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Everything posted by kelly74

  1. I am finally able to write response again. Yes, I definitely get how US finds me dishonest and I respect that. I think my messages are a bit misunderstand, I NEVER expect them to give me a pass into their country easily or issue me any kind of visa easily. I am just asking what is possible and what is not. One of my sibling obtained green card by the green card lotter while the other found himself a sponsorship maybe 10 years ago. I know now people will ask me why didn't I found a sponsor, well my brother is 16 years older than me, he had way more experience than I did so it was easy for him. They did not have the chance to visit me before that's why I am a bit isolated. They have little kids that makes it hard for them to come and visit me. If I cannot enter US again, which is fine at some point they will just visit me. I can live without being able to enter US. I am not sure if I ever will be able to see my parents again since their passports are seized in my origin country. It takes time to make a fresh start in another country that's why I waited this long to make this post. I don't know why people are being so hard on me, it is not my fault that I was born in a third world country that's been dictated. It is very easy for people that were born in countries like UK, Canada, US, European Countries etc. to speak and tell me what to do. They had no dictatorship issues, "JuST dOn'T TweEt" so easy to say but I know people all go out to protest for BLM or Freedom of speech. Western people never had to be refugees so it is easy to speak. They never had any kind of fear to go to prison so they automatically think everyone else is lying when they say they have issues with their government. There are people literally risking their lives while trying to get out of their country on a boat rather than living there. Just think about it, a person goes into an ocean with a boat, they might just die but they prefer dying rather than living there, and people are insulting this person. It is not the topic but those countries include the countries that were invaded by western countries or colonized in the past. Nobody talks about that right? We do not have the right to live in your country no matter what, we all should die. I don't need anyone to validate me or believe me, I don't care at all. I explained my story just to be able to see if someone is actually going to tell me what are the possibilities in my situation but I have seen that people prefer to think that I am just an "asylum shopper". I say they prefer because when you do not give all the details, they call you out for it, if you give the details then they just don't believe and still call you out for it. Governments create this asylum program for people like me, so we do not get tortured by our own dictator governments and when we apply for asylum, we get insulted for it. People literally expect us to live under dictatorship and go to prison rather than moving to another country. If I did not make this post, most of you wouldn't even be aware that there is someone lives in Canada that went through all this. You wouldn't know because my situation has no impact on you, yet you still hate. If you met me in real life, you people wouldn't be able to talk or ask questions like that. I did not commit any crime, I did not hurt anyone, I did not be trouble for someone. I only broke a rule as a human once that was created by another human to protect myself. If you are going to hate me for it, go ahead but there is nothing you can do about it. I have proven that I am a good person, I had valid reasons and I will always be a good citizen so Canada granted me the citizenship. If you have any problems with it, you can tell them to shut down the asylum program. It's either racism or something hateful inside you. This will be my last comment ever on this hateful forum and Paula I am not calling you hateful though there are some others I call hateful because I have seen a messed up comment that was removed because I reported it. People prefer to tear down a person rather than helping because it is easier. Good luck.
  2. I don't know what you are talking about by jokes but I do not want to argue further on an unproductive matter. Thanks for your response.
  3. I thought the same but the thing made me confused is that I actually acquired my US visa on 2014 for 10 years, I went to US back and forth couple times for family and vacation purposes. I did not have any reasons to claim asylum until 2018, only then I went to Canada illegally to be able to claim asylum.
  4. I am currently a Canadian citizen and before getting my Canadian citizenship I applied for B1/B2 Visa with the Canadian Refugee travel document.
  5. I had a US visa before on my passport so I had an official legal entry to the US in 2018. Of course, it is not a right. That is not my concern. I do not require visa anymore since I am a Canadian citizen, I have no criminal offence or history. I am just curious if I will ever be able to enter US again using my Canadian passport.
  6. I am not sure what part you did not understand but I will try to describe more details. As soon as I reached the officer, he said "Why should I give a visa to person who crossed the border from US to Canada illegally?" I said, "I apologize but I had valid reasons to do so-" He immediately interrupted me with a smirk saying "Yes, you should be sorry because you will not be getting a visa" as I was shocked he said bunch of other stuff that I couldn't understand and threw my passport back at me in a way like he didn't even want to touch any document I possess. Then gave me this letter and that was it, he wanted me to leave the building asap. I did not mispresent any document, I was honest and I was thorough on my visa application. I did cross the border from US to Canada illegally but I didn't understand what part is fraud or misrepresentation of a document during the application. I did not try to hide or lie, I was applying for visa to be able to see my siblings as they reside in US. I don't remember him saying I am banned from US or something but the section 212(a)(6)(c)1 seems like I am. The part I did not understand is if I am eligible for a waiver application or not. Please tell me if you need more details.
  7. Hello, I applied for US visa couple years ago with the Canada Refugee Travel document. Officer insulted me for crossing the border even though I had the reasons to do so then gave me this letter. I have checked their website, there are so many things going on about section and I am a bit confused. Can someone please clear this out for me? Is there chance that I can waive this? Thank you
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