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Everything posted by Oloza2024

  1. Thank you for this, it really helps alot, I will discuss it with my fiancé again we’re still in the beginning stages of everything.
  2. I appreciate the suggestion, due to our current situation k1 is the best option for us right now. We’re not planning on filing very soon, we’re still looking into other options and doing our own research to make sure we don’t waste time.
  3. My fiancé and I met almost 3 and a half years ago, both of us were going to school when we met. My fiancé finished getting his degree/certification about a year a half later, I still had about another year and a half left before i could get my degree. During the first couple years of LDR we really took the time to get to know one another and give each other the space we needed so we can finish our education, we’re both happy that we really took the time to get into a stable place, we physically met twice last year after I graduated. My suggestion… don’t rush.
  4. Okay thank you so much, that really helps a lot! (I was really worried about it 😅) I just wanted to make sure since like you said you have to be truthful.
  5. Should it be something to worry about though? He never received any fines, paperwork or physical paper citations, I’m sure he was cited or something but nothing really happened after.
  6. My fiancé and I are planning on filing for a fiancé visa soon. My fiancé is Moroccan I’m the US citizen fiancé, but one of the things we’re unsure about is whether to put yes or no on the I-129f form, part 3, 4.a. My Moroccan fiancé during the pandemic was caught without a mask, he was arrested (they put handcuffs on him and took him to the police station) he says they took his information and his fingerprints, but he was never cited or anything, the police say they took him in because he wasn’t following the city ordinance to wear a mask. But lots of people were taken in for not wearing a mask, according to my fiancé. Should we still disclose it? And will this be a reason for rejection if we do disclose it? I'd like to also note that he has to get background checks whenever he gets a new job which he’s done on more than 1 occasion and his employers don’t say anything and his background check doesn’t show anything.
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