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Posts posted by gyi

  1. If you look up you will see the forum is Removing Conditions on Residency - so, yes, that would be the 10 yr unconditional green card.

    It could of been two year, though that is not my point. There is I believe two ways to get the ten year card without husband/wife signing with you,they are domestic abuse or irreconcilable differences, the key is you need to ask for the wavier to apply without former spouse signing also.

  2. I'm aware that divorce does not cancel the Affidavit of Support, though when the two year green card is up for renewal to the ten year card, both parties need to sign the application and submit a new Affidavit of Support, if only the person wanting the 10 year green card submits the application and no new Affidavit of Support is submitted, and, an Immigration court decides to grant a 10 year green card, what is the responsibility of the ex-spouse as regards to the affidavit support issue?

  3. Love and marriage, love and marriage thinking of the prenuptial those lyrics are coursing through my thoughts, now for my two cents on the prenuptial, a good prenuptial guards the assets acquired before marriage of either spouse, assets acquired in the marraige are split evenly, taxes, debts, interest or income on prior or current assets should be covered also, bottom line is, it is a worthy agreement, when the interest of both spouses are taking into consideration.

  4. A friend of mine bought a condo also, in XingTai, sounds a lot like the one you bought except I think it has five bedrooms, up and down also, not to rain on either of your purchases though a few years ago two of these condo buildings fell over, it seems they were not anchored with a foundation just sat there, another problem is the concrete is not allowed to cure properly, making these buildings porous leading to wet interior walls and the problems associated with that wetness.

  5. The best answer I can give you is to show a continuing relationship, whether it be more visits, e-mails, phone calls, intentions to want to marry. You really cannot answer the reason for the non-bonafide, so mention it and let them know, you cannot answer for it, stating you do not know the reason, short and sweet. The freedom of information act, I found out will not get you anywhere, other than you showing an interest in your case. My fiancee was given a Visa in Dec.2009 after a denial, we have since married July 2010, and also this July I got a letter from the Dept. of State, telling me they could not give me any information on the reason for the denial of 2008 which I sent sometime in early 2009, quoting their legal reason and exemptions under US codes and Immigration Act, so go figure.

  6. A Pre-Nup or legally known as a ANTENUPTIAl, can be viewed as an insurance policy to retain certain assets or conditions of divorce you may have going into the marriage if a divorce happens, the assets that would be acquired in the marriage can also be included. Those assets can be of both the couples. He may have assets that he would want to retain if a divorce happens and she may want to retain assets she has, so going into the marriage these conditions are laid out in a "pre-nup". A lawyer should be retained both parties need to have legal representation and the right to review the contract. The I864, is an agreement of support for means test benefits as long as you do not try and write off the I864 in the Pre-Nup there should be no conflict, but if you did try and include the I864 and that is found void, most pre-nup's have allowances for items that may not be in compliance while keeping the legal parts in the document valid as a contract. Cost legal zoom. com $750.00/ Private atttorney $1,000.+.

  7. Answer the letter, not answering will default your application to a visa fraud marker. Show a continuing relation, after the denial, phone calls, emails, whatever you have, include a new intent to marry, if possible have the new intent notarized. If the denial was for some factual information, then you will have to address it, for a non-bonfide relation how can you address the denial based on it, being a subjective decision it is? I stated in my response to USCIS that I had no information on the reason for the non-bona fide, so I could not address the reason, though in the letter I did state the relation was bona fide. The end result was the Visa application was sent back to the Consulte and the visa was issued.

  8. We went to the Civil Surgeon, no record of vaccinations from my fiancee, so blood test were given plus one Tetanus vaccination, all others came back negative, no further vaccinations needed, total cost $325.00

  9. You need to show your relation is ongoing, send communications that are current, a intent to marry letter from both of you with a current date, notarized and signed will be of help, you only have 33 days from the date of the NOID from USCIS to reply, send the packet with a return receipt. Marc Ellis is a good choice for an attorney, he has your interest as most important.

  10. My fiancee and I were denied for a K1, Dec.2008, I don't think refiling would be of any benefit, the reason that the original denial will show up on the refile, plus it will cost you another $450.00. I think the best bet is to make waves write the Dept. of State and USCIS asking for the reasons for the non-bona fide under the Freedom of Information Act this may just get you a run around and requirements that the beneficiary send a release form to release the information, second write your congress man or Senator quote the law about non-bonafide not being a legal reason to deny, let them know you know, let USCIS know you want to contest the decision, you may get a letter from USCIS, asking if you would like to contest the denial, this letter by all means answer, if you do not the denial will default to visa fraud, with the penalties.

    I had a trip planned to China, just after I mailed my reply to USCIS, while in China, I was told that USCIS had reaffirmed the original petition and sent it back to the Consulate, my fiancee lived in Guangzhou, so I made a trip to the citizens hour at the Consulate more to show our relation was bona-fide by making an appearance for our behalf.

    After doing all I wrote of; a second interview was scheduled for Dec. 2009, at which a K1 visa was granted. It is not an easy road, but it can happen on a reaffirmed petition.

  11. There is no regulation to file AOS within the 90 day period.

    There is regulation to be married within the 90 day period.

    Many people file 'soonish' after they marry, then others wait up to 6 months, then there's a small percentage that have waited almost a year.

    IMO, 'up to 6 months' seems ok.

    Stay out of enforcement areas until you have receipt notice in hand, after filing AOS.

    Suggest she apply for SSN today or tomorrow, as well, in her VISA NAME, if you two haven't taken care of that, yet.

    It's been a loooooooooooooong road for you two - I wish you all the best, going forward.

    Good Luck !

    Thanks for the answer! It was a long road, made longer with the first interview turning up a blue slip for a non-bonafide relation. She applied for her SS about 16 days after arrival, no problems in getting it.

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