    WELL..... my op has been delayed so i decided to call knightsbridge doctors and explain my situation... low and behold noe they are sayin i can have the medical now :P the doctor thinks they have any dobts then my GP has to contact them with my details etc and they will delay sending my info to the Embassy !:o

    so my medical is now booked for Thursday 26th march at 4 Bentick mansion! at 230 :) any one else got one on this day ??

    hopefully everything is ok!

    oh and jess is sending me all the info i need ( I-134 etc on sunday) so i will be sending my checklist back soon!

    where can i read reviews on medicals i looked but couldnt find the thread ?? anyone got info on the place i will be visiting its the one on MAP B in the info they send out to you /print of website !!

    also can i add that both times i called the medical people, they were really rude on the phone , i mean if they dont like answering phones then get another job :angry:, they were really B*tchy and short on the phone, forgive me for wanting to find out some info from you poor receptionist :) haha

  7. Hey guys !!

    so i emailed london the other day to see if they had recieved my packt 3 minus checklist!! theyemailed back saying they got it! so hopefully they have :)

    any way i got some bad news! i went to the hospital the other day, and they told me i need a minor opperation! just in and out in a day ! but means i cant have my medical until i have had my OPERATION :( so now i have to delay sending my checklist back so i dont get an interview before i can have the medical and have to reschedue!:(

    hope everyones having a great day !!


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