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Everything posted by summer4042

  1. So long story short, I’ve never had a job before and currently do not have one as I have been focusing on my education my whole life. My fiancé is in the UK and I’m in the US. I live with my grandmother and mom, to which my grandmother agreed to be a joint sponsor. My question is is it going to be an issue that I’ve never had a job before? No employer, never filed taxes etc. What do I put down on the I-129-F form for example where it says “employment history/current employer”? I don’t want them to think we can’t provide for him to live here and immediately decline because I put down “NA” or something. Should I put down student? Since my grandmother is going to be the joint sponsor, would she handle all the details about financial information when it comes to that point? This is all so much to process and learn about, and im still learning a lot but it’s very overwhelming and I wanted some advice from here and different opinions. I have more than enough money in savings which is another reason I’ve never had a job, so I do have enough to support over time just not a current income.
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