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Not my Name

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Everything posted by Not my Name

  1. To make a very long story short, about a year and a half ago, my wife was let through the US border from Canada, but was taken back and interrogated. They threaten tons of stuff, but ultimately gave her a voluntary return and told her to apply for a green card. **therefore, it's not a denial at the border, but rather a voluntary return. Since then, we applied for our I-130 on Oct 26, 2022, approved Nov 1, 2023, and DQ on Nov 28th, 2023. We are VERY anxiously waiting for this process to just hurry up and go through but was wondering if anyone had any experience with going through the process with a denial at the border or a voluntary return. From our understanding from lawyers, the internet, and the border officer, it does not have any bearing on the decision of whether to approve my wife.
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