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Posts posted by Rocketta

  1. All very good questions. I know when I was in Jordan, I took a back seat and let my husband do all the talking but I know that when he gets to the US it will be reversed. I just wonder how he will handle it. Only time it became a problem for me was when I got mad because he wouldn't tell me what the shop keepers were telling him the prices were. :lol:

  2. If you would like to pm me I will give you my husbands email so that your husband can email my husband. My husband speaks arabic and came from Jordan, I am certain that he would be more than happy to help your husband out.

    Thanks, I just don't know if my husband would ask for help from anyone but me. :lol:

    Thanks everyone. I know I have places to go if I have specific questions.

  3. i can speak arabic if you need.

    but im also a woman so i dont know.

    Thanks.... but what do you mean you are a woman? :unsure:

    Sarah is probably alluding to the fact it may not be appropriate for her to speak to your husband from either her, her husband's, your husband's or your POVs :)

    Oh I see... well I can only speak for myself and it wouldn't bother me one bit. As far as I'm concerned my husband needs to get use to any and everyone talking to him if he's going to live in the US. ;)

  4. well I do not have a problem with people who want a better life. I do have a problem with one group benefiting from illegal immigration because they are the closest to the US over others. I think they should definitely relax the immigration standards and let more people in not more mexican, central & south americans or Canadians but more people around the world. There are millions of people all over the third world who would love to come to the US. I want them to have just as much chance as anyone and right now they don't.

    What I hate is how big business uses illegal immigrants to keep wages low. Don't let anyone fool you, having many illegal immigrants doing a job reduces wages for labor and basic benefits the average worker receives.

    I don't think illegal immigrants should be jailed or anything but I Do think people who hire illegal immigrants, and people who house illegal immigrants knowingly should be charged.

  5. Do MENA ppl keep birds as pets? I think some very orthodox Hindus do not believe in keeping dogs and cats in the house(maybe because they need to eat meat?) but I saw a lot of pet parrots in Nepal and India. My sweet Senegal parrot Lani Girl died in October '06 and I miss having a parrot in the house so much - she was my baby... :cry: Govi loves all animals as well and we have talked about getting another parrot - I have held off on getting another one because I want to get a bird that gets along with both of us.

    My hubby wants Doves. He says his dad use to raise them. :)

  6. I looked around, so long as you don't have any hits with your husband's name, if he does refugee he can get all the security checks done within two to three months of his first interview for refugee processing.



    It is all up to you.

    I wonder if he has already gone through these checks as he's registered already with the UN about refugee status before I met him?

  7. Rocketta, good luck on telling the MENA how he going to have to live with pet and so on in his own home..let us know how this oppositional defiant stance works for y ou in the long rung......

    Oh it will work out one of two ways. We will live happily with my cats or he will live happily without me and my cats. That's not negotiable. I don't worry about dealing with a MENA man. He has to worry about dealing with an AA me. :whistle:

  8. I suspect that my husband wouldn't want any pets in the house but he has no choice. I currently have 3 cats in the house and a spoiled brat of a dog in the house. I live with my mom and when I move she won't let me take the dog and the youngest cat but the other two are mine. There will be no discussion about whether they can come live with us. My cats are 17 and 14. I've known them much longer than him. They stay.. He says he understands but we'll see. Oh he also knows my dog Venus is going to try to tear him a new one when she meets him. She doesn't like males. :D

  9. I'm of the opinion that racism has gone from completely to overt to mainly covert. Oh it exists but in forms that are harder to pin down and get people to believe it was racism. Which leads others to invalidate the opinion that racism still exists which just causes more of a rift between communities.

    I'm married to an Iraqi and it's been an issue in my family. He says it's not an issue in his but I don't know that because they are stuck in Iraq and I haven't met them.

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