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Everything posted by TheArtist

  1. Regardless not sure those works if that's how they do it in that country if it's legal there then the US or UK accepts it if it's considered civil in the country it was performed
  2. Noted and yes I don't plan on having them do it for me I just wanted to get placed on the right path with what I typed above and I will proceed on my own
  3. Thank you and Yea I will have to visit first I will worry about the marriage side on a second visit hopefully by the end of the year then I will do the petition after. I also have an appointment with an immigration lawyer next year but I think I'll just do the visit anyway for a more stronger evidence. Will also take as much pictures as I can with her and her parents that can be used as evidence down the line. Thank you!
  4. So hopefully it works for this person as well good luck out there Zed
  5. Thanks you 👍 I know the K1 won't work for me anyways but the CR-1 might
  6. Thank you and yes I was born in Sierra and our tribe is known to have arranged marriages. We are from the same tribe and practice th same religion.Her uncle who introduced us is man I have known since I was a child so he is more like family. I am planning to visit next month as well even if we don't tie the marriage maybe that can help that I have visited her at least. Now the red flag that most people here are stating is the short courtship but our tribe that is how we do it and we don't date at all as our marriages are arranged. The problem lies in explaining this as proof to immigration. I don't get much time off work so I want to this this in my travel next month if possible to marry. Our tribe in general and the Islamic law don't really do engagement. Not planning on going to marry and have kids but to just meet her. I also talk to her parents and it turns out they knew my mom a while back. I know I might have to do the CR-1 as we don't engage we just put dowry which counts as engagement but also doesn't as courtships are not long in our tradition. The reason I wanted to use this opportunity to go now is to avoid the proxy marriage and that I can be there to when we are getting our certificate. Most of our marriages in Sierra Leone are done by proxy as per culture I just chose to be there for mine. Now the proof and how to explain this to immigration is the issue because of the short courtship.
  7. Yea I know this is from Freetown sierra Leone. I know we are marrying early but you see we are both muslims and from the same tribe and we were introduced. So it's more like an arranged marriage but we really like eachother and gets along well.
  8. Hello All I made a topic earlier and got to choose which Visa Route to take. I did more research and I think these are the evidence below I can submit with the I -130 form. I am heading for us to meet and this will be the first time of me visiting her since we started talking which is last month. I have placed my kola and I am heading for us to tie the marriage but celebration will be coming later we are just registering our marriage then we do the ceremony some other time. Is it too soon to apply? not sure when I can visit to show another Itinerary because of work. But with these evidence do I stand a good chance? 1. Letter to immigration of how we met and how the relationship started 2. Money Sent to her for herself 3. Chat Logs 4. Affidavits from relatives/friends 5. Pictures of us together and with family 6. Evidence of me adding her to my life insurance policy(After heading back to the states) 7. Evidence of visit like plane ticket and Itineraries 8. Marriage Certificate
  9. Awesome Thank you guys one more questions so even if I do not go to sierra Leone for wedding but do the nikah I can always go another time to take pictures of me and her right since maybe the more recent the picture the better or do I have to be there
  10. Thank you I am reading about the process right now as we speak. One of the document is marriage Certificate to apply which I will be bringing with me to apply. Also Since I will be there it will be better. I have done a I have done a I 130 before the only difference was it was for my mother I have read through all what is needed once I have applied I will send her the form as well so she can have a copy of it to review. I will make sure to have get her passport photos, birth certificate, underfive card and passport ready. Thankfully she understands english so it will not be in krio.
  11. I truly appreciate the response I will head to sierra Leone and do this marriage and go for spouse visa and get the marriage certificate and come back to do the CR1 instead. Thank you for your advice.
  12. Thank you. She is not a first cousin I know her uncle ever since I was little and he introduced us. We are from the same Fula tribe and we practice the same religion and also we are 12 years apart. She will be 18 on the 15th and I will be 30 on the 11th of this month
  13. alright I appreciate the reply I will opt for that option. Because us being muslim it is weird to apply for a k1 visa because of tradition I appreciate the response thank you
  14. Hello all I am fula man from Freetown sierra Leone but now a naturalized US citizen. I recently placed Kola nuts for a girls hand in marriage which is considered more like an engagement. I am planning to do a visit this coming month as well. My question now is should I apply for a k1 visa and do a civil marriage here in the US or put the saddaqah and apply for a CR1 visa instead to avoid complications since Muslims are not considered a religion that engaged. We are both Muslims and also she is from the fula tribe too.
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