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Everything posted by Help.please

  1. does date of separation matter? if it is before the greencard was approved?
  2. can you please elaborate how you think it might complicate my case more if I apply a few months late?
  3. sorry for the confusion, I meant one attorney said you should be filing after 5 years and 5 months (extra 5 months to cover for half the time I was out i.e 10 months) she said this might show them i have covered the extra time but doesn't know if it will make a difference and I might still be denied. As I don't have a life here, not employment, not paying rent. others have suggested I am eligible and I shouldn't worry about the trips as they are less than 6 months. Also mentioned the CBP flagging me won't affect citizenship, it is for travel the next time I come back. They also say unemployment and not paying rent doesn't matter. Can you please tell me what your suggestion is? should i file now in 4 years 9 months?
  4. I have a sick parent and what to travel but was advised by the CBP officer not to leave or they won't allow be back, unless I have a re entry permit. one attorney told me I should wait a few months, after my greencard 5 year anniversary and then apply. Another attorney insisted, that I am eligible and they stays outside are less than 6 months and should not be a problem. He also said I have been here 1.5 months after my last trip so should be okay. He said some cases are getting approved in 4 months, som I wont even need a re entry permit. I was not told by either attorney that they can take away my greencard I am really confused on both opinions and have no idea which option will be better for me.
  5. i am in the same situation, if you are still around, can you share how yours turned out?
  6. I have had my greencard for 4 years and 9 months. I have 2 long trips in these years, both being 5 months and a few days (both are less then 6 months) between trips however I have only been in US for 5 months and 26 days. So the first trip of 5 months and 4 days was delayed because of covid. I came in US for 5 months and 25 days and travelled for my second trip for 5 months and 10 days. At the airport I was told they think I was abandoning my green card and I am getting flagged b the system and shouldn't leave again for atleast a year. It has been 1.5 years that I have not travelled since my last trip. I have only worked for 1 year in these 5 years in US. Live with friends, I don't pay them rent. I have been studying for some exams (not an enrolled student here though) and was not employed during those visits to my home country. I am also divorced, so no ties to US. I also took unemployment assistance during covid. Have I disrupted my continuous residence? I have the following to prove I was not trying to abandon my greencard: -my bank accounts that were active during those times (not linked to any bills) -my medical insurance (on medicaid) -I can get a letter from my friends I live with mentioning I had access to this whenever I was to return to this house. Please suggest what letter should state if possible -I had no employment in my home country but how can I bring evidence of it? -my travel tickets. Please suggest what I can do to help my case, and what happens if they deny my n400? Does it affect my greencard? or can that be taken too?
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