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Posts posted by ChelseaW

  1. Hey all,


    I've read through this thread and would like to ask another I-864 related question.


    We are currently preparing for the NVC stage after submitting our I-130 Standalone/Consular filing.


    Once we get to NVC, it's DS-260 and I-864 from what I gathered... but... which I-864?

    I am confused about the different forms at this stage: I-864, I-864EZ, I-864A.


    Situation: Sponsor is active military US Citizen currently living in the US filing for beneficiary abroad.


    I-864EZ states:

    You may use Form I-864EZ if ALL the following conditions apply:
    1. You are the person who filed or is filing Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative, for a relative being sponsored;  <<< That would be my husband (petitioner) filling out the I-864 and he filed the I-130, so I guess MET?
    2. The relative you are sponsoring is the only person listed on Form I-130; and <<< I am the only beneficiary on I-130, no children or stepchildren
    3. The income you are using to qualify is based entirely on your salary or pension and is shown on one or more Internal
    Revenue Service (IRS) Form W-2s provided by your employers or former employer <<< means if we supply the past 3 IRS tax returns or tax transcripts and are over poverty line, we are fine?



    ... so, do we file I-864EZ? Or is there any downside and we should just go with I-864?

  2. Congratulations!!! 🙂

    Wann gehst du rüber? 


    Erzähl gern mal im Detail, wenn du Zeit hast. Würde mich interessieren, wie es ablief, steht mir ja auch noch bevor.. 


    Kann man die Immigrant Visa Termine in Frankfurt, wie eben IR1/CR1 eigentlich verschieben? Oder wartet man dann ewig? 

    Hab gelesen, die werden einem ja zugeteilt. Bin Ende des Jahres längere Zeit im Urlaub. Nicht, dass man planen könnte wann man in welcher Stage approved wird, aber der Teufel ist bekanntlich ein Eichhörnchen.. 

  3. Einen guten Rutsch ebenfalls! 


    Ja, das Warten macht mürbe. 

    Bei mir ist es nicht mal das permanente Checken des Status oder von Websites (ich freunde mich langsam damit an, dass für das I-130 allein ja quasi alles zwischen 3-16 Monaten drin ist, und das ist ja nur Schritt 1).. Es ist eher die Planung des Lebens hier. 

    Was mache ich jobtechnisch, schaue ich nochmal nach Weiterentwicklung, bleibe ich wo ich bin? Was kaufe ich noch (Haushalt muss dann ja eh wieder verkauft werden) und so Sachen... Weil du halt keine Ahnung hast, wie lange es wirklich dauern wird. Man fühlt sich ein wenig zwischen 2 Welten und keiner so richtig zugehörig. 


    Schauen wir mal. Ich hatte zwar noch keine Greencard oder 28 Jahre Ehe, habe aber die Hoffnung noch nicht ganz aufgegeben, dass entweder das gleichzeitige filen für K3 oder der Active Military Status meines Mannes was hilft. Auch wenn er derzeit nicht deployed ist. Man steckt ja nicht drin. 

  4. Grüße in die Runde! 

    Melde mich auch mal wieder und wünsche guten Rutsch, war über Weihnachten meinen Mann in Amerika besuchen und man kommt wieder mit gemischten Gefühlen zurück nach Deutschland.. 😒 Schon hart, immer wieder Tschüss sagen zu müssen. Bzw. hier ein Leben "normal" weiterzuführen wenn man eigentlich mental schon halb drüben ist.


    Wir haben Ende November unser I-130 gefiled, online. 

    I-129 gleich hinterher fürs K3, da ich gelesen hatte es schadet ja nix, und bei manchen hat es wohl doch geholfen.

    Getreu dem Motto "Versuch macht klug"... Schauen wir mal.. 

    NOA1 für beide kam fix, unten links steht Vermont, das wäre dann unser Service Center? 


    @LucindaLou deine Timeline macht mir echt Hoffnung. Wenn man fragen darf: was glaubst du warum es bei euch so fix ging? Ihr seid ja schon ewig verheiratet und daher wohl ein klarer Fall für USCIS, aber die meisten schaffen es in der Spanne ja nicht mal zum Active Review. 


    Ich knabbere jetzt echt mit der Warterei. Bin sowieso nicht die geduldigste und versuche mich damit anzufreunden, dass es wohl auf die üblich prognostizierten 11 Monate hinauslaufen wird.



  5. Danke euch! 

    Das macht mir ja glatt Hoffnungen. Auch wenn ich versuche, eher realistisch zu bleiben... Man liest ja dass sich der Status bzw. die Time online alle Tage ändert. Auf den emotionalen Stress kann ich verzichten. 

    Schauen wir mal, wir werden das I-130 in den nächsten Wochen abschicken, arbeiten noch an ein wenig Evidence. 


    Er ist Active Military in den USA und ich habe Base Zugang. Ob das am I130 was ändert, dazu liest man online nichts. Vermutlich aus gutem Grund....


    Wie habt ihr das mit bonafide Marriage Evidence gemacht? Klar wir haben Fotos, Chat- und Anruflogs, Reisen etc.. Aber Bank/Apartment Lease und Verträge in gemeinsamem Namen gestaltet sich ja schwierig, wenn man eben noch nicht zusammenwohnt. Dafür machen wir den ganzen Spaß ja 😅

  6. Hallo in die Runde 🙂


    Bin recht neu!

    Planen ein I-130, und dann geht's zum Ehemann nach Virginia. Großraum DC. 


    Habt ihr Tipps? Aktuell stressen mich die Processing Times etwas. Ich bin schon ziemlich down, wenn das wirklich 12+ Monate dauern sollte..aber das kennen sicher einige hier, die auch Fernbeziehung dulden mussten.. 

    habe insgeheim etwas Hoffnung, dass die Kombi US Bürger (Military, aber nicht abroad) und EU/Deutschland evtl. doch etwas flotter geht. 

    Was sind eure Erfahrungen mit dem i-130 und dann Frankfurt? 

  7. Okay, you guys have been really helpful so far. I did some more reading and encountered one more question.. since the search function did not really help me, or was more about the "Adjustment of Status" cases from within the US, which is not what would the case here:


    ..If you file I-130 with beneficiary still living abroad, when does the sponsor file I-864? Is this required at the "consulate stage" of the process, or should it be filed concurrently with I-130 ..? I can't seem to find too much info, most is in regard to AOS, which is a different process.

  8. Hey, thank you for the answers.

    Conveniently enough I know the one closest to me is also the one processing immigrant visa. They are not backlogged horribly either, at least from what I heard from other people's experience.


    So it's the USCIS stage that I think will take longest.

    Does anyone know if active military status plays a role in processing times (apart from the military stationed abroad I mean, I know they can file differently and get expedited processing in many cases)


  9. On 9/25/2023 at 9:38 PM, pushbrk said:

    Be sure to answer the question about where the beneficiary will adjust status, as NOT APPLICABLE and enter the Consulate location as the answer to the next question.

    Seen this and will do. I read the Consulate we can choose, which means we don't necessarily get it, but it's worth a try, so obviously I'll pick the closest one to me, in my home country. They are processing immigrant visa there.



    On 9/25/2023 at 9:40 PM, Minkybear said:



    My husband and I did this, we were approved at the UCSIS stage in July. Just posting our experience: we actually filed the form while I was still visiting and present in the US on my ESTA, and I left a couple of weeks after that. We answered 46a. with WT as that is what was written in my passport, we left 46b. blank (as we didn't know where to get the I-94 information from), and then we answered 46c with my date of entry, and 46d with the end date of the ESTA visit that was stamped in my passport. We had no issues with giving these answers and were approved without an RFE. We also uploaded unsolicited evidence after filing with my boarding pass to show I had returned, and my husband's boarding passes from when he visited me in the UK a few months later and for our honeymoon together (I don't know if this helped, but we wanted to prove that I had returned before my ESTA had run out).

    That's good news! I know where to get the I-94 from, online, so I think that will be fine and we will submit the boarding pass later on, then, too, but I mean, they can see it in your I-95 history as well, which I'm sure they are checking..


    May I ask how long it took you, since it seems comparable (US citizen living in the US filing for a European living abroad ?)

  10. Thanks, you all for the helpful replies!


    19 hours ago, pushbrk said:

    Your plan is good.  Note the instruction that appears between 45 and 46a.  If the beneficiary has already left the USA, you do not answer those questions, but you pick it up at 47.

    So assuming you'd be around, fill out I-130 together after the wedding, you'd truthfully answer questions 46a - d, and you could just state in the additional information section that the beneficiary was visiting on a visa waiver and will leave country on mm/dd/yyyy to return to their job and current residence? USCIS would see later on when reviewing that said beneficiary has left like stated. Makes no sense to stick around and commit fraud if you have a life/job/apartment/responsibilities somewhere else, right? Or are there any other things to be mindful of here ?

  11. Hi all,


    I have a theoretical question regarding CR1 Process and K1 Process, and regarding CR1 the I-130, Question 45 following.


    Theoretical Question regarding foreign national currently living abroad and thinking about future with US citizen, living in the US:

    I heard the K1 visa takes quite a while until you get employment authorization etc. afterwards. The CR1 however takes also a while, but once you enter the US, you can work etc. right away.

    To my knowledge it is possible to use a visa waiver like ESTA, to go to the US and get married. I know it is not recommended to just stay in the US and file for adjustment of status.


    What if you travel to US to get married to an US citizen, on visa waiver, leave the country to go back to your country/job/etc, but file I-130 together before leaving? 

    Would you answer Form I-130 questions 46 following with "class of admission" "WT" and just copy the info from the I-94? Technically, you entered the country under visa waiver, got married, and would not overstay but return to your country.

    Is this acceptable or are there any concerns with this, as it seems to be the most efficient way if both parties want to keep working etc. until paperwork is done ?


    Thank you all,


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