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Posts posted by ZansGirl

  1. I'm on the boat almost every week so shoot me a pm next time you go if you want some company :)

    have you ever been seriously grilled when going across?? My problem is that my ALL my utilities (hydro, cable internet, even my phone) is included in my rent...and the only bills i have are a cell phone and visa. I am planning on changing jobs in the near future (due to incredible stress) so having a letter from my employer is gonna be extreamely difficult.

    So my question is...what proof do i take with me?? I have Rent receipts, Car insurance payments.......and both my kids live in Canada.


    (someone please respond!!! I am beginning to think i am an Elite ThreadKiller!!)

  2. "...... playing world of warcraft ... then we spent three months figuring out whether we should meet for real or not ... I have to say it helped realizing he lived only a few hours a way. I live in Victoria "

    WOW~~~ That is how Zan and I met and I live in Victoria (off Mackenzie) and Zan lives outside Tacoma (Graham)*breaks into sappy version of "It's a Small World"*

    We have been trying to see each other at least every other weekend, but with his scheduale ( he is a Corrections Officer) and mine (Retail Store Manager), things do not always go our way. We have discussed the variables and I think have decided that the K-! is the way to go. We have not yet begun the process yet and probably won't for a few more months :( , but I think we both have realized what a journey this is going to be for both of us. We have both had spouses who chose Adultery over Monogamy and both have been burned by it...but Zan has had longer to heal. I have never felt this safe and protected by anyone in my entire life as I do with Zan, so there is no fear that this marriage will fail, but I do have family and friends I am dealing with who all think I am RUSHING into things. I know they mean well, but they were not in my marriage. For now I am willing to bide my time and when that day finally arrives, I know all this waiting and distance will be a memory!


    ps...if you ever need to share the ferry ride give me a shout!!!!

  3. I was talking with someone about this a few weeks ago (not spouse or me doing it). Tell me what ya' think.

    Coming from someone who suffered because of this..( ex and 'associate' began what he claimed as a harmless relationship..fast forward to two years later and my marriage ended because of his infidelity) I would have to say.....

    one one hand...not good..flirting with danger there..unless...both partners are fully aware of the chatting and one does not hide info, messages or anything from the other......

    I met my Fiance on line so we all know how fast that can turn into a relationship...just be carefull and really use good judgement


  4. the Stepmother......I hae no idea, but damn.....I can bawl till I can't breath through my nose and then i start snorting..so not attractive!!

    hmmm...maybe i need to re-think my choice of movies!!!


  5. no no no..I got it...I was ...umm...just testing to see..uhh....yea..to see if YOU all got it!! YEA!! that's it..i was testing you guys!!! HA!!!

    I'm sorry, but the only tests allowed here are the ones that we give to the honourary Canucks. Oh wait. You're the Canadian.

    Never mind. :P

    LOL...i mis-read this and thought you said " HORNY Canucks!" LOL..and yea....that fits as well!!!!


  6. My advice on the Canadian forum: The untrustworthy people all have some type of animal in their avatar!!! Cats and mice come to mind!!! lol

    am gonna ask a real dumb question but..............why???

    And to think she showed such promise. :lol:

    no no no..I got it...I was ...umm...just testing to see..uhh....yea..to see if YOU all got it!! YEA!! that's it..i was testing you guys!!! HA!!!

    :lol: That's your story and you're sticking to it. :lol:

    yup yup it is!!!

  7. My advice on the Canadian forum: The untrustworthy people all have some type of animal in their avatar!!! Cats and mice come to mind!!! lol

    am gonna ask a real dumb question but..............why???

    And to think she showed such promise. :lol:

    no no no..I got it...I was ...umm...just testing to see..uhh....yea..to see if YOU all got it!! YEA!! that's it..i was testing you guys!!! HA!!!

  8. Zan and I met playing World of Warcraft in april of 2007. I was wondering who else met online playing online games and such! And what was the reaction when you told people?

    Most of my friends had the same first reaction ( Is he a geek???) LOL!! To clarify, no..he is not a geek, he is a Corrections Officer!! Then the second question was " What the hell is Wow???" ROFLMAO|!!!


  9. ok...i have been trying since I joined to update Avatar and personal pic and sig and all that fun stuff..WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa

    keeps telling me there is an error...can some nice person insert the hows and whyfors into my hurting little brain????? (and don't tell Zan cause he thinks I'm smart!! ROFLMAO!!)


  10. Oh yeah, I forgot the passport pics - they were around the $70-80 dollar mark all up.

    holy #######!! Amazing...We (Zan and I) started into this with the attitude, "a couple hundred buck and a few months and all will be good!"

    ummmmmmmmmmmm.........yea.....not so much huh!!!!

    Good thing we both feel each other is worth so much more than that.........sigh...

  11. My fiance and I want to live together ASAP. I plan on moving down there in May of this year. I know I can visit the USA for up to six months. While i am down there, and once my divorce is finalized here in Canada, can i apply for the K-1 Visa? And once i apply am i allowed to stay down there for the time being until it is processed?

    Can someone clarify this???

    CAN you live in the US while you are waiting for the K-1 (and i assume the K-1 is the same as the I-129f???)

    That was the plan Zan and I amde, but all information we got was NO!!! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MOVE TO THE US UNTIL AFTER THE VISA IS GRANTED...

    so...please...could someone clarify this.....



  12. Hi there..My name is Tangie and I live in Victoria and my fiance is in Tacoma. Question here...once we start this process, how difficult is it going to be crossing the boarder to visist him? We have it down to a science now so that we do not usually go longer than two weeks without seeing one another, and if that was taken away I would be crushed. Anyone have info on this??? Thanks..

    LOL...it is almost to the point that the Customs guys recognize me and my car as we cross!!!! LOL

  13. thanks for the responses!!!

    another question...for those living in Canada, how hard is it to keep crossing the boarder to visit while all this waiting is going on?? We usually use the Blackball Ferry from Victoria to Port Angeles. I think what scares me the most is doing or making a stupid mistake that could cost us months more in waiting!!


  14. Hi there... I am Tangie and my fiance and I are REALLY newbies at this..in fact..we have yet to applied for the K1. I do have a few questions regarding forms and such.

    1) I have not yet received my Canadian Passport. Do I need this in hand before filing??

    2)I am recently divorced, and I know I need my Divorce papers, but do I need the original Marriage Certificate as well?

    and finally...silly question #3 How detailed do you have to be answering the question describing how you met???

    Thanks in advance and I am sure this site is going to become my constant companion!!!!


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