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  1. Like many other users who are filling out the I-129F, I’m feeling confused on the instruction to put “N/A” or “None” on any empty fields. After searching the VisaJourney forum to find previous posts on this topic, I’ve found that advice varies from thread to thread – with the latest advice seeming to be that any “whited out” field on the I-129F PDF while filling out the form can just be left blank: "My answer works every time it's tried. First, the instruction to enter N/A is an "artifact" from an earlier era. The form doesn't allow that anymore and hasn't for a while. There are fields the earlier answers render inoperative. Then, for example, there are fields where N/A cannot be entered. If asked to list all children, if there are NONE, just enter NONE one time and leave all the rest of the children fields blank. If there's one child, enter NONE in the second child's name filed and move on. Yes, this is absolutely acceptable." For the other fields – should “N/A” or “None” still be included? Or if we leave the whited-out fields blank, can we leave other not relevant fields blank as well to maintain consistency (for example, leaving the interpreter fields blank if none was used)? To add to the confusion, I’ve seen advice here to not add “N/A” or “None” to name fields and to cross it off instead (for example, if there is no middle name). Is there a consistent rule for when “N/A," “None," or crossing out the field is necessary, and when a field can just be left blank? Thanks in advance for any help!
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