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Everything posted by Zongkeh

  1. I feel like by this screenshot I understand that one adoptive parent ( in case of a couple adopting a child) could satisfy the two years , it need not be both or necessarily he who is submitting the i130. please correct my understanding if it’s wrong. Thanks
  2. From Gabon. Thanks for your response . Yes I have doing lots of reading , I believe I read but struggle to interprete some.
  3. Yes we have held custody for over two years. I live with her and , my husband lives in the US. We did a joint custody of her. Yes
  4. Thank you for your response. It’s possible to adopt her in my country. I have resided with her for 3 years and my husband comes here from time to time. Shouldn’t we both be doing the adoption ? Can I alone not have met the physical custody requirement or must it be the couple, ? And yes , I was hoping on seeing every possible means she could be there while am there too. I will definitely look into delaying my interview. My only concern was if it was even possible to immigrate to the US given she is my sister. so are you suggesting I delay my interview , while my husband files for her so we move together ? Thank you
  5. Greetings good people, I am so glad to have this forum , I enjoy reading it and also love how everyone goes out of their way to find a solution to every worry. I have an issue and I really love to get some help. Three years ago I lost my mom , I am the oldest child and my youngest sister is 8. Is it possible for my husband(US Citizen) and I (awaiting CR1 interview ) to adopt her ? . I have only beeen able to have guardianship for her as of now but I don’t know if adopting a sibling is valid for US immigration. She is only 8 and I don’t have any where to leave her when am gone to the US, her dad is alive can’t care for her and willing to give her up. I am so worried please help . I have been living with her since our mom fell sick till her hour of death . Thank you
  6. Hi, thanks for your prompt response. I have gone through this reciprocity document stage to get the document, yet it’s been rejected , I don’t know if it’s the wrong document I have, I am just so confused right now. I don’t even know what NVC requires as Estonian criminal record . Should be apostilled? Translated only by Estonian sworn translator ? How should the document be ? Wet seal etc. thanks
  7. Hello good people,trust everyone is doing well. So I have been stuck at the NVC stage because of my police clearance certificate for Estonia where I resided for 9 months back in 2018-2019. I don’t know which and how exactly the police clearance certificate for immigration purposes should look like. All two I have uploaded before have been rejected. Please can anyone help me with the exact description of the document ? I could be doing the wrong thing unknowingly. nb: what I applied for was from karistusregister, states I am not registered in criminal record, and signed by karistusregister specialist. This too has been rejected , so right now I am stuck and need help on what to do and how to get the required document . Thanks
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