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Everything posted by chardabra

  1. Thank you, there's a lot here that I did not know. We'll mull this over and see what we decide to do. Thank you!
  2. A couple of reasons, but essentially due to circumstances it's more feasible for us to get married further down the line (i.e., in the US), than right now before starting this process. Is the process for obtaining a CR-1 spousal visa "easier" than the K-1?
  3. Thank you for all this info, clears some things up! Re: the I-864, would you happen to know if I need a joint or co-sponsor even if I meet the financial requirements (as I believe I will do that), because I don't live in the US?
  4. Thank you for your answer, I'll make sure to get in contact with my local embassy (Stockholm, Sweden).
  5. Hi, I'll just get straight into my question: I'm a US citizen currently living abroad, and I want to move back to the US with my non-citizen fiancé. She will thus be applying for a K-1 visa. But since I currently do not live in the states, can a relative/friend that does live in the US be the "sponsor"? E.g. this page that describes the process assumes that I, the US citizen, am living in the US, which doesn't help me really: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel … e-k-1.html Appreciate if anyone has any informative links on the topic as I haven't been able to find any info re this.
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