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Everything posted by dolan_trump

  1. Well my spouse became a citizen based on 5 year rule only in 2020. So there was no way for me to naturalize under 3 year rule before that. So, it's not sudden as you say.
  2. Sure, I am married over 25 years to the same spouse so it's not a sham marriage done for GC! I have been filing taxes and also have investments in US so strong ties to US. Thanks. I plan to maintain both continuous and physical presence requirements until oath.
  3. Thanks! Yes, I am aware and I am not concerned about the continuous residency rule (Travel over 6 months) as I am not going to be outside of US for more than 6 months. I know continuous residence rule has to be maintained until the oath. What I am only concerned about is the physical presence rule. Do you have to meet the physical presence rule until oath day or only until application day? "So, have you been LPR for over 3 years but want to use 3 year rule because of break in residency? Do you know about 4 year and 1 day rule? It may be easier / better than 3 year rule." Yes, I have been a LPR since 2007 but have not been able to apply due to break in residency. I am aware about the 4 year 1 day rule but it's hard for me to maintain physical residency rules for 5 year application. So I want to apply on 3 year rule eligibility.
  4. Hello, here's my current situation with frequent travels outside US (None is over 6 months). I am planning to apply N400 based on 3 year eligibility as my spouse is a US citizen. Please see my calculation and math below. Physical presence required is 18 months (548 days) in last 3 years of date of application. I am planning to apply around March 1st, 2024. So, the eligibility for physical presence should be counted from 3/1/2021. As per my calculations, I will be eligible. As of today, I am close to 526 days physical presence in US since 3/30/2021. Can someone please check my calculations and see if there's any mistake in my math. I don't want to get denied and lose my application fee. Will really appreciate it. Thanks in advance. An additional question: Is physical presence requirement also calculated going 3 years back from day of interview or is it 3 years going back from day of application?
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