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Everything posted by Bluejay999

  1. Hi there. Will be taking this same route under job relocation. What did you put in the box as your explanation if you don’t mind sharing? I’ve read ppl commenting to keep it brief. But idk if more detail is better @Tyrant150
  2. Thanks so much for the response. Helpful! Do you have any tips for what to explain in the box when you’re first submitting the request to do DCF? Should I go into much detail as possible as to who I need to take with me etc? Or do I just simply say it’s for me to relocate for a job. I’ve read other comments of people saying to keep it short. It’s my partner who will be the beneficiary and our daughter already has a US passport. Also, please keep us updated of the rest of your journey. I read your interview is soon. Almost finished!
  3. Hi there. Just reading through your thread…it’s super helpful. Just curious of a couple things since I’m planning to file through embassy with dcf due to job relocation as well. Was it just the job offer letter your wife submitted as evidence? I have one, but wondering if they will need anything else/further proof from my employer? also wondering about the time gap between receiving the letter on 24 august and having your medical exam 9 Oct. Did they give you that date? Or you were able to choose? And were you able to travel no problem while all of this was in the works? Is there a point where you’re unable to travel during the process? thanks.
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